I don’t have the eperiance that alot of you have my question is, I have Joon and Wu Kong and only enough acention item to complete one. What’s better for Titan and war
The answer is always wu first!
Wu is for Titan a must ( cause Tarlak is the next step) and Joon is good for all…raids…war…titan
Thanks for information
If those are your only two, then go for Wu Kong.
Joon is awesome. But being a 5 star, he takes a lot longer to reach max potential than Wu Kong.
Wu for sure. You’ll have him maxed way quicker and by the time that’s done you’ll probably have the mats for Joon.
I would go a step further and say use emblems on Wu over Joon as well. The closer he is to survivability against titans, the better.
Seconded. And I’ve been choosing branches that give defense and hp over attack stats since keeping him alive helps everybody hit harder.
When you say I have materials to ascend one, you have the ability to take Joon up from 2/60, or Wu up from 3/60? They need different materials to reach Full Ascension as others have said, and Wu is much easier
Above is a table of ascension items that might be handy for you, not sure if you’re familiar with it. the first column of stuff is to take a four star to final ascension or a five star to third ascension. The second column only applies to five stars to get to final ascension
But another vote for Wu here, he is annoying with misses but sometimes he blows your mind with his damage