🟣 [Master Discussion] -- Master Cleric Trials - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

Damn, this quest made me realize that my clerics rooster is so weak and that i have +3k unused cleric emblems! Time to level Mother North!


So my plan is to charge hulda then set off dawn twice and then make it a tile game. Boring, but i hope effective.


Cba my Clerics are too weak to handle last stage so Boril and 1-2 titanium shields does the job.
Tickets next time or titanium shield doesn’t matter.

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Seems like all my worst classes are the first to pop up in these new trials :rofl:
Another long grind, no having any really good offensive cleric. Had to go with vanilla Vivica, C.Skittle, Malicna (still half emblemed), Mist and c.Merlin.
Was tempted to put Dawn in, but i opted for more attack power and rely on my deep stack of timestops instead. Using three of them and firing Merlin well timed kept bosses specials shut. The rest was just boring tile matching.
Third week in a row that those master emblem will stay unused were they are because of lack of a very worthy hero to use them on.


I did the first two stages with Rigard - Mist - toon Elkanen - Hansel - c2 Gormek. I beat the second stage went (with just minor mana used), but lost Mist and Hansel to consecutive boss hits. For the last stage, I switched to Dawn and c2 Boldtusk in the last two slots. (I was able to give Dawn a level 23 blue legendary troop, but not the matching class.) I wanted more attack power (c2 Boldtusk), and I thought I would try Dawn. It worked, but I needed some items - I used a couple of time stops, some mana, and a couple of tornadoes (for the mana to the team). Rigard was eventually not necessary because of the small overheal from c2 Boldtusk. Dawn can really mana cut the bosses down when she gets 9 owls up - but one slash attack can make 3 owls disappear. It will be an interesting little challenge for much later to see if I can win without high level items - I likely will need better clerics! :laughing:


Took this …

Nice board going in boss stage.

Missed it :confused:

Emblems in storage

Good luck to all :green_heart:


trial completed with this team: Mist, Hansel, WhiteSnow, Jasper and Anna-Belle, although it seemed to me that WhiteSnow’s special attack was limited (intentionally?)… last level completed with minor mana potion, Time-stop, Bombs and dragon attacks, a lot of patience and correct timing in applying damage and dispel, and maniacal care for Hansel’s special.
In this way a certainly very ‘vanilla’ team earned all the emblems up for grabs!


Let’s do something fun and try these Cleric Trials without healers (and healing items) :joy:

Preparing my team. No lodge items.

Entering boss wave. Not bad, almost full HP.

First boss…

Second boss…

And third…

Bonus: all heroes are alive :joy:


I was sure I can’t complete it as all of the heroes I have in cleric are healers, except Hansel. But I was able to clear all 3 with the help of kettle at 1-1 and mother North reviving him. Kettle gave a defence shield which helped and when he died mother North revived him.

I am happy for the regular emblems atleast, 100+ emblems at single shot is good.


Completed with this team

Hopefully toon Elkanen would be ready before the next trial.


Clerics are my weakest color but it went way more easier than i could ever expect. I thought i’m gonna need a lot of battle items but in the end it only took me like 5-6 mini mana. My team was terrible but overheal was great.

Everything else will be peace of cake, if this team had no problrms at all :sweat_smile:


You are magician. Still have no idea how it can be done without any heal :sweat_smile:


My crew:

  • Hetepheres 4^85+19
  • Mist 4^75+19
  • C1 Skittles+20
  • Hansel 4^75+19
  • Rhys 4^85+19

Overhealed they crap out of my team, plus attack down and blind so they hopefully wouldn’t need it. Worked for a while, but Skittles is too slow and couldn’t keep her ailment going. Hansel was the MVP, keeping specials in check. No items used. Hetepheres goes to +21, as she’s on my D team.

This should be my worst trial team, except maybe rogues, where healing will be an issue outside Brynhild.


It truly amazed me of how small my cleric roster was. Especially with the lack of hitters.

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I was wondering about bringing Grimble, but since I have him def/HP for minion removal, the damge is pretty close to zero, so I skipped him.

I used Mist-White Rabbit-C2Gormek, got no other hitters, so I chose Queen Anne for the mana boost to make the hitters hit more often and any 1 of a million healers. I used Hawthorne for another mana boost. So I did a whole bucketload of really weak hits haha, took a while but got done in the end.


My beloved Gestalt… Only WR managed to shoot once before I killed him :slight_smile:


I played around with a strange team a bit, but it cost me 10 small mana potions and 3 medium ones…


Used 3 tickets to do this one too. Easy


Here’s what i rolled with


I changed a bit from last time and switched out Rigard for Hansel. I went with this team:

I also did not have the green legendary troop last time - that helped Hansel a lot.

I hoped c2 Boldtusk’s overheal and all the mana control would be enough - and it was! No items used, although it was slow. I took some time to build up overheal and Dawn’s owls. (Although, the mobs kept hitting Hansel and I gave up - he had no owls going in to the boss wave.) The bosses never fired - I had so much mana control. :smile: Only Mist had low health - and just at the very end.

I thought about trying costume Azmia next time for more overheal and counterattack (she isn’t done yet), but I’m not sure who I would take out. I might try her in place of Dawn just to see if the counterattack damage will speed things up.