🟣 [Master Discussion] -- Master Paladin Trials - Guide, Sharing & Discussion


It’s time for Master Paladin Trials !

Ending dialog

This class trial starts on a Fridays at 07:00am UTC. It recurs every 70 days.

Restricted Classes

:world_map: Quest Guide

Credit to @Zartanis

Guide by @birksg

Legendary, Epic and Rare Paladin heroes

Collected by and credits to @Oxide

Legendary Paladins
Hero Element Costume
Abigail Fire Investigative Journalist
Adalinda Ice Princess of the Hunt
Aegir Ice Frozen Highlander
Alfrike Dark Hatter of Svartalfheim
Ares Fire Deity of War
Atomos Nature Guardian of the Reef
Azlar Fire King of the Leors
Chomper Fire Hamster Brawler Champion
Cinnamon Ice Knight of the Arctic Circle
Clarissa Dark Brash Channeler
Cleopatra Holy Feline Pharaoh
D’Artagnan Fire Ardent Musketeer
Delilah Holy Guardian of the Celestial Temple
Dr. Moreau Dark Devious Scientist
Dubhán Dark The Storm God’s Chosen
Edwin Nature Cunning Butler
Elba Fire Stalwart Protector of Love
Elena Fire Captain of the Wicked
Elkanen Nature Moonlit King
Enigmo Nature Summoning Conundrum
Eset Holy Lady of Ten Thousand Names
Firmin Richard Ice Upstart Patron
Frida Ice Arctic Menace
Fungustine Nature Rejuvenating Forest Slime
Garjammal Nature Morlock Kite Master
Gravemaker Fire Burning Avenger
Grimsteel Ice Hermit of the Frozen Mountain
Guan Yu Nature Valiant General
Guardian Panther Dark Fierce Panther
Guinevere Holy Dragonrider of Avalon
Heimdall Nature Vigilant Watchman
Hulda Dark Head Nurse
Isrod Fire Doomed Jarl
Justice Holy Ancient of Stone
Justice Holy Toon Ancient
Kageburado Dark Beetle Samurai
Kara Holy Hallowed Defender
King Arthur Ice King of Avalon
Kushanku Holy The Fist of Deception
Leafwhisk Nature Enchanter of Beasts
Livia Holy Head Priestess of Owl Tower
Ludwig Dark Defender of the Castle
Lughaidh Nature King of the Depths
Ma’at Nature Lady of the Iteru
Meg Giry Dark Starlet Ballerina
Melancholia Dark Acolyte of the Old Ones
Mica Holy Ninja of Silent Screams
Nemesis Holy Goddess of Divine Retribution
Oceanus Fire Titan of the Sea
Odette Ice The White Swan
Odin Holy Wise All-Father
Perseus Ice Son of Zeus
Phorcys Dark Warrior God of the Depths
Queen of Hearts Fire Monarch of Wonderland
Richard Ice Hammer of Justice
Richard Ice Hammer of Toon Power
Salmon Loki Dark Dapper Fish
Satori Ice Sumo Champion
Scath Dark Void Tank Construct
Scrollbeast Holy Retired Boar Rider
Sir Roostley Holy Mighty Knight of Springvale
Skadi Ice Guardian of Jotunheim
Staintongue Nature Relentless Hunter
Tarlak Nature Prince of the Lu?au
Telluria Nature Forest God
Tetisheri Fire Mummy Queen
Thor Holy Conduit of Thunder
Thorne Ice Wielder of Frostmorrow
Voidstar Dark Astral Elf Great Knight
Winnie Holy Ursine Armorer
Xiong Shanjun Dark Bear Mountain Lord
Yunan Nature King of Lifeguards
Zandria Holy Defender of Space-Time
Zimkitha Fire Long-Lost Adventurer
Zora Holy Knight of the Rose
Zulag Dark The Valiant
Epic Paladins
Hero Element Costume
Aqualith Ice Elemental Hoplite
Bogart Holy Marsh Hunter
Boril Ice Heavyweight Defender
Caedmon Nature Elven Cavalier
Captain of Diamonds Ice Knave of Wonderland
Colen Fire Fiery Bounty Hunter
Cyprian Dark Deathbound Lord
Cyprian Dark Deathbound Toon
D’Andre Holy Sure-Handed Juggler
Franz Nature Protector of the Castle
Gadeirus Nature Atlantean Sentinel
Gobbler Nature World Heavyweight Champion
Goldie Holy Goblin Beauty
Guardian Falcon Fire Priest of Teltoc
Hu Tao Holy Bark of Bamboo
Itham Fire Elf Swimming School Instructor
Jack O’Hare Nature Egg Hunter of Springvale
Knuckles Ice Macaque Sentinel
Mielikki Nature Protector of the Bears
Shar’Khai Dark Great Betrayer
Sonya Ice Willful Champion
Tiburtus Dark Duke of Rock
Wu Kong Holy Monkey Ronin
Rare Paladins
Hero Element Costume
By-Ulf Nature Cursed Viking Brawler
Chick Jr. Ice Squire of Springvale
Dolrak Holy Overly Tanned Dwarf
Edelaide Holy Nomad of the Wild
Ei-Dunn Fire Cursed Viking Battler
Gunnar Ice Protector Knight
Helo Ice Eloi Baker
Jolly Holy Gnome Lumberjack
Kvasir Holy Bee Captain of Alfheim
Li Fire Wu Footsoldier
Mnesseus Nature Lieutenant of Atlantis
Morris Dark Moleman Potter
Prisca Dark Resolute Warden
Prisca Dark Resolute Toon
Soroca Ice Furious Gargoyle
Swan Maiden Ice One of the Little Swans
Tyrum Dark Solemn Remnant
Vodnik Ice Fisherman of Corellia
Vollermork Fire Morlock Hoarder
Waqas Fire Pharaoh’s Shield
Zarel Nature Bard of Lore

:grey_question: Standard Questions for All Trials

  • Did your team change notably since last time?
  • Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
  • Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
  • What items did you use, if any?
  • What are you doing with your shiny new Master Emblems?
  • Anything else interesting to share?

:link: Related Threads

Other Master Class Trials Discussion Threads


Legendary / Epic / Rare Paladins (Base or Costume)

Legendary Paladins
Hero Element Costume
Abigail Fire Investigative Journalist
Adalinda Ice Princess of the Hunt
Aegir Ice Frozen Highlander
Alfrike Dark Hatter of Svartalfheim
Ares Fire Deity of War
Atomos Nature Guardian of the Reef
Azlar Fire King of the Leors
Chomper Fire Hamster Brawler Champion
Cinnamon Ice Knight of the Arctic Circle
Clarissa Dark Brash Channeler
Cleopatra Holy Feline Pharaoh
D’Artagnan Fire Ardent Musketeer
Delilah Holy Guardian of the Celestial Temple
Dr. Moreau Dark Devious Scientist
Dubhán Dark The Storm God’s Chosen
Edwin Nature Cunning Butler
Elba Fire Stalwart Protector of Love
Elena Fire Captain of the Wicked
Elkanen Nature Moonlit King
Enigmo Nature Summoning Conundrum
Eset Holy Lady of Ten Thousand Names
Firmin Richard Ice Upstart Patron
Frida Ice Arctic Menace
Fungustine Nature Rejuvenating Forest Slime
Garjammal Nature Morlock Kite Master
Gravemaker Fire Burning Avenger
Grimsteel Ice Hermit of the Frozen Mountain
Guan Yu Nature Valiant General
Guardian Panther Dark Fierce Panther
Guinevere Holy Dragonrider of Avalon
Heimdall Nature Vigilant Watchman
Hulda Dark Head Nurse
Isrod Fire Doomed Jarl
Justice Holy Ancient of Stone
Justice Holy Toon Ancient
Kageburado Dark Beetle Samurai
Kara Holy Hallowed Defender
King Arthur Ice King of Avalon
Kushanku Holy The Fist of Deception
Leafwhisk Nature Enchanter of Beasts
Livia Holy Head Priestess of Owl Tower
Ludwig Dark Defender of the Castle
Lughaidh Nature King of the Depths
Ma’at Nature Lady of the Iteru
Meg Giry Dark Starlet Ballerina
Melancholia Dark Acolyte of the Old Ones
Mica Holy Ninja of Silent Screams
Nemesis Holy Goddess of Divine Retribution
Oceanus Fire Titan of the Sea
Odette Ice The White Swan
Odin Holy Wise All-Father
Perseus Ice Son of Zeus
Phorcys Dark Warrior God of the Depths
Queen of Hearts Fire Monarch of Wonderland
Richard Ice Hammer of Justice
Richard Ice Hammer of Toon Power
Salmon Loki Dark Dapper Fish
Satori Ice Sumo Champion
Scath Dark Void Tank Construct
Scrollbeast Holy Retired Boar Rider
Sir Roostley Holy Mighty Knight of Springvale
Skadi Ice Guardian of Jotunheim
Staintongue Nature Relentless Hunter
Tarlak Nature Prince of the Lu?au
Telluria Nature Forest God
Tetisheri Fire Mummy Queen
Thor Holy Conduit of Thunder
Thorne Ice Wielder of Frostmorrow
Voidstar Dark Astral Elf Great Knight
Winnie Holy Ursine Armorer
Xiong Shanjun Dark Bear Mountain Lord
Yunan Nature King of Lifeguards
Zandria Holy Defender of Space-Time
Zimkitha Fire Long-Lost Adventurer
Zora Holy Knight of the Rose
Zulag Dark The Valiant
Epic Paladins
Hero Element Costume
Aqualith Ice Elemental Hoplite
Bogart Holy Marsh Hunter
Boril Ice Heavyweight Defender
Caedmon Nature Elven Cavalier
Captain of Diamonds Ice Knave of Wonderland
Colen Fire Fiery Bounty Hunter
Cyprian Dark Deathbound Lord
Cyprian Dark Deathbound Toon
D’Andre Holy Sure-Handed Juggler
Franz Nature Protector of the Castle
Gadeirus Nature Atlantean Sentinel
Gobbler Nature World Heavyweight Champion
Goldie Holy Goblin Beauty
Guardian Falcon Fire Priest of Teltoc
Hu Tao Holy Bark of Bamboo
Itham Fire Elf Swimming School Instructor
Jack O’Hare Nature Egg Hunter of Springvale
Knuckles Ice Macaque Sentinel
Mielikki Nature Protector of the Bears
Shar’Khai Dark Great Betrayer
Sonya Ice Willful Champion
Tiburtus Dark Duke of Rock
Wu Kong Holy Monkey Ronin
Rare Paladins
Hero Element Costume
By-Ulf Nature Cursed Viking Brawler
Chick Jr. Ice Squire of Springvale
Dolrak Holy Overly Tanned Dwarf
Edelaide Holy Nomad of the Wild
Ei-Dunn Fire Cursed Viking Battler
Gunnar Ice Protector Knight
Helo Ice Eloi Baker
Jolly Holy Gnome Lumberjack
Kvasir Holy Bee Captain of Alfheim
Li Fire Wu Footsoldier
Mnesseus Nature Lieutenant of Atlantis
Morris Dark Moleman Potter
Prisca Dark Resolute Warden
Prisca Dark Resolute Toon
Soroca Ice Furious Gargoyle
Swan Maiden Ice One of the Little Swans
Tyrum Dark Solemn Remnant
Vodnik Ice Fisherman of Corellia
Vollermork Fire Morlock Hoarder
Waqas Fire Pharaoh’s Shield
Zarel Nature Bard of Lore

Note: I have included a Toon Justice who I think may arrive in tomorrow’s Costume Chamber.


Thanks @Oxide for your usual list, and thanks @PlayForFun for the thread! Appreciate it a lot !


Yes, it will arrive tomorrow, and thx for the list.


Very low efforts for this one!


Dusted off my GT line for this one. Costumed Gravemaker is a paladin, but unfortunately, Vela is not. Good times, but damn, they did Telly wrong.

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On: When Paladins Attack!


…yeah, something like that.


Goldie - Guan Yu - Ludwig - Thorne - Franz

Easy and quite fast. I admit i cackled seeing Telluria as the final boss :rofl: i was tempted to charge it three times to get the most out of Guan Yu’s def down, but there was no need in the end.


Done! Got careless and lost two heroes, which was a wake up call :slight_smile:


Completed with this team

Telluria 's stats are quite higher than those of Odin and Tetisheri

But then it wasn’t an issue even with no red,…

Double over heal, attack up, :muscle:, def down and blind ensured smooth completion.


I have 4k team as usual, but this time it is the strongest 4k team!!

Note that CHulda is 3/70, and Grimsteel is 1/1 :joy: It shows how ridiculous this hero is (i was lucky after many bad streak)

Teti got 1-shot on the first tile match :rofl: (after Richard minor damage)

Against growth & Hulda protection, Telluria not even make a scratch

Prepare Sonya just in case I have to dispel something, but never have a chance to dispel anything


I thought i would find this difficult because of my lack of paladin but it was easy. No items were used.


Am I the only one finding this nearly impossible lol?? I can’t get rid of these 984 HP minons so I can’t damage the heroes lol… what are you guys doing against this?

My team doesn’t have enough damage so I am stuck… any ideas?

Or this team?


Captain of Diamonds comes to mind as paladin and minion cleanser, maybe there are others as well. E - G00b13r
DiT: King Ludwig got me through…


Defence down is helpful to kill bosses faster. I would use Tiburtus.

With Caedmon
And Thorne
And Kara
And your strongest healer


mission completed with Goldie, Franz, Shar’Khai, PalaCyprian (the first :crossed_swords:) and D’Andre… it’s funny how the second stage turned out to be much more difficult than the third, which was little more than a walk in the park :grin:


I forgot to prepare Jolly before the Boss’s wave so that he could effectively protect me, and as a result, Tetisheri managed to shoot, killing Franz instantly :confused:
Later I managed to avoid stupid mistakes, but the fight without Franz was definitely longer :frowning:


Goldie - c.tiburtus - frida - c2.azlar - c.mielikki

Goldie makes everything easier. So do costumes.


A little while ago, I was not sure who was going to be the fifth member of my paladin team - then my one summer solstice 10 pull gave me the green slime healer Fungustine :slight_smile: (I was shocked!) I gave her every feeder I could find and got her to 80+19 just yesterday. I am working on the LB1 levels now.

My team sailed through - it has three of my strongest heroes:

Goldie (LB2) - Bogart (LB1) - Fungustine - Oceanus (LB2) - c2 Elkanen (LB1 with full toon bonus)

I am very happy for the paladin emblems - I was completely out!


Wow nice going! That was fast!