So in the end i picked LJ instead of Hu and while the result was definitely worse than the last time, i really cant put all the blame on LJ for dying on me since i had a really bad board. I have to do other trials to really see LJs potential but like I’ve said earlier in my post, a green against 3 reds its really not optimal while the two yellows, since are neutral did always really good in this trial. A + for bringing LJ tho is the fact that you have blue mobs and i really went flying through the whole 4 mobs stages like i was on easy lol.
I fully completed the trial of strength for the first time this morning! Before I could only beat the second stage. It is so rewarding to watch yourself improve and grow.
Mana potions
Healing potions
At first I did not think I could do it because the team power was only at 3209, almost 800 below the suggested 4000. But then I told myself “what the heck, let’s just give it a try. The worst that could happen is wasting 20 WE.”
But with strategic attacks and careful use of items, I was able to do it! Only cost me 3 time stops, 2 mana potions, and 2 bombs. Very small price to pay for 16 emblems. I hope others can successfully complete the trial as well!
Didn’t need to carpet bomb this time because have a healer now. Superhero Boldtusk substituted for Azar. Little John in for Valen. Grimm used to be at 3/20.
They picked on Colen the whole time, and he died against the bosses. I’ve got another Grimm who will serve on this trial. He’ll replace Sumitomo, because I don’t like not being able to know when the mob monsters are going to die. Grimm will get the barbarian emblems.
Lack of healers and my low-defense team makes this one really hard.
Currently lvling LJ, who might come in next time in the place of Valen
Carpet bombing is the only choice here
Emblems on the bench, trainer to Scarlet
Yeah Hu is definitely more resilient. They killed my LJ with two consecutive hits, from almost full health. I wanted to blame the board (cause it took a bit longer since almost no good matches) but yeah never happened to me that i loosed a hero like that in one turn bam bam Azlar and Elena. They surly knew where to fire
First time doing a trials and I did not use any battle items… I didn’t even read up to know what to bring and oh how I needed antidotes @Starryeyedgryph also!!!
TP 3600 approximately
Boldusk X2, Magni, Grimm and Elena
Took a picture of the team after as I thought I had one in the last trial ( but seems I didn’t ).
I like this one as I have Poseidon and LJ which I can use as well , but I’ll stick to Boldusk as a staple. Probably my favourite 4* hero to date…
Edit : you guys need to tell me what photo editor you use … so I can put smaller pics up, OR if I can remember my log in details to the forum , I can just take the screenshots on the tablet , post on the forums there instead of on my phone …
It got real at the last minute, they were all charged up so I had to nuke or be dealt with! I wanted to use my rainbow because it was funner but also more dangerous! I fed my trainer to Marjana too though