🧪 Early Information on the February 2020 HOTM (Jean-François)

I am a bit surprised you chose that comment to show that forum was enamored with Margaret.

I never pulled Margaret but having faced her in raids my concerns were proved correct: She was to be a flank that protects the tank and wing BUT the tank dies by tiles, not specials so she doesn’t protect the tank, wing doesn’t matter so much once you have the gap for ghosting tiles. She doesn’t do damage except slash and that isn’t enough.

She does have excellent tile damage for titans…perhaps offensive raids. Dunno.

I wish that I had pulled Grazul, I really wanted her, and still think she is excellent.

General comment on JF:
I have GM and yet can see how JF would add value to my roster since they don’t do exactly the same thing. I would just NEVER run them on the same team because they overwrite one another but I feel that JF’s defense debuff flip will be very helpful on offensive raids, especially vs. Kunchen tanks.

I believe a case can be made for him on defense as well, I personally wouldn’t expect to put him on my defense because I have other heroes which I prefer due to the fact that I won’t be able to emblem him for at least another year (Proteus +20 keeps his emblems, Hel +3 gets more, Proteus +5 will go to +20 as well).