Is Sumitomo worth final ascension?

Just wondering if he is worth final ascension. For fire heroes I have Azlar,Zim,Boldtusk,Gormeck,and Scarlett fully ascended. If I am reading right on his description if he is set off and attacked by Sartana for instance he will counterattack at 135% is that worth it ? Thanks in advance for your thoughts and feedback :sunglasses:

My view on this would be yes. Maybe even more so now with the addition of class hero’s

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TBH I don’t have much experience with him, since I’ve never used him myself.

I have a 2nd low-level account with which I’ve fought him several times, but with a little aiming and proper usage of skills he’s no real match. So definitely not a defense hero imo

But maybe he’s better assigned to an attack team? I’d like to hear some testimonies :smiley:

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Overall, yes.

But without knowing your team makeup, I would say it is inconclusive.
He’s good to flesh out a 'family" but his counterattack only covers him, yet the counterattack recovers mana… if you have a mana troop on him and a couple other sakura family members (Inari) he could potentially go off frequently, but in most advanced lineups, he’s pretty squishy so I wouldn’t (at my level) use him as anything more than war depth.

I intend to ascend him, eventually.

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I agree about his defense being squishy, I guess I’m thinking I probably should go ahead with him for as you said use him for wars. I guess I’ll wait a little bit and see if there’s any other comments I don’t really have any family counterparts in that Sakura family :flushed:

Okay to stack against green titans, but in rainbow only with 2 more sakuras in my 6th war team. My other reds are Bold, Kelile, Wilbur, Ares and Colan. He is always last choice if not stacked.

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So I listed my red’s on my post I have Colen at 3/55 so would he be a better choice ?

Id go with him over Colen

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Imho yes. With class ascension he even is able to revive. Since he has slow mana he often only fires once, but if his DoT won’t be dispelled, it hurts badly. And state dispellers are a rare species… :wink:

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Thank’s to all, I think I’m gonna hold Sumioto and roll with Colen for now one more hidden blade and I can have both. I like both :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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