🟣 [Master Discussion] -- Master Ranger Trials - Guide, Sharing & Discussion


It’s time for Master Ranger Trials !

Ending dialog

This class trial starts on a Fridays at 07:00am UTC. It recurs every 70 days.

Restricted Classes

:world_map: Quest Guide

Credit to @Zartanis

Guide by @birksg

:grey_question: Standard Questions for All Trials

  • Did your team change notably since last time?
  • Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
  • Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
  • What items did you use, if any?
  • What are you doing with your shiny new Master Emblems?
  • Anything else interesting to share?

Legendary, Epic and Rare Ranger heroes

Collected by and credits to @Oxide

Legendary Rangers
Hero Element Costume
Akkorog Holy Morlock Chieftain
Alasie Ice Huntress of Ice Giants
Aouda Holy Lotus Princess
Aramis Dark Romantic Musketeer
Armel Ice Arctic Ambassador
Athena Ice Celestial of Ice
Bai Yeong Holy Blade Dancer
Baldur Fire Luminous God
Bastet Dark Eye of the Moon
Bo & Runt Nature Leaders of the Pack
Cecilia Dark Blessed by Twilight
Celimene Ice Bard of Illusion
Cupido Fire Cupid of Affection
Devana Holy Headstrong Huntress
Domitia Dark Steampunk Sniper
Eros Dark Cupid of Desire
Evelyn Nature Brave Heiress
Farrah Dark Supersonic Blade Master
Finley Ice Commodore of Corellia
Frond Nature Elven Construct
Gefjon Fire Goddess of Harvest
Ginger Nature Gnome Explorer
Gladius Ice Relentless Tracker
Gregorion Nature The Adept Archer
Guardian Elephant Holy The Arrow of Teltoc
Horghall Nature Wooden Jester
Jove Holy Masked God of the Sky
Khagan Fire Chief of Tribes
Khagan Fire Chief of Toons
Khepri Dark Scarab God
Lemonwood Fire Astral Elf Marksman
Leonidas Holy Unyielding Mage
Lewena Fire Marksman of the Castle
Lianna Nature The Noble Heart
Lianna Nature The Noble Toon
Marjana Fire Master Thief of Windemer
Mazoga Nature Orc Water Gunner
Medea Dark Naga Queen of the Deep
Mena Nature Pedantic Gargoyle
Morel Ice Eloi Hunter
Neith Holy Opener of the Ways
Nogu Nature Javelin Throw Champion
Onyx Dark Ninja of Elusive Winds
Peñolite Holy Relentless Gargoyle
Poseidon Holy Slayer of Atlantis
Quenell Nature Champion of the Castle
Red Hood Fire Protector of Grimforest
Rocket Fire Demolitions Expert
Roz Nature Natural Sharpshooter
Russula Ice Eloi Painter
Seshat Dark Reanimated Huntress
Smarttongue Nature Goblin Bard
Snow White Ice Slayer White
Snowball Nature Clawful Stray Cat
Starlass Nature Astral Elf Arbalist
Sun Quan Fire Warlord of Wu
Tahir Fire Nomadic Hunter
Tametomo Nature Greatbow Saboteur
Tethys Ice Goddess of all Rivers
Thura Holy Star-Blessed Hunter
Turgruk Dark Vicious Tracker
Verus Nature Scout Commander of Owl Tower
Epic Rangers
Hero Element Costume
Alfie Nature Elemental Jester
Buddy Nature Santa’s Little Helper
Chao Holy Master Tactician
Chao Holy Toon Tactician
Colen Fire Brave Tracker
Grimm Ice Dark Messenger
Grumbl Ice Wise Gargoyle
Jack O’Hare Nature Champion of Springvale
Little John Nature Stealthy Brother
Meadow Dark Tribal Huntress
Mireweave Ice Swift Draugr
Orla Nature The Worthy
Rigard Dark Dapper Noble
Scarlett Fire Assassin from the Sandsea
Tiburtus Dark Mournful Duke
Triton Ice Captain of Atlantis
Zhou Yu Fire Young Commander
Rare Rangers
Hero Element Costume
An-Windr Dark Cursed Viking Bruiser
Azar Fire Seeker of Gods
Bagreg Fire Fishman Skirmish Leader
Bane Holy Noble Brawler
Berden Nature Able Archer
Berden Nature Toon Archer
Cedar Holy Chimpanzee Chain Champion
Edd Dark Thick-Headed Thug
Fianna Nature Forest Trapper
Isshtak Nature Lizardfolk Fighter
Poppy Holy Halfling Arbalist
Squire Wabbit Fire Squire of Springvale
Sudri Fire Fire Dwarf of Muspelheim
Yao Ice Wei Footsoldier
Zarola Nature Cupid of Heartbreakers

:link: Related Threads

Other Master Class Trials Discussion Threads


Legendary / Epic / Rare Rangers (Base or Costume)

Legendary Rangers
Hero Element Costume
Akkorog Holy Morlock Chieftain
Alasie Ice Huntress of Ice Giants
Aouda Holy Lotus Princess
Aramis Dark Romantic Musketeer
Armel Ice Arctic Ambassador
Athena Ice Celestial of Ice
Bai Yeong Holy Blade Dancer
Baldur Fire Luminous God
Bastet Dark Eye of the Moon
Bo & Runt Nature Leaders of the Pack
Cecilia Dark Blessed by Twilight
Celimene Ice Bard of Illusion
Cupido Fire Cupid of Affection
Devana Holy Headstrong Huntress
Domitia Dark Steampunk Sniper
Eros Dark Cupid of Desire
Evelyn Nature Brave Heiress
Farrah Dark Supersonic Blade Master
Finley Ice Commodore of Corellia
Frond Nature Elven Construct
Gefjon Fire Goddess of Harvest
Ginger Nature Gnome Explorer
Gladius Ice Relentless Tracker
Gregorion Nature The Adept Archer
Guardian Elephant Holy The Arrow of Teltoc
Horghall Nature Wooden Jester
Jove Holy Masked God of the Sky
Khagan Fire Chief of Tribes
Khagan Fire Chief of Toons
Khepri Dark Scarab God
Lemonwood Fire Astral Elf Marksman
Leonidas Holy Unyielding Mage
Lewena Fire Marksman of the Castle
Lianna Nature The Noble Heart
Lianna Nature The Noble Toon
Marjana Fire Master Thief of Windemer
Mazoga Nature Orc Water Gunner
Medea Dark Naga Queen of the Deep
Mena Nature Pedantic Gargoyle
Morel Ice Eloi Hunter
Neith Holy Opener of the Ways
Nogu Nature Javelin Throw Champion
Onyx Dark Ninja of Elusive Winds
Peñolite Holy Relentless Gargoyle
Poseidon Holy Slayer of Atlantis
Quenell Nature Champion of the Castle
Red Hood Fire Protector of Grimforest
Rocket Fire Demolitions Expert
Roz Nature Natural Sharpshooter
Russula Ice Eloi Painter
Seshat Dark Reanimated Huntress
Smarttongue Nature Goblin Bard
Snow White Ice Slayer White
Snowball Nature Clawful Stray Cat
Starlass Nature Astral Elf Arbalist
Sun Quan Fire Warlord of Wu
Tahir Fire Nomadic Hunter
Tametomo Nature Greatbow Saboteur
Tethys Ice Goddess of all Rivers
Thura Holy Star-Blessed Hunter
Turgruk Dark Vicious Tracker
Verus Nature Scout Commander of Owl Tower
Epic Rangers
Hero Element Costume
Alfie Nature Elemental Jester
Buddy Nature Santa’s Little Helper
Chao Holy Master Tactician
Chao Holy Toon Tactician
Colen Fire Brave Tracker
Grimm Ice Dark Messenger
Grumbl Ice Wise Gargoyle
Jack O’Hare Nature Champion of Springvale
Little John Nature Stealthy Brother
Meadow Dark Tribal Huntress
Mireweave Ice Swift Draugr
Orla Nature The Worthy
Rigard Dark Dapper Noble
Scarlett Fire Assassin from the Sandsea
Tiburtus Dark Mournful Duke
Triton Ice Captain of Atlantis
Zhou Yu Fire Young Commander
Rare Rangers
Hero Element Costume
An-Windr Dark Cursed Viking Bruiser
Azar Fire Seeker of Gods
Bagreg Fire Fishman Skirmish Leader
Bane Holy Noble Brawler
Berden Nature Able Archer
Berden Nature Toon Archer
Cedar Holy Chimpanzee Chain Champion
Edd Dark Thick-Headed Thug
Fianna Nature Forest Trapper
Isshtak Nature Lizardfolk Fighter
Poppy Holy Halfling Arbalist
Squire Wabbit Fire Squire of Springvale
Sudri Fire Fire Dwarf of Muspelheim
Yao Ice Wei Footsoldier
Zarola Nature Cupid of Heartbreakers

cRigard, Khepri, Smarttongue, Ginger, Cupido
For stages 1 and 2.

Switch out cupido for Evelyn on stage 3

I also have Neith, Evelyn and Jove


Plenty of options for me. I think it is going to be an easy one.

I will use my Time Freeze battle items since I have 350 of them. :v:

Edit: team + items


Oh I have Lianna too but i removed her emblems, so she will be too weak.
I think it should be fine with my ones though.

At first I panicked and thought I had no healer, but then I remembered cRigard haha


Found this quite easy, went with my usual tactic of moving my thumb around the screen until all the baddies disappear.


I would suggest you to change finger to the next one… to improve the skill index!



Very easy for me, used as i said I would above.
No deaths and no items used, but Gefjon did fire about 3 times and almost killed Khepri 2 of those times. Otherwise easy peasy


Forgot to update my items - was able to make it through careful play, but losing Cupido early made this harder than it should have been. Especially as I couldn’t stop Gefjon stealing Zhou Yu’s minions.

Also: you sore loser, Akkorog :stuck_out_tongue:


Didn’t have to use any items, even though Lianna had 60 HP at some point.

Gefjon charges way damn fast and hits hard. Pay attention.


This one was very easy. Rocket melt everything. I don’t think bosses had the chance to fire at all.


Ginger destroys the bow competition

Gejfon is a bit more troublesome than I thought as she stole all minions … Should have killed her before Athena


Too lazy to care much or to use items. I took @Jack.O.Kent’s strategy also! Felt like facerolling!


Mena, cRigard, c2Leonidas, Athena and Guardian elephant.

No bosses fired, no items used.

Together with fighterclass, my 2 easiest memblemquests.


Completed with this team

This time the final bosses had same stats

Went into the stage with special all ready, the tiles were nicely set, but under wrong element, should have brought Akkarog to swap them around.
But then Gefjon appeared to be faster than fast, even under -24% mana debuff from Alasie, she appeared to be gaining mana as normal…well maybe my early morning effect.

Took her out, then Alasie…

The rest was smooth victory…

Edit : just read from @Nexus1254 post above, confirming Gefjon…she was definitely very fast…


Hey, someone help me with trials?
My BEST Rangers are:

(Colen 3/60, Zarolas LB1, Rigard LB2, Triton 3/40)
I’ve really hardly passed 1st stage, but I just can’t get through stage 2, no matter which items I use.
Someone can suggest me what to use?
From other Rangers I have only Chao(4/30) and Sharan(that 1* healer ) on 2/20.
And(on 1/1) 2 Gladiuses and Athena


I have a ton of good rangers, but this trial made me realize that they don’t necessarily complement one another that well. My team:

  • C1 Rigard 4^75 +20 (only one costume)
  • Athena 4^85 +14
  • Seshat 4^85 +19
  • Evelyn 4^85 +c19
  • Jove 4^90 +25

After the first stage, I thought these were going to be a breeze, since I killed two bosses within two moves. By the end of the last stage, I was beginning to wonder if I would fail for lack of revive scrolls. Definitely underestimated Gefjon’s hit, and it didn’t help that she stole Seshat’s replicator minions the first time she fired. Limped across the finish line with only two heroes standing, but no replays. C. Rigard’s healing just doesn’t cut it for that much damage, but I don’t have other options. Used all 20 small healing potions, plus some mana potions. Doesn’t bode well for next week’s rogue trials, when Brynhild is going to get off the bench for the first time in a LONG time.

Was torn between giving the master emblems to Evelyn, who is already great and a staple on my green mono team, or saving them for Athena to see if I can make her sturdy enough to use in regular raids. Then, I realized that I’m in such need of ranger emblems that almost all my rangers stop at node 19, so I just dumped all the regular emblems on Athena and put the decision about master emblems off until later.


teams and items

Difficulty? Challenging. Actually pretty fun.

Burned some ATK items for making it faster and bc I have too much of them anyway.

Ranger emblems saved.
Superior emblems saved.



Do you have Hunter’s Lodge ?

If yes, the if you can build Titanium Shield, then that can help your heroes to survive the bosses.
And the the bosses are defeating some of your heroes, then you can bring them back with Revive Scroll or Miracle Scroll.
Timestop can help you from suffer damage from the bosses’ Special Skills.


Failed the first time

Changed it up and got it done on try two. Toughest one for me so far with limited healing options and no mana control options.