Lost & Confused - help me learn how to play

Hello everyone, I’m Trig.

I’m about as new as you can get and am looking for tips or guides which help an almost clueless beginner. The guides and tips I have read are way above my level.

I have no idea what they are talking about.

Also, I am disabled and cannot afford to spend money on an app game. Can anyone guide me through the absolute beginning of Empires & Puzzles?

My stronghold is currently 8th level and my level is 11.


@zephyr1 can you link some stuff? Your wizardry is unparalleled. I don’t even know how to do it. A good one that comes to mind is @NPNKY post “all the things I wish someone told me when I started”

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Well in my experience this game takes time and patience. Just try to make weapons. Play games in the map. Try to hit in the ears or fight the titans. Try to do the quests. Fight in the war and the raids. Level up heros Give 2* the extra 1 * heros you have, and I wish you good luck !!!


Here is a very good start for Beginners

Good ole Coppersky guide


Sure, here’s that one to start: Advice for New Players, or "All the things I wish someone had told me when I first started."

And here’s a list of beginner guides:


Welcome!! You’ve come to a great place. Lots of patient individuals wanting and willing to help!


This thread may be listed somewhere in that list but it’s important enough to be highlighted


Welcome to the fórum.

first of all: In this game you don´t lose anything, your progress may be slower but never wrecked, so don´t worry much about mistakes, is part of the process.


You have noticed that you have12 or 3 kind of flags on top of your screen, it is the energy available for each game mode.

They are World energy, Raid energy and Titan energy.

World energy allow you to fight in world map and adventures (IIRC adventures unlock at level 12)

Don´t worry much about going through the map, avoid using ítems at first, they are very expensive for what you can produce.

Raid energy the assault you can perform, at first rerolling is ruining, so try to fight what you meet, don´t worry about the cups, focus on learn (If you press over the hero you see their stats and skill)

Titan energy: The attack on titans you can perform, only available if you are in an Alliance, join one ASAP if you aren´t already, hit the titan, don´t worry if you get killed it is a team work. you Will get reward and resources very helpful.

WAR energy: This is a different pvp mode from assault, You have 3 flags and 3 after 12 hours in a 24 hours match. You can´t use same hero twice (you can use duplicates) So you need 30 héroes to give all your effort in war. I suggest you to uncheck the participación if you aren´t ready, it is very important to use all your attacks.

Feel free to ask any question in this thread.

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I took the liberty of editing the title of your thread because I think it could become a road map for helping other new players, as well!

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Sorry guys I hope I’m in the right place . I’m new to the game just want to know . Should I level my characters 1st or ascend them .or doesn’t it matter ?

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I just want to clarify … do you mean should you max a heroes skill (8/8) before you ascend them?

You must level first them to the max before ascending them. You won´t be able to ascend Layla if she isn´t at her peak level. 1.20 2.30 3.40 (max)

When you read the forum you´ll see the level of a character like this: Needler 1.20 1 is the ascensión tier and 20 the level. A 2.1 is stronger tan a 1.20

Don´t bother leveling 1 star héroes.

oppp i like thí game :v

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Make weapons? how does one make weapons? I haven’t seen anything in crafting.

Thank you! I don’t mind at all. If this thread can help others, I’m all for it. :grin:

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I think they are referring to crafting battle items like axes and arrows. You can never have too many of them, even if you think you already have hundreds, there will always be something to fight that’s too challenging without them.

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Thank you, Princess1.

I am also thankful for all the posts in this thread. This forum is extremely helpful and I appreciate it.

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I dont know anything about this game or games like this…(I cant even figure out how to post a question so I am just replying to this one). I am wondering the best or correct way to level up my heroes. I read some of the posts and they are way over my head. Can anyone give me just some simple basic easy ideas on how to start with leveling up? For instance how many heroes should I keep in my roster. I have only been keeping 5 one of each color however Im pretty sure that isnt the correct way. Also can i play this game online…I have just been playing on my phone. When I try to connect to the store using the QR code I cannot because my camera that is used for that is broken…is there another way to connect? Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to give me ANY advice that would be helpful to a brand new baby player. Thank you in advance. :smile:

Well, it depends what you want to do.
5 heroes is enough for early maps and seasonal events. But later on you will need at least 3 (better 5) heroes in each color to be able to stack color against stronger enemies.
You will need at least 30 heroes to participate in wars.
For titans you will need 5 heroes in each color (and they are not necessarily the same heroes you use for wars or maps).
For Tavern of Legends you need 50 heroes.
For War of 3 Kingdoms you will need 60 heroes.
For elemental challenges you will need 20 heroes in each color (that makes it 100 in total)
And for Monster Island you need really almost infinite number of heroes…
And as you should have at least 50 free spaces in your roster for feeders it means that buying roster space is probably the best way to spend the limited number of gems you have if you don’t spend money on them.

You will also need larger number of heroes for towers and challenge events, but it is harder to calculate how many.

In the beginning the best way is to build a good team of 3* heroes, at least 3 in each color keeping a diversity of their skills (ie healers, hitters, support etc). They are fast and cheap to ascend and emblem (you can do it in about 1-2 weeks), and will enable you to win ascension materials needed for higher-tier heroes.
Maxed and emblemed 3* is about equal to a 4* at 3/60, LBd is about equal to 4* at 4/70 without emblems or a 5* at 3/70.


:flushed: I was looking for the mind blown emoji…this game has so many aspects…I can’t even!! Lol thanks for the help…however I might now be even more confused
