I do. With older heroes (F2P) this turns into an auto-skip when I spot this bastard if he runs with mana troops. What a joke.
Well of course not. My apologies, I forgot to include the rest of my attack roster. But yes, with Lu Bu, cPanther, cRigard, Alfrike, and Khonshu, that has been the case. So long as I’m patient enough to wait for the slowpokes to get charged.
The more I use this hero the more I like him. The last round of rush wars he was phenomenal, and recently using him daily in raid def and raid attacks he has been brilliant.
Now with the buff which talent path will you follow? Is he worth ascending and used as a tank? I use c-killhare as tank
I think most would go balanced or attack.
However, if I plan on using a hero on defense, I generally pick some shield nodes for slow heroes so that there’s less chance they are killed before getting their special off. And I generally pick shield/hp for tanks — I like to have a tank that’s actually tanky, to help delay the attackers ability to ghost tiles. I DON’T expect my tank to be a huge damage dealer. I DO expect my tank to last long enough so the other defenders can charge.
As i only have Season 2 stages for reference because i don’t see her in raids, why don’t Lu Bu’s minions block Ameonna changing into a ghost? Does anyone know as this in my opinion is a buff.
The buff block is removed as first thing on her skill, allowing her to go into ghost form
Thank you. I see it now.
I have adjusted the OP with family bonus related balance changes.
Hi, all,
I was lucky enough to pull Mr Lu Bu on my 6th pull this morning.
May I ask which emblems pathway did you guys choose?
Thank you very much in advance.
Depends on how you want to use him. You can easily make the argument that since he is a slow hero you want to maximize his survivability.
That said, 330% to all enemies at slow speed is an excellent finisher to maximize. Plus to really maximize his potential you should team him up with multiple minion summoners (the faster the better) to max his mana gen while also providing a meat shield. I went full attk for mine.
Hi @AbyssofSins ,
Thank you very much for your very insightful advice on Lu Bu.
Esp the part on the mana generation of the Kingdom Family Bonus.
I have ZGL and Liu Bei LB-ed (but not emblems maxed yet), so my thought is to use the three of them together in the same lineup. We have a few Xmas 5* LB-ed too. So we can use Lu Bu with the Xmas heros too.
Just got the guy. Did 16 pulls the other day and got nothing. Got 170 coins today after the rewards, did one pull and got him. I appreciate the luck but not overly excited.
Have Ludwig at 3/70, Narcisa and Lu Bu at 1/1 and 7 tabards. Who would you do out of the three?
First Ludwig. At 3/70 he can die easily because of taunt. Furthermore his ability to make the nearby allies charge is essential.
Someone said he’s like a cheat code and I agree. After some turns you’ll have two heroes charging almost every time during the buff
Then I would take a look at LuBu. I love him because he’s a permanent buff blocker as long as his fiends are alive. He’s amazing at tower events blocking all the buffs
I pair Ludwig with Winifred and LuBu and they are a great combo. Ludwig charges them, Winifred decreases the attack and LuBu minions prevent the buffs. And both hit hard
I follow your logic but they are both slow and Narcisa is fast. And it looks to me like all other hit all dark heroes are either slow or obsolete with exclusion of c Panther and c Hel.
And considering I have neither of those and already do have Viscaro who is slow too, I was hoping someone would tell me to stop being crazy doing all those slow heroes and do Narcisa first
You can use the three in different contexts
Note that paired with Narcisa the slow heroes needs only +20% mana buff to bring them down to average.
5% from Bard family bonus, 2% talent means only 13% mana troop is sufficient. Thanks to Winifred Bard mana buff my Ludwig and LuBu also are average speed now
Of course it depends on how you intend to use these heroes
Happy gaming
I paired panther/Ahhotep/sniper with Lubu. After 9 titles, panther/Ahhotep hits one of the most annoying enemies who will be finished by the sniper. Then lu bu mana will be fully charged. Literally, you can have lu bu fired his special with 9 titles.
I have Lu Bu, Viscaro, Ludwig and Narcisa. Out of the four, I use every day the combo Viscaro-Ludwig-Lu Bu, more than once, against almost any defense with any team power. They are sure to come against teams with minion makers, but not only. Just for context, normally, I raid those above 2700 cups.
Viscaro-Ludwig-Lu Bu is a killer combo. Viscaro’s elemental link boosts Lu Bu’s attack, which is not negligible anyway. If you fire him first, his sturdy fiends protect those of Lu Bu, which can peacefully chip away on the host, and block any buff. Put them together with Ludwig, and they start to fire so often that there is no place anymore for more minions. The battle is over before you could really enjoy the firework. Bye bye, MN, Mr. Pengi, M&M and all the W3K family!
The issue is, of course, to keep them alive until the first shot of Ludwig. Sometimes, it’s just not to be. But since these three are usually enough to take out most teams, you can use the remaining two places for protecting them, any combination of overheal, revive, dodge and mana block (I haven’t yet tried to add another taunt, when I face such a defense it is normally not very hard to deal with them, but offense may be different). The first half of the battle will be painfully slow and passive, and your team’s health may seem to decrease dangerously. But then starts the second half, when the purple trio charges up and comes to life. After their first firing, the battle is stunningly short, they fire almost constantly, and the opponent is just inexorably eaten away by the fiends and Viscaro’s and Lu Bu’s incessant fire. At the end, the dead bodies of the opponent are scattered over the battlefield, and you have sometimes only a couple of your heroes hanging on barely to the last drops of their life, but you are the winner.
There are some situations, like teams with more than one very strong direct healers (Cleopatra, for example), who can give trouble. I have this team only for a couple of weeks, so I don’t have yet a very broad experience. But so far, this looks a very efficient combo.
I find Narcisa less useful. In truth, she is only at +5 without LB, so comparison is not entirely fair. Her main goal is, in my mind, to extend the DoTs and debuffs on the enemy, not to hit strong. You need to time her, and also, as I found, carefully select her teammates such that they fire approximately at the same time and their effect last around the same number of turns, in order to optimize her. If you do not succeed for some reason, then her efficiency falls, and she is only marginally better than a fast but not very strong AOE. In battle, there is quite a high chance of this to happen. I lost steam to experiment further with her.
Of course, poor Narcisa may still be better for those who have one or two specific heroes to pair with her. This is just my case, my roster and my playstyle. Enjoy your Narcisa (or LU Bu)!
I have all three of the heroes you have mentioned (Viscaro, Ludwig, Lu Bu) and while I see your point, your MVP here is Ludwig. Take Ludwig out of the equation and see if you have the same results… Spoiler alert: you won’t.
Game Well
Well, if you have Ludwig, you can probably repeat my experience. But I don’t agree that Ludwig is the MVP.
Ludwig is a much more recent addition from SE to my roster than the other two. I finished levelling and embleming him only 3 weeks ago (not yet LB). Lu Bu and Viscaro have been a great pair already for some months; they are the stable members of a very successful purple 4+1, complemented by an off-colour healer and two other purples, depending on need. The important thing is that Ludwig cannot help them for their first shot, because he himself is slow too, and I don’t have the necessary to speed him up. So the three guys fire around the same time, usually. This means that the first half of the battle is the same. The only difference is that Ludwig speeds up what happens afterwards. Before he joined the pair, they were doing the same, nearly as efficiently as now, just slower. Of course, if it happens faster, then the success rate is higher. But not crucially. My raiding results with them are not significantly different now. I would say that Ludwig is a great addition (imagining him with this pair was one of the reasons why I took him from SE), but the crucial thing is that Viscaro and Lu Bu can work fabulously together. No, I would definitely not say that Ludwig is the MVP here. If anybody, it’s Lu Bu, but it’s rather the collaboration between Viscaro and Lu Bu.