Is Tarlak obsolete?

I was so excited to get Tarlak a few months ago when he was featured. Was saying good riddance to Wu.

Maxed and he’s been methodical for titans, nothing spectacular but no total flops either.
So I gave him emblems. :scream:

Ranvir sits 3/70 but I don’t really use him, tried on a dark titan but ugggghhhly.

I have Miki at 3/70 and he’s been amazing. The 5th turn of his skill along with the silence, I’m taking him over Tarlak+4 vs green titans too.

so is Tarlak obsolete? if you have Miki?


I would say no. I have both maxed and rotate the 2 with Wu depending on the Titan’s color. They’re both really good in Wars too. Once I get around to maxing him, Ranvir will replace Wu in the rotation


But do you use miki over tarlak on blues titans?

I have tar maxed and I’m maxing miki as we speak. Tarlak is still an 800+ attack green with a big buff on top of that so still solid for blue titans

Way i figure it we’ll have a tarlak/miki in every color except yellow at some point

So no tarlak isnt obselete and wont be unless another green comes out to trump him

With that being said, would i have given tarlak tonics if miki was out and i had him on the bench, no i would have maxed my 2nd alby and put tarlak off until i have bout 35-40 maxed 5s.

But that didnt happen and i should still have enough tonics for kingston and probly enough tonics for 2nd albie at some point in the next 6 months. So no regrets on my end, tarlak will still see use.


This is interesting. I just pulled Tarlak, and I have both Miki and Ranvir. I also have matts for Tarlak (or second Kingston or Morgan), and I’m definitely going to max Tarlak. Miki is still waiting scopes, last set went to Isarnia because we run blue tanks and she was my best choice.

Ranvir is such a disappointment, but Tarlak seems to be super useful.

I’d use him on 3/70 for a couple of weeks before committing tonics.

Even vs 14*, this is my suggestion. I want my tonics back.

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I really didn’t want to hear that. Darn, I was so excited with my luckiest single pull with Atlantis coins ever :laughing:

I did my very last large pull today trying to get Tarlak as he is one of only two Atlantis heroes I am missing.

Tarlak still the best of the three on offensive raid teams. Ranvir is pretty good, but Miki is just too slow to get into the game. I have them both maxed, but Miki is stuck on titan-only duty.

Tarlak trumps miki and ranvir for pvp btw, forgot to mention that in my first response to this thread…

Yep…if he fires and you have any tiles the enemies melt

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