So I have a tough decision. Ninja jade (already have 4 other 5* ninjas maxed) or mother north. I already have Heimdall maxed. I do have toxicandra, zeline, Francine evelyn at 70. But I think its between jade and mother north. Input please!!
Mother north.
Left wing on your defense… see her impact on wars and raids.
Oops saw u said heimdall… that makes it tough LOL.
I wish jade had better reviews… seems a mixed reaction to her on forums.
I would not be excited by jade and haven’t heard many positive arguments for her. I’d easily go Mother North (or toxicandra/Francine/Ev) over Jade.
Answer could change depending how how the rest of your team looks, what you need, and what your style of play is.
Jade. I am leveling mine but only to 3/70. I wont invest tonics on her.
Fortunately for you, you have far better green heroes, i.e. Francine, Evelyn, Toxicandra and Mother North. I have Eve and MN and both are maxed and emblemed. Would love to have Francine and Toxicandra though.
Toxicandra. It’d be MN just for VFast but Heimdall makes her slightly less necessary. My Jade is currently and will forever be 1/1, as she is quite clearly the worst of the Ninjas, and by a wide margin
So you see my dilemma lol. I have wanted to finish making Francine up for a while but I haven’t seen her used much. Ughhhhh.
So no jade? Why don’t you like her
For me, she is a broken ninja design. Why would you want to mana cut the enemy when you want them to fire anyway because your heroes are supposed to have a chance of dodging those specials from the enemy.
Heimdall is ideal as tank. And the tank generally is the first to die. You cant revive heroes if the reviver is already dead. That is the importance of Mother North, who has the highest chance of resurrecting dead allies than Alberich and Heimdall, the latter has the poorest revive rate. At left wing defense, she heals and can revive fallen allies and providing everyone with minions. On offense, she can save your bacon, especially on bad opening boards, and thus would be able to turn a losing raid to a win. I have Albe and Mother North both maxed and highly emblem. They are designated on my 2 monogreen teams separately, serving as a safety net in case of atrocious boards.
Francine and Eve would pair well. Both hit 3 and are of fast mana. They synergize very very well.
Yes, mana cut + dodge isn’t good combo. But I think Jade’s main role is mana cut not dodge skill. Only mana cut alone is great. She can reduce 10% all enemy mana within only 5 tile. That is the fastest mana speed of mana cutter in this game. I think put her at flank position is very annoy. It is like Neith or Li Xiu in very fast mode but Jade charge even faster than them. On offense, I think she is good mana controller as well (because she can reduce 10% all enemy mana within only 5 tile) but I think Jade’s main role is defense not controller.
About the topic question, because you have maxed Heimdel, I think Toxicandra is best choice. Fast healer with cure is great on offense.
My experience so far says she’s completely unreliable in defence. Super fast mana cut in flank position sounds OK, but it doesn’t have to be that fast at all. She often tries to charge more and that has proven to be too late in all occasions.
And while mana cut in 5 tiles sounds great, it still is too little even in offence - because her secondary effect is practically negligible. I don’t know, it is clear Jade is designed to be a supportive hero, but all she offers is a bit of stalling. Unlike OP I don’t have such great options in green, and I still don’t see my 1-1 Jade as a candidate for tonics…
Well, maybe if they made Jade use her skill every times when she is x1 charge or higher, I think Jade would be able to match those OP C Kadilen and Frigg.
Francine is a nice solid A- grade in my book.
I dont have toxicandra, but she seems popular in diamond class…
Some people discussing Francine there if you wanna read other POV on her…
I love my Francine, she is awesome.
Mother North is a game-changer. For the past few months, I’ve started using her and Frigg on my raid offense, together with 3 heroes that combat the tank color (ideally 1 sniper, 1 healer, 1 DOT).
I can’t count how many times I’ve been almost defeated, but manage to fire off MN and revive some or even all of my dead heroes. And if they died with full mana - especially your second healer, your enemy is in for a nasty surprise.
More than any other hero, she has the capability to completely turn a battle around.
I would probably max everyone of your green heroes before Jade.
Mother North is great for rush in combination with heimdall, on normal defense on the left wing or offense.
Toxicandra is probably the best hero from the villain event, something similar with ariel in green. And Francine with her clean over time is unique and helpful against status aliment heavy teams.
Evelyn as element def down probably the best for blue titans (now maybe Fogg). And even zeline although older is still useful.
Jade on the other hand doesn’t work anywhere really good. On defense she don’t do anything, as tank you can put stones into her until she is dead, her manacut and dodge won’t harm you if you kill her with tiles and after that you can dispel the dodge without problems (unlike kadi c who dodges dispel).
As flank or wing she is even worse.
You don’t need her for the family bonus, you already have 4 other ninjas, you just need 3 for the max family bonus so she also won’t add anything here.
If you want to read a little bit more about jade, there I compared her, magerets and kadis dodge.
Jade is really not good. I agree.
Just had a similar decision between Francine, lotl, mother north and jade. Went with Francine.
I like all the green ladies you have… except Jade. MN for the best rate of resurrection, Evelyn for the elemental defense down, Francine for the cleanse at the end of the turn, Zeline for her dispel and Toxicandra as she’s a fast healer. Jade is, in a few words, a big trash. Got her in the first NT and she’s still in level 1 (and she’ll remain like this unless she gets a buff).
When I face all of these ladies, the one who scares me the less is the ninja.
Of all these heroes, I do not have only Francine, but for me the first choice would be the MN independent HEIMDAL!
MN is fantastic! How many times has it saved me in wars where it seemed like a perfect affair!
All other options is better than Jade. She is the only Ninja I have and I won’t max her despite of having 12 Tonic. Wish I have Eve or Toxic (already have Zeline and Francine maxed)