Hi all, after i got newest update i started reading the season 2 update fixes and have noticed that Kelile’s special skill is improved. I have checked mine and discovered that my Kelile is way different. It does 348 dmg over 6 turns instead 360 and in fight it does 402 ( 67 x 6 turns).
Thanks for the reply Fantastic. i did and theirs is 360 at lvl 70 . The thing is mine shows 348 at lvl 56 and in fight shows it does 402 dmg … Ain’t that awkward ?
She does less damage than she would at max since the damage is calculated based on attack stat. Keep feeding her and you will get her maxed soon enough.
She does more damage in an actual fight because your attack stat is boosted by the troops you use.
Edit: I stand corrected. Both of these statements are false.
my one is maxed and the stats are also diferent.
Stat in battle is 402 if the enemy got hit, it shows um 67 dmg per turn. Multipyed by 6 = 402 but must be 360.
Must be a Bug.
Mine also 402 but diff maxed special dmg that should be equal to all whether they maxed or not the special skill at lvl 8 should be 360. Mine shows 348 some have 312… total bug.
Fledoble has the answer. All of the red DOT heroes continue increasing their specials as they level up. The 8/8 is necessary, but it in not the last step.
This is the honest truth and has been hashed out many times on many DoT heroes. What is happening is not a bug everyone. Paranoia everywhere in these forums