[Master Discussion] Harvest Festival Summon 2024 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

Image will be added if one is released.

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2024-08-20T07:00:00Z 2024-08-27T07:00:00Z 7 Days

:man_singer: Harvest Festival Summon


Appearance Rates


Featured Heroes:

Rust and Whiteffang

Written format
  • Rare Hero: 71.0%
  • Epic Hero: 26.5%
  • Legendary (non featured) Hero: 2.3%
  • Featured Legendary Hero: 0.2%


  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

Harvester Bonus - Extra pull chance

For every summon you have a chance to get up to 9x bonus draws!

  • After each summon in 1x, 10x or 30x summons you can see an additional screen with “Harvester Bonus!”, where you see “No Luck” if that summon does not grant you additional summon, or +1, +2 
 +9 if that summon grants you 1-9 extra summon(s).
  • There is a counter in the top: “Harvester Bonuses Total: (number)”, where you can see how much extra summons have you collected so far.
  • These “Harvester Bonus Draws” summons are done once the regular 1x, 10, 30x summons are completed.

For the bonus draws, for each pull, you have the following odds:

# bonus pulls Odds
0 68,00 %
1 20,00 %
2 6,00 %
3 2,60 %
4 1,20 %
5 0,90 %
6 0,60 %
7 0,40 %
8 0,20 %
9 0,10 %

Summoning Costs:


You can use gems only.
Single Pull: 400 gems
10x Pull: 3400 gems
30x Pull: 8400 gems

Heroes in the portal

You can pull heroes with their available costumes from the portal.

Possible heroes in the portal:

Event Rare Heroes Epic Heroes Legendary Heroes

Old challenge events
Fables of Grimforest Pixie, Gnomer Gretel, Hansel Boss Wolf, Cinderella, Frog Prince, Puss in Boots, Red Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White
Guardians of Teltoc Guardian Bat, Guardian Lemur Guardian Falcon, Guardian Jackal Guardian Chameleon, Guardian Elephant, Guardian Gazelle, Guardian Hippo, Guardian Kong, Guardian Panther, Guardian Owl
Knights of Avalon Bauchan, Treevill Merlin, Sir Lancelot Black Knight, Green Knight, Guinevere, King Arthur, Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay
Pirates of Coreilla Sally, Vodnik Peters, Boomer Anne, Black Caesar, Captiain Keshrel, Finley, Lady Locke, Marie-ThérÚse, Sargasso
Riddles of Wonderland Shrubbear, Phoenicus Captian of Diamonds, Chesire Cat Alice, Knave of Hearts, Jabberwock, Queen of Hearts, The Hatter, Tweedles, White Rabbit

New challenge events
Bard Heroes Zarel Garyas, Zhabog Belladonna, Celimene, Narsica, Ogima, Phenexa, Rhys, Winifred
Carnival of Gods Alessia Fosco Aradia, Carmenta, Cel, Februus, Fortuna, Jana, Jove, Umbria
League of Villains Edd, Shrekok Ingolf, Sangrior Asterius, Crystalis, Dark Lord, Isrod, Karnov, Toxicandra
Mighty Pets Ribbit, Rufus Cupcake, Waddles Barkley, Bubbles, Chomper, Cinnamon, Furdinand, Hachiko, Luna, Snowball, Toto
Secrets of the Opera Swan Maiden Raul Christine Daae, Daroga, Madame Giry, Meg Giry, Phantom of the Opera, Prince Siegfried, Odette, Odile, Richard Firmin
Slayers of Fell Shadows Noril, Maeve Aodhan, Cillian, Orla CaitlĂ­n, Cathal, Rian, Saoirse, Senan
Return to Sanctuary Betty Grumbl Garten, Hilda, Mena, Pophit, Uwe
Sanctuary of Gargoyles Budatín, Soroca Bellerive, KalÞ Arco, El Duque, Gaillard, Goseck, Guffa, Hohenwerf, Kemény, Matrera, Peñolite
Starfall Circus Candy, Whacker D"André, Eichelborg, Marcel Bobo, Director Zuri, Eiora & Fluffy, Emilio, Faline, Theobald

Hero of the Months
2017 HotM - - Alberich, Athena, Ares,Hel, Musashi, Perseus, Thoth-Amun
2018 HoTM - - Aegir, Aeron, Alasie, Deliah, Drake Fong, Evelyn, Gravemaker, Gregorion, Khiona, Natalya, Zeline, Zimkitha
2019 HoTM - - Anzogh, Frida, Grazul, Grimble, Kingston, Kunchen, Margaret, Miki, Neith, Onatel, Ranvir, Seshat
2020 HotM - - Bai Yeong, Clarissa, Jean-Francois,Glenda, Malosi, Noor, Raffaele, Reuben, Telluria, Vela, Zocc, Zulag
2021 HoTM - - Alexandrine, Balbar, Bertila, Chakkoszrot, Devana, Elradir, Frosth, Hanitra, Malicna, Russell, Uraeus, Yang Mai
2022 HoTM - - Balur, Celidana, Grace, Iris, Kara, Morax, Silvaria, Tahir, Viscaro, Zagrog
2023 HoTM - - Areax, Cinisia, Gilligan, Ithar, Leadria, Neema, Roughian & Nurgib, Skargremar, Suzuna, Turgruk, Uthragan, Viselus
2024 HoTM - - Anoushka, Aviana , Bo & Runt, Galdius, Sir Casmir, Sini, Zarga, Zora

Seasonal events
Beach Party Dolrak Itham Davey Wavey, Flip, Mazoga, Misty, Mortimer, Zenuk’wa
Lunar New Year - - Gongniu, Laohu, Qinglong, Xiaotu
Kalevala Joukahainen, Para LemminkÀinen, Mielikki Aino, Iku-Turso, Ilmarinen, Kullervo, Louhi, Otso, Ukkonen, VÀinÀmöinen
Springvale Chick Jr., Squire Wabbit Lady Woolerton, Jack O’Hare Archie, Jasper, Killhare, Master Lepus, Miss Ethel, Sir Roostley, Timothy
Return to Morlovia Goppy, Jack, Vlad Ana-Belle, Frank, Valeria Alucard, Amber, Edwin, Francine, Lucinda, Matilda, Miriam & Midnight, Vanda, Victor
Sand Empire Arman, Hisan Gafar, Jabbar Rana, Roc, Yunan
Santa’s Challenge Buster, Frosty, Ginger, Jolly, Rudolph Buddy, Carol, Dizzy, Holly Augustus, Cookie, Krampus, Mother North, Mr. Pengi, Peppermint, Santa Claus, Tinsel, Zappa
Valentines Zarola Voluptas Cupido, Elba, Eros, Himeros, Kabeiroi, Phthonus

Season 2 Chocin, Gato, Gill-Ra, Melia, Mnesseus, Muggy, Namahage Agwe, Ameonna, Danzaburo, Gaderius, Gobbler, Proteus, Sumitomo, Triton, Wilbur Ariel, Atomos, Inari, Kageburado, Misandra, Mitsuko, Mokk-Arr, Oceanus, Poseidon, Tarlak, Tethys, Ursena
Season 3 Agnes An-Windr, Bjorn, By-Ulf, Ei-Dunn, Grevle, Jarvur, Kvasir, Nordi, Sudri Almur, Brynhild, Fura, Gullinbursti, Jott, Mireweave, Mist, Shadereave, Stonecleave, Sumle Alfrike, Baldur, Bera, Fenrir, Freya, Frigg, Gefjon, Heimdall, Lady Loki, Lord Loki, Norns, Odin, Salmon Loki, Sif, Skadi, Thor, Tyr
Season 4 Gramps, Helo, Morris, Poppy, Vollermork Griffin, Mack, Rokkamush, Tettukh, Zila Lei Akkorog, Aouda, Captian Nemo, Congalach, Dr. Moreau, Elizabeth, Exeera, Garjammal, Hannah,Hulda, Lepiota, Lughaidh, Kravekrush, Morel, Octros, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg, Prof. Lidenbrock, Russula, Xenda, Xnolphod, Zekena, Zenobia
Season 5 Aqeela, Faiez, Jarif, Rekhetre, Waqas Ahhotep, Azmia, Junaid, Ptolemy, Scoratek Ahmose, Anubis, Bastet, Bennu, Cleopatra, El Naddaha, Eset, Hathor, Hetepheres, Horus, Khephri, Khufu, Khonshu, Ma’at, Meresankh, Papyros, Sekhmet, Set, Sneferu, Sobek, Tetisheri
Untold Tales Bagreg, Jaco Aqualith, Mulgog, Shar’Khai Atlanteia, Ceto, Domiventus, Ephyra, Galapago, Gelert, Gestalt, Lasalle, Medea, Persa, Phorcys, Spartoi, Thalassa, Ultrox

Tower events
Ninja Tower Kinsaishi, Morganite Ametrine, Sapphire, Shale Amethyst, Azurite, Cobalt, Ekanite, Garnet, Jade, Kushanku, Mica, Myoin-ni, Oniwakamaru, Onyx, Peridot, Ruby, Quartz, Serandite, Tametomo, Topaz, Zircon
Owl Tower Featherino, Paeia Juliani, Olbec Cennius, Eron, Fulvia, Livia, Lodius, Ommodus, Relius, Timius, Verus
Tower of Magic Dölgöön, Kornel, Roxia Anastasia, Anton, Lucy, Sergei Agrafena, Becky, Camilla, Cristóbal, Jett, Milena, Mortega, Nadezdha, Ray, Telonius, Ulius, Vaishali, Willow
Tower of Styx Dante, Virgil Arges, Brontes, Steropes Amphitrite, Charon, Erebus, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nyx, Thanatos

Alliance Quest
Brave Musketeers Felton, Planchet Kitty, Villiers Aramis, Athos, Cardinal Richelieu, Constance, DÂŽArtagnan, Milady de Winter, Porthos, Queen Anne, Rochefort
Clash of Knights Aderyn, Bertulf, Fawn, Yona Ferant, Franz, Humbert, Koda, Raleigh, Wren Alvar, Armel, Bearnadette, Cecilia, Daemon, Eloise, Esme, Lewena, Ludwig, Lysanor, Quenell, Quintin, Rayne Siofra,Teddy, Torben, Winnie, Wolfgang, Xiamara

War of the Three Kingdoms
Journey Heroes General Yin Chang’e, Heifeng Guai Erlang Shen, Nine-Headed Beast, Queen Guowang, Sha Wujing, Xie Zi Jing, Xiong Shanjun, Tang Sanzang, Xiwangmu
Kingdom Heroes Li, Jing, Yao Sun Shangxiang, Wang Yuanji, Xiahou Dun, Zhou Yu Cao Cao, Diaochan, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Sun Quan, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang

Convenant summon
Abyss Hunter Basil, Greel Bogart, Numbskull Dabria, Goretooth, Otis, Sorrow, Staintongue
Construct Rustbeak Bonechill Blossom, Brimstone, Carta, Ferrus, Frond, Ghealach, Gwynn, Haulstone, Hornfel, Nautica, Rhineglow, Scoria, Shaal, Shaklebolt, Skarn, Tenebrae
Jungle Hunter Cedar Knuckles Bonecrusher, Hurricane, Mistweaver, Thunderclap, Tremor
Monster Hunter Dawn, Edelaide, Fianna Maheegan, Meadow Adalinda, Cleaver, DubhĂĄn, Ebba, Hammertusk, Hawthorn, Kai, Malin, Ruadh, Sigyn, Thura, Waterpipe

Super Elemental Summon
Contest of Elements - Alfie, Lexi, Linus, Nova, Zione Aconia, Anzia, Ash, Craum, Desmond, Doxan, Farrah, Gastille, Griffex, Ignazio, Ironmaw, Jequn, Jolt, Niki, Nylora , Quinn, Roz, Vander, Xandrella, Xavier, Zandria, Zaria, Zengar, Zuni

Goblin Summon
Garrison Guards William Greg Frank ‘Fangs’ Brimwell, Iocantha, Shimmerscale, Vanya, Violet Potts
Goblin Boots Goldie Acidfire , Boom & Fang, Caelen , Darkfeather, Deadboot, Fizzcoil, Grilka, Grimsteel, Kettle, Leafwhisk, Madhammer, Pepperflame, Rocket, Scrollbeast, Smarttongue

Astral Elves Summon
Astral Elves Starswift Lionstring Demilune, Dreadstar, Hammerclang, Lemonwood, Moonbell, Moonbell, Moonflower, Sparklight, Starlass, Starwalker, Voidstar

Legends Summon
Champions - - Lazara, Mistra, Nogu, Norman, Ramona, Satori

Brand new heroes which will come later in 2024
Slime - - Fungustine, Gunktus
Total 99 110 511
Other new heroes which will arrive during Harvest Festival Summon
Available from 08/22/2024
- - Armand Moncharmin, Von Rothbart
Total 99 110 513

:money_mouth_face: Offers

Will be added.

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Portal, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads


Hero topics for the new heroes:


I was wondering which portal would be better to trigger a 10x? This or covenants.

Does this mean if we wait to pull until August 22nd, the two new Opera Heroes will be available? If so, that should be highlighted for those pulling.


Depends on your roster. This one is like the solstice, just pure chaos. As long as you’re happy with whatever, I’d say this one. If you want someone specific, I would skip this


2024* charactersssss

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Hmmm I see. Considering the six featured in covenant are almost six game changers
 I’d better go there.

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Going to do a 10 pull, already braced for disappointment :face_with_peeking_eye:


Just want to note about probability trick by SG that make us think that the chance is better by expectation calculation (which is a correct calculation btw). The other key factor against players in this case is “variance calculation” which is so bad in Harvest Festival.

To simplify cases, consider the two following odds having the same expectation = 2

Case1 : 50% chance to draw-1, and 50% chance to (bonus) draw-3
Case2: 99.9% chance to draw-1 and .1% chance to (bonus) draw-1001

We can see that on both cases, the expectation is 2, but Case2 is so bad that if you don’t summon like 1,000 times, it is very less likely that you will get the bonus draw, so practical expectation of Case2 is just 1 (against theoretical expectation of 2).

This is because the variance of Case2 is so much higher than Case1. The same is true for Harvest Festival Summon (if you looks at the odd).

So practically, if we are not super lucky, normal players can expect +3 or +4 bonus draw to happen for 10 or 30 summons.
Do not expect +9 or +8 bonus draw with 0.1% and 0.2% odds

And practical expectation in this case is considerably lower than BlackFriday (also more expensive).

Some practical evidence can be seen with Aeon Gaming 15k Gems summons here and you can see how many bonus draws is practical

(TLDR: 24-noluck, 6-of-bonus+1, so 36 from 30 summons)


This just reminds me more and more of online casino slots. Same kind of concept, just a different way of doing it to suit the fact it’s a game.


Will probably toss in a 10x for fun given costumes will also be included.

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What is the different between this portal and Solstice 2024? I can’t figure out any but the increased summon cost, from 350 to 400 and 3000 to 3400 for 10x. Ohh
 maybe just some new heroes added to this portal.


With the unexpected upcoming SE, lots of players will be tempted to spend gems to try to summon as many 5stars as possible. Wondering which portal will have the most success until SE




The difference is, here you can have bonus draws.


First portal-related freebie is up:


One single pull and 2x bonus draws


5 single pulls, no bonus, and pulled the hotm Anoushka. Done with this portal unless they have a really good gem deal along the way


Why didn’t i get notification of no bonus? Seems like the bonus pull didn’t present? Is it a bug?


I summoned x10 and I received 12 bonus summons
I’m happy and angry :blush: :angry:


20 rares 3 epics none of which I need nor want