Is The Synergy Created Dangerous To The Game?

If every hero was the same as the next, game would have died years ago

He has his use

They’re just not the same as telluria vela or clarissa and i don’t see a reason they should be

When paired with other hit 5 AoE(i like him paired with zim + anzogh for example), he does alright

Think everyone expects every hotm to be borderline OP and that’s just unrealistic expectation

Game is built on variety when it comes to offense, players enjoy finding different synergies and uses, etc

There’s goin to be some heroes that are just plug n go easy to use

There’s goin to be some that are more synergy reliant

And there’s goin to be some that some players just don’t find a use for

Just part of the game

Changing a hero after every release or at every demand of the playerbase would be chaotic

Aegir got buffed and i think was the right move

But i also think it set a poor precednt that “if we complain enough and vote on hero changes, SG will cave” which thankfully SG is still holdin strong and just doin what they do best which is keeping a succesful game moving forward and providing more interesting heroes and features for players


And these may often be one and the same… If you don’t have the hero’s for synergy (or don’t/won’t level them) then you may well not see the point and not find a use case.

Great post as always buddy :+1:

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@Guvnor @zephyr1 curious how now several months later people are thinking that the synergy created is becoming too much…

Balance changes during Beta reduced the overbearing synergy between JF and Telluria that originally existed before JF’s final version.

And while Vela is a spectacular flank to Telluria, I don’t think it’s the synergy that makes it intrinsically problematic.

I personally think Telluria alone, even without the benefits of flanks like Vela/JF/GM/Drake, is problematic.

The synergy exacerbates the issue, but I don’t think it’s the synergy that’s most in need of being fixed.



Though i do think eliminating the stacking of DoTs in opposite elments would be a slight improvement


When you tagged me back in january I didn’t answer as I tought “things are going to be grim but I hope we (BETA) wil be able to not make things go that bad”.

Man, how much were I wrong…


@FraVit93 I think its hard to tell how strong a hero will be in all cases and scenarios. Telluria is a special case where the offered up balance changes were not followed and instead everything was just nerfed a little. I still stand that if you took away her damage or her mana slow that she is less oppressive.

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The mana slow was the one thing devs refused to touch

Of course…~900 defense by node 10 with guin+++ tank abilities probly should have been another red flag

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Did they say why they refused to touch the mana slow?

They ever say anything about anything anymore?

I’ll stop the rant there.

Short answer = No.