Kasshrek or Caedmon?

Hellow, just another “who should get the ascension mats” question.

I just have enough to take a green 4* to the next level. So far i only have 2 green heroes, Kasshrek and Caedmon. My general raiding/map pushing team looks like this…
Sabina 4/20 - Magni 3/50 - Caedmon 3/60 -Boldtusk+3 - Wu 3/60

For defense team, i switch Caedmon for Kasshrek. I find that Kasshrek is a good tank and middle guy (my experience in raiding others), but when i run this team on offence, its just too slow for me. Too few punchers.

Im more inclined to level up caedmon right now, even though his dispell is redundant with sabina. What do you guys think?

Tuskers is fine at tank take Caedmon on up


I used Kasshrek as tank at 3-60 for a while until I had other options. Now he rarely leaves the bench.

Caedmon at 4-70 I still use now.


yes, and usually start playing with stack is great to try… like 2 or 3 strong color against opoonent tank, so start build 2-3x *4 rainbow, later you can try with color stacking 3-2, 2-2-1, etc…
or if you have *3 in that color, you can also try it.

So decide Kashrek or Caedmon to ascend.
IMO, +1 for Caedmon, more usefull for long term.


Another vote for Caedmon, you’ll use him a lot for a long time whereas Kasshrek is a plat tank and nothing else.

As already mentioned, BT is a good tank too. Flank him with Magni and Caed with Sabina and Wu in the wings (if the heroes you mentioned are what you have to choose from atm).

Once you learn how to play around Kasshrek, he’s actually not even a good tank anymore. Stack against a nasty flank and use the lizzie for tile dumping. A dispeller is good if you still want to bring a red hitter.


Do you nean this for defense team? I have some more 4*, but not yet at full level: sonya scarlett and colen, and a bunch of 3*s (most at max already, but none of them are emblemed) like bane, prisca, belith, dawa, nashgar, jahagon, azar, muggy, baltazar, valen, gunnar, gan ju. How would you set up the best defense team from my roster?

Sabina 4/20 - Magni 3/50 - Boldtusk+3 Caedmon 3/60 - Wu 3/60 sounds good for now based on your options mate. If you can max Sonya now and not yet Magni then you could swap her in for blue until you have the mats to max out Magni.


Unfortunately i gave my warm coats to magni very early on, before i realized that i should have maxed out the 4*. Im still gathering them warm coats for sonya now.

No problem :slight_smile: Warm coats shouldnt take too long to gather, will be one in Frostmarch in about 8-9ish days

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Will come a time when your rooster will be so improved that Kasshrek will become totally useless. I fed mine, few months ago. I do this sometimes, when I don’t use a hero 1-2 months. I sacrificed some maxed heroes this year. Agwe was the first one :neutral_face:

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Haha… i hope i can advance far enough to actually send 4* heroes to the feeders.

Eventually, almost everyone does.

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For defense, use Kashrek as tank and replace Wu with Caedmon


This has actually crossed my mind. While wu is no doubt great for titans/raiding/map pushing because of the crazy tile damage he does (combined with boldtusks buff), i do question his value on defense…


For me, Wu on defense is always an easy target.

And I think I won’t feed my Kashh away, someday he’ll be useful in a raid tournament…maybe… :smiley:

Edit: but I would prioritize Caedmon, too, he’s more versatile.

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Kashreck is a good tank, to some extent, but he will never see diamond action. Diamond players are either strong enough or smart enough to easily deal with the lizzard. In platinum arena he is one of the best tanks, but that’s about as useful as it gets. On the other hand, Caedmon is a constant presence on the green stacked attack teams. At +18 he has 5* stats (atk 714, def 728 HP 1233) and hits hard and fast. Also dispels. Very useful against Aegir tanks.
I would use BT as tank and ascend Caedmon.


Look at that handsome lizard face :wink: :

Who says Kash ain’t for diamond? :rofl:


Must have been the breafest #1 in the history of E&P :grin::grin::grin:

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On a serious note:

Kash can still be played in low diamond but his other complimentary heroes must be strong.

What I used in the past was:

Zim - Alasie - Kash - Magni - Azlar

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From the amblems point of view you should forget about Kashrek and have Boldtusk as a tank on your defense. Ascend Caedmon, but save druid amblems for Melendor or someone with more stars (I wish you Alberich) :slight_smile:

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