I used Rigard for awhile until I changed to Domitia and I can’t see a big difference in my defence. Azlar as a slow hero in the corner. He never will fires his special I guess?
How do you mean? Every time I’ve attacked a team with khiona flank, of her special goes off and I can’t dispel it immediately, she and her nearby allies quickly have a +144% attack buff
I didn’t think khiona was a good hero at all until I raided her on defense a few times. On offense her ability is kind of wonky especially because it only lasts 3 turns.
I agree with you. I have her fully maxed and have faced her in raid. She is subpar in defence.
Same as Greg and Arthur. Average mana snipers are another subpar for defence.
I try this one now:
Zeline, Khiona, Richard, Azlar, Rigard
It seems that more people think Rigard would do a better job as Domitia or Li Xiu. I’m still open for more opinions