Not asking that and i can totally agree with you. But as already stated, that’s not the point here.
Everyone should decide for themself about ascending her or not.
Here i’m just valuating a hero on neutral basis.
Not asking that and i can totally agree with you. But as already stated, that’s not the point here.
Everyone should decide for themself about ascending her or not.
Here i’m just valuating a hero on neutral basis.
I like the way you laid this out. I counted 19 so seems we’re pretty aligned on Malicna’s value.
This goes back to the idea of “there are no good and bad heroes” but you can generally rank how valuable each are relative to each other.
So we both have her slightly below average or just average. That seems like a good way to describe it.
But it’s just more fun to call her useless and post it.
I also think this chart represent enough her value.
Sligthly before average or a bit under that depending how much i value heroes of similar impact.
At least 20 other heroes lol. Ascencion materials are scarce. It’s not like everybody is swimming in them.
If I was a new player I’d probably ascend Sartana before Malicna. If I was an old player (which I am) I would ascend any 5* fast dark sniper for wars. Average and slow heroes are not reliable enough on attack. Unless we’re talking of the likes of Ursena and Alfrike of course.
By the way and a bit off topic, what’s up with people dismissing other’s opinions with ‘unless you have x hero you can’t comment on its power’? Such falacy
I’ve already ascended Sartana before Malicna. And Seshat (love her). And Clarissa. And Alfrike (though not yet maxed). I have some others waiting their turn, but as the queue includes Quintus, Mok Arr, Aeron and Zulag, if Malicna came my way she’d be near the front. As for how great the others on your list would be, if I don’t get them they aren’t going to do me much good anyway. So the question is not “how much more useful would this or that hero be to you in the unlikely event that you summoned them?”, but “how useful can Malicna be in your current roster?” And the answer is, as usual, “it depends”.
Speaking of Zulag, I wasn’t planning to but I had to max her last month. I needed another dark 5* for wars but wasn’t getting any. Wish I had pulled a copy of Sartana from all my TC20s but RNG thinks I only deserve one of her.
So, Zulag replaced C.Rigard+20 with good results (on wars). She protects Proteus and Kunchen while Sartana and C. Domitia do the killing. It’s not the best dark mono team but f2p work with what they have I really wish I could pull another Sartana.
Aniway, back to topic. Dunno if Malicna would’ve fit in my team as well as Zulag did. I think she probably would have. But this is a thing many people don’t take into consideration when reviewing new heroes. Thinking about how good Malicna would do next to Alfrike is fine but not everybody has Alfrike, or Ursena, or the ninjas.
What if a player had to put Malicna in a team with Thot Amun and Obakan. What about a team full of 4*. Would Malicna be as good as people here says she is? I doubt so. Like Zulag, Malicna is below average (imo).
Exactly becuse every player situation is different, it is pointless to ask that.
Even Thoth Amun paired with G.Panther is an excelent combo, ditto that Thoth Amun is universally recognized as a meh hero.
So let’s not waste time on that.
Every person could find sinergies and reasons to like/not like her.
Let’s just evaluate what’s in front of us for what it is and how she fit in the game with the other heroes that could be compared to her (other purple 5*).
After that you can do your own personal valuation and reasoning on sinergies, decks and materials.
Her element link is killer for sure, she need just first fire to become a huge monster and change other darks state too. I test her several days and she will get materials for sure and after I wont be worried about any dark hero mana speed.
I thought so much. Didn’t have chance to test her properly but against yellow titans she should be a killer. Now imagine the next HotMs and, well …
I am having fun how to try so hard to prove that she is a good one.
In the end, she will find herself on a dusty shelf untouched for a long time.
I wish I was as optimistic as you were but I can not.
I have Obakan and Zulag sitting at 3-70 cause neither excites me. I plan to take Malicna all the way unless I pull a better hero while I’m leveling her. Glad to see your post as you rank her ahead of the other two I have.
I suggest, to balance the things, that SG should make the costumes of more topless male heroes. I suggest they should start with Friar Tuck. Anyway, your post brought me some rather dark memories:
On topic, I would ascend Malicna before anything purple I have currently unascended, notably Sargasso, Obakan, Quintus, Domitia, Aeron, Zulag and 2nd Clarissa. Aeron is quite close though because he’s still 5* healer and of average speed, and I have Grazul and 3 slow healer 5* heroes. Surprised to hear Victor is lower than her though: he has very fast defense-up that is incredibly useful.
I think I was the only one saying that, so don’t take that as a fact, I’m sure there are a lot/some/whatever people who would ascend victor over Malinca. He just don’t really fits into my playstyle at the moment with his pseudo sniper/dot Sf although his def + could be useful there is no spot in my teams for him.
At the moment I’m more into Aoe heroes, or the always working deff down - sniper/hitter combo, that’s also the reason why I don’t really like malinca, not enough damage compared to some other heroes at fast or average. And her Sf is unpredictable if I want to go def down - hitter, I can’t need a hero who will make one third of the time only atk-.
Ah okay. Makes sense. I play more defensively and I kinda like Gradual Grinder strategies so there’s that. Truth to be told I don’t use Vic all that much anymore since I got Kage, but I used him for a very long time, even over Clarissa and Sartana. But you’re definitely right, depends on playstyle. Even though to me Vic seems more versatile, once the player has good number of specialists he may be lacking.
I am so surprised how u try to say she is not good one, try to respect opinions. You search for fast hero to not even what is going like u play war game I try to play puzzle game so puzzle need complicated hero more that work together for me hero that reduce mana charge from slow to even fast is good one.
My account can nominated for best HOTM catcher and worst other hero catchers, I had already 1 Malicna and today I got 2 hotm with 3 pulls.
I have bunch hotm all colour all kind I think I should feed to hero academy. I think no other account could hunt hotm like mine I go to get Kage and got 3 hotm and love one
Got her gonna max her got 15 tabs will find a place.
I didn’t understand your comment. I respect everyone’s comments. The way I express my opinion should not disturb you. Try to be more tolerant as you commit to claim that one does not respect other’s comments.
Sure enough and I am :
My streak of only getting HotMs I don’t try for continues! They’re still welcome on my roster though!
One of the balances of Empires is overwriting buffs and debuffs
But Malicna has a 66% chance of overwriting an ally’s buff
If Malicna was a 3*, or 4*, hero, this would be okay on defense since the A I is stupid
But 5* HotM heroes are rare, and require rare ascension items
Another game I T, just instituted an interesting fix
You can designate heroes as assistants
Assistant heroes are locked, and cannot be used, but their stats are evenly distributed among active heroes of the same rarity ( 5* assistants help 5* heroes )
10x 5* Assistants
20x 5* active
then total attack stat for 10x 5* Assistants is added up and divided evenly among 20x 5* active heroes
So if you level Horghall, or Malicna, to 5* 4.80, and regret it, you can make them an assistant.
If SGG buffs an assistant at a later time, you can switch them back to active roster ( after a 24 hour cool down )
SGG could also use 2* heroes for stat assist. why yes I am still very bitter about Devs giving 1* / 2* heroes classes then basically saying anyone who emblems then is wasting emblems