[Master Discussion] Black Friday Summon Event 2022 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

I suffer with you, my hard-earned 30s was a disaster too. Really a perfidious game what SGG is doing here.

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Those offers are only available in Zynga Store. I am still thinking about them.

So far only the 700 gems for US$2.99 is worth it.

I have yet to analyse the other 2 offers.

For me it would make more sense to buy 2x the 119Bucks offer of the ingame-store.
Would be 238Bucks for 24.000 yewels, 2x Scopes, 2x Rings, 2x everything.
For 275 Bucks i get 25.000 yewels (ok, 1000 more, for nearly 40 Bucks more btw!) and everything else one time!!!

EDIT: however, both offers ar not worth for a black friday IMO!

Did my 30 pulls. Acceptable outcome.


Everyone’s perception of value differs.

click here to read my post on BF offers


Oh that’s interesting, in my currency the Zynga store has a better offer as that is $300 for the 25k gems whilst my in-game is $160 x 2 = $320 for 24k gems and less ascension materials :thinking:

Think he’s got the currencies mixed up. The 275 should be based on my SS, in Singapore dollars. It’s S$275 for 25,000 gems.

The 119 should be in Euro (Equivalent S$148.98 / US$99.99).

Like for like, it would come to S$298 for 24000 gems.

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I was expecting for POV and VIP sales on the website at least for black friday. Those gems and material offers are just… no thanks.

I’m f2p but would consider a vip or another once a while, but with the current in app price it’s a big no.


Not impressed by the offers either. Another game I play had a 90% off offer for their “gems”. Guess which game I spent my money on… :grinning:


Got these 2 off the same 10x pull. Ruby was the 3rd one, and Phenexa was 4th. Really happy today


Bought the 700 gem deal from E&P Store, 3x S5 600 gem deal and the regular PoV to get enough gems for my 2nd 10-pull and most likely the last, as I pretty much hit the jackpot with that (for me, that is) :wink:

New ones for me: Anastasia and Oceanus. I tried chasing c-Wilbur from Atlantis portal by grinding seadragons, but after the update they made it pretty much an impossible mission as you get less than 2 pulls per portal anymore. Oceanus was just a hero I could dream of. I’ve wanted to have Anastasia too.


That’s the one I bought. And went with Court of Roses tier 4, which is much better value than anything else from so-called Black Friday. CHII is around the corner, after all.


Yeah CoR T4 is great value. Just for the coins.

Congrats on your Oceanus @Quiet! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

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Congrats on Oceanus, mate! I was lucky enough to grab him last Atlantis and man, with him the time on stages in Styx was like cut in half. He’s even greater than I imagined. Must have for events (and titans if Miki isn’t an option).

@RandaPanduh Congrats! Happy for you, remember watching you last BFriday and yes, It was terrible. I know the feeling because from about 120 pulls I did in both BF + Solstice I got only Esme (and as very first pull to boot). On the other hand I was lucky elsewhere, for example in CFII where I pulled Rhys, Phenexa and Faline in like 100 pulls.


I was little bit depressed after not getting any 5* even after doing 60pulls… But today morning suddenly luck came to my side and I got these:


Thank you, I’m very excited! And @SamMe too!

Oh right I didn’t even think about that aspect for him, now I want to max him even faster! I have used Miki sometimes in events, but the drawback of his special boosting tiles usually wont help for long, and Oceanus doesnt have that so that is so nice! Congraz to you too for getting him from Atlantis!



Day Five


…and we’re back :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: