Not if you leave them at 3/70 while you evaluate them
If you bring Malicna to a battle, I would not take other defense down heroes. Synergy between heroes is crucial and you should not bring conflicting ones. I have almost no 5* defense down heroes, so this doesn’t bother me at all
My initial thought was try to her on a purple mono team. My purple bench isn’t terribly deep at 5* level, but my thought was generally:
Domitia sandwiched between Tibs w/ CB and Malicna for the D boost to yellow. Quintus with my sole purple mono troop to combine with Malicna’s mana boost. Final spot is Sabina or Rigard situationally.
I see your point of overriding specials. My plan was to fire Malicna first. If I get alternative 1 I can hold Tibs for 3 turns then fire to set their D down longer. Their D would pretty much be perpetually down. If I get her A drop I fire Tibs with no override. If I get her minor D drop I fire Tibs anyway for the better drop. If Tibs goes down in battle I have a back-up D dropper.
Probably works better in PvE then diamond raids … its not ideal but would likely make best use of my roster. If I ever get Sartana I could reconsider someone. Otherwise my only 4*+ bench would be Ameonna, Fura, or Cyprian which add nothing to the above IMO.
Really though 2/3 of the time you want the override anyway. Making due with what you have that situation isn’t that bad really. It would be worse if she were passive aside from that, but she’ll still do decent damage and boost mana.
Concept the same if rainbow, 3-2, etc with a ramming Pulverizer hero, Buddy, etc. She just loses some value by not boosting mana to other, or as many, purples. 54% on alt 1 is awesome though, pretty close to elemental drop I would imagine.
Usually I’d agree with this statement but my rosters are being flooded by Malcinas. Three on one profile (2 from free coins), and two on the other profile (one from a free pull). My husband has two of her now and it’s still early in the month!
Yeah my solution to this has become I simply stop all pulls for the month when I get the HOTM. I’ve gone to very cheap and so I figure the more pulls I hoard the less I will have to spend to keep my collection complete since I started playing.
does anyone have video of Malicna in action? I’m curious to see the animations.
I feel underwhelmed by this hero even though I’m in need of a purple 5* I am holding off on doing any legendary pulls this month.
And of course in hindsight I wish I’d done this. I’m kicking myself for pulling on costumes, knowing I didn’t want/need the featured heroes.
I do this with my blue titan team: Isarnia and Athena. Basically, Athena is priority and I’ll hold onto Isarnia until Athena’s def down expires, or (since I use Wu Kong), it misses. It helps keep the titan’s defense down. But not something I would use in a PvP environment.
thank you for the uploads.
Honestly, she doesn’t seem as bad as the rest of this thread would make you think.
wow, the animation of the special looks very cool! it seems to be the same for each effects, right?
The past month I have had a lot (20-30) trap tools from chest etc so I kind of figured I would be getting a/some purple 5* - and since, i have had 2x Quintus with 2x Costume, and 2x Malicna… oh and a 4* Sabina and her costume, so I was prepared.
So far I only have +2 on Malicna, i want to take her high, I need 2 or 3 emblems to get her to +3, then it’s a grind for me emblems but i hope to take her as high as i can unless I get another cleric i want to do - I already have White Rabbit at +18, and no other contenders for the emblems right now.
Yes, same effect for alternatives
Yes, I’m ok with her in my offence as she replaced my emblemed Quintus Now I can transfer those sorcerer emblems to a better hero.
That’s the problem with malicna, her alternatives makes no sense. You can’t rely on her to debuff and you can’t bring another debuffer on the same team with her because she may overwrite with her inferior debuffs 2/3 of the time. I wish her debuffs stack, that would make her viable and fun
In Slovenian, it is pronounced malichka and it means tiny. She is the most useless hero of the month I have ever seen. Interestingly, she was obtained at the same time by six members of my alliance! (including me, a person who had never before pulled a worthy HoM in the full year I have been playing…)
Have you seen many heroes of the month?
The hotms in recent months have all been pretty weak
Noor, Thoth-Amun, Perseus, Zulag and Ranvir would like to have a word with you…