Thank you
It may take a couple tries, but I’m confident you’ll finish it . Have you decided who gets the compass?
Thank you
It may take a couple tries, but I’m confident you’ll finish it . Have you decided who gets the compass?
The chances of legendary look slim. You’d have a strong shot at it if you have two 4* healers maxed as well as Proteus. When attacking with weaker heroes, having two 4* healers is essential, IMO
I am definitely ready for Pirates epic this time around. Got a couple teams I am gonna try. A 3-2 and a 3-1-1. The three are gonna be Li Xiu, Chao, and G. Jackal. The two are gonna be Kelile, and Wilbur, and the one-one is gonna be Rigard and Wilbur. What do you guys think of that line up? I am dead set on beating epic on this one because Pirates epic is the only one I never beat yet.
I can work around with other heroes but i want to see how my placement will be in leader board, if things goes crazy i will bring proteus even tho its reflect purple i have plenty of healing potion
Is there sth like a “cheat-sheet”?
A pic containing all enemies - bosses as well as mobs - to set up right color teams for each level.
I know there was, but I can’t find it anymore.
I went looking earlier. It’s in the first post.
Only thing to bear in mind was that Avalon was slightly different to the one before, although I know the updated picture went up exceptionally quickly. So, it’s possible this one might change too.
I seem to see a lot of ppl that think that purple reflection means you only get hit back with purple tiles. This is not the case, if Proteus uses his ult on a Purple Reflection enemy his ults gets reflected on him.
By all means max out Proteous, because he is usefull in all other events BUT understand that he is useless in this one.
Edit: Useless could be a strong word, he can be used to some effect on some stages. Point is, he is not worth maxing out for this event over some other hero that can help you more.
If you’re going for rankings, melendor is not the hero to bring.
do you have boldtusk? you might want a healer instead of kelile, or wu kong instead at least if you don’t have a healer.
I know, but i dont have other healer to bring, rigard or sabina, i have bold and kiril but not maxed, working on gazelle and telluria right know, who should i bring as healer?
If you can get another yellow hero, you might not need a healer. Otherwise, both boldie and kiril are better than melendor IMO. Or a Wilbur or something like that You want to kill your enemies quickly.
Yea, just saw the picture above with a lot of green so boldie would be the right choice but i dont think i can max him in time
I agree with this. I found BT and Kiril very useful whilst still on their way up.
Looking forward to tackling this challenge with both of them now maxed.
I only just finished maxing Boldtusk a couple of days ago but have been using him in partial red stacks with Colen and Falcon for a while now.
Smashed Legendary last month using time stops. It was so easy it was criminal! They never fired their specials. I spammed them with dragons, bombs and axes and my dudes did the rest.
@bobiscool I do on my main but he isn’t leveled. I have Mel at +7. I want to take Rigard because of the cleanse mainly.
Is there any reason to not use monored everywhere (except Wonderland)? Wilbur, Boldtusk, Falcon,…
Thanks ! I think its time for my yellows to shine (too many purple there ) . Id go 3-2 most of the time
Wu Kong - Li xiu - Hu tao
And the other two interchanging between my reds and blues. I have to check if bolstusk would be needed even if i want to go double (cos hes my only healer that really works on this event ) Melendor has not really any advantage against red . Which seems to be the predominant color besides purple and rigs is reflected
I found the equivalent graphic really useful during Avalon. I just about had 2 maxed of each colour and switched them in and out depending on what colours I was facing and I had only just started to play around with the idea of stacking.
Now though I’m far more confident and have (almost) 3 of each colour 4* maxed, so Epic should be far easier and I can finally crack Legendary.
Sure ! Depending on what 4* we are talking about .
But i can say you that tripling the strong colour and doubling the rest should work to beat legendary.
I usually bring with me some bomb and dragon attacks for the levels with three bosses .
That helps a lot if you aim is finish the event for the POV and to claim the event tier reward
Good luck !