Lol at myself

I can’t believe I’m having to even ask, where are the water stages? Lol…

The ones with drowning damage… Atlantis levels (they’ll have the waves in a little circle when you look on the map)

  • 2.10.4; 2.10.6; 2.10.8

  • 2.11.2; 2.11.4; 2.11.6; 2.11.8; 2.11.10

  • 2.12.2; 2.12.5; 2.12.7; 2.12.9

  • 2.22.3; 2.22.6; 2.22.8; 2.22.10

  • 2.23.2; 2.23.4; 2.23.6; 2.23.8

  • 2.24.1; 2.24.3; 2.24.7; 2.24.9

  • 2.25.2; 2.25.4; 2.25.6; 2.25.8

  • 2.26.2; 2.26.4; 2.26.7; 2.26.9

  • 2.27.1; 2.27.4; 2.27.6; 2.27.9


Season 2, Province 10, Stage 4 is the earliest of them.

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Don’t worry about it. Early this morning I was attacking the dense fog stages of S2 thinking I would sort out the daily Valor challenge quite easy. I went into the forum to ask if anyone else was experiencing problems to be very kindly told I had mistaken fog for water. But I was playing without my glasses lol


Haha today I looked for the water stage found 10-4. so I hit the titan then for some reason I go play I think 7-4 which is a fog stage :woman_shrugging:


Since we’ve covered the answer, and there’s a fair amount of discussion about this in 🧭 First Path of Valor Log and Discussion – Starts February 3, I’m going to close this thread now. :slightly_smiling_face: