Khagan over Jean-François for events / offence play style?

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Photographer. Mostly fashion.

Im not liking JF. I pulled him with a free pull.

“Most” slow heroes absolutely have their place. Miki is on most of my titan teams. MN and Alby sit on all of my green offensive teams. Azlar is always the killing shot on my red team and Boss Wolf is my main tank.

However, some slow heroes just don’t make the cut. If they cant tank, nuke hard or recover the team with heals or reanimation then they suffer unless they are in an area that can use mana pots (like Miki).

I don’t think Khagan is as bad as most put him. However, he isn’t a top hero by any stretch. Hitting 3 is extremely inefficient for a fast hero…for a slow its silly. His buffs are something you would need 2-3 turns into the game…not 6 or more.

They both sit on my bench now and they will probably stay there. I have the mats to max 2 reds right now and I am not even considering them. However, Khagan will eventually get a costume and that may change things.

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A lot of people saying “JF is terrible” or “Khagan is awful”, etc…Can someone at least address the topic of which one is less awful between the two?