Oh okay, so is Margaret’s dodge the same as Inari’s?
I guess there may have been cases where the dodge didn’t trigger for the dispell
Oh okay, so is Margaret’s dodge the same as Inari’s?
I guess there may have been cases where the dodge didn’t trigger for the dispell
No, Margaret’s dodge only applies to “special attacks that do damage”, while Inari’s applies to “Special Skills” including debuffs, dispels, …
For instance, with Alasie’s special, under Margaret’s special, the damage can be dodged, but not the mana generation reduction.
alright, thanks for clearing that up. I’ll update the op and the other topic. That’s what I was trying to get at
So this gets kinda complicated then… will she only dodge the skill if it does damage first? I.e., she’ll dodge Gravemaker’s burn (players in this thread have reported that she dodges it) but only because it does damage initially
I think it goes more bullet point by bullet point from the special skill that is thrown at her and her nearby allies. If the bullet point involves an attack / damage, then there is a chance to dodge, if not, then the effect will not be dodged and will by applied.
Hmm, an Aegir tank Margaret flank comes to mind as a good combination . . .
Not really, they would be the ideal tile dumpers and the dodge chance would be lowered to 20% due to Aegir’s shared damage.
Agree, pretty much any solid tank is better once her special kicks in.
I can see how she helps teams stay alive but having a harder time seeing how she kills. Good tile damage for when you are initiating the attack but slash damage doesn’t have the upside from cascades.
I like her special but prefer the likes of Hel/Proteus with the mana control (albeit at a slower speed) or the defense down heroes if I had to choose.
I was thinking Kunchen as tank for his defense down special making the entire enemy team more vulnerable and he innately resists defense down, something Margaret may not protect against (if Isarnia/Evelyn/Frida fire, is the damage portion of their specials the same roll as the defense down or two different rolls?)
Since Guin tends to die by tiles Margaret doesn’t help her tremendously which was probably intentional to keep game balance.
I find Margaret intriguing rather than a must have. Her role seems fairly clear, flank that improves the tank and protects the wing (so a slow, squishy, deadly wing is now viable again (Isarnia we’re looking at you).
It seems a lot of thought is going into the newer specials to keep them from unbalancing the game as well as bringing the slower heroes back to relevance.
All in all, I like it because it will help keep the game interesting into the future. That said, would I still like some of the Very Fast death dealers? Yes, of course I would.
okay. I’m going to make a note in the topic I made that it’s gonna have to wait for confirmation, because others in chats are saying that she avoids DoT (so maybe it’s avoided because it has the keyword “Damage” on it) and others are saying otherwise. Too early to confirm then… the bullet point thing would explain it.
There’s the question: If Spirit Link is active vs an attacker that would do the 90% attack, does she (or her neighbors) get the full 90% dodge, or only 1/5th?
It depends on how you read the skill (“The higher the damage from the special is, the higher the chance to dodge it”). Is that ‘damage’ measured by attacker’s strength, or by the damage to be done to the individual target?
Perhaps a beta or someone who’s used her (don’t know if that fits you, Fra) could provide a confirmation.
I’m not into milfs either, I’m not even into women but I want her and I want her avatar to replace my brienne.
However, I’m not a fan of face scars. They kind of imply a certain level of incompetence, but she’s still the bestest hero art-wise
Seven pulls, got one Maggie. And I certainly will max her, to fight alongside Evelyn.
I’ve tried testing in beta, and I can confirm she can definitely dodge specials that do damage and impart a DoT, e.g. Gravemaker.
So far I haven’t been able to trigger her or an ally dodging a special that does no damage but imparts a DoT, e.g. Proteus — but I need to do more testing to be confident that’s not just RNG.
Would she dodge the whole special attack, if any damage will be dealt or just the damage?
Will her special only affect attacks with direct damage or even DoT only like poisoning?
Sorry, but I don’t understand exactly, what she will do or not do…
My guess is she Dodge the entire enemy special
Yes, if she or an ally dodges, it’s the whole thing. I saw that in action in testing against Gravemaker, where both the damage and DoT were dodged.
And how about DoT without direct dmg like Morgan or Proteus?
That’s what I’ve still been trying to figure out:
When I were testing her she were taking every sniper’s hit
But if there would be a Aegir’s damage share the best (for the attacker) would still be to target the other heroes (Aegir included) and let them share said damage.
Thanks for the history, FraVit!
Here’s the scenario I’m thinking of - Def team: Healer-Margaret-Aegir-Marjana-Sniper2 (or even better, Riposte1)
. . . where both Margaret and Aegir specials have gone off. Margaret protects Healer and Aegir, Marjana as an emblemed rogue has dodge already, so the only one they can target with a special for damage for 3 turns is Riposte1/ Sniper2 on the wing. Seems as close to an invulnerable defence team as I’ve ever envisioned, even if short duration and a lot of what ifs.
She’s wearing her special against you, running away, funny.