New player - First 4* Ascension Team Help

First time poster: I’ve been playing about a month and have been trying to get all my 4* heros to 3-60 while I build up AMs. I’m able to ascend, pretty much one color each (lack one orb and a shield). Which first color of each would you ascend to make a team for raids/map progression? Any help would be nice! Thank you! Also any help on ideal defense team would be nice as well. (And to discard)

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Everyone has their own preferences, and after two years of playing, I know there is no defense that cannot be breached, so I tend to put more emphasis on attack. If you want one of each colour, I recommend the following:
Blue: Kiril - he heals and has two buffs (then Sonya; I love her)
Green: Caedmon - tough, and he dispels
Yellow: Griffin for offense, Li Xiu for defense
Purple: Rigard - heals and cleanses
Red: Mmm Scarlett or Mack - toss up between attack down vs attack up and mana up.

Good luck!



  1. Scarlett - Fast mana, attack down, and high attack stat; great for raids, offense and green titans
  2. Colen - Slow means a lil less versatile, but packs a hel of a punch; great for VF and events, and for tile damage
  3. Sumle - a much better version of Rokkamush, albeit slower, and really needs a Wilbur to synergize with to use at optimum level
  4. Mack - not a fan of counterattack, but may find use of the attack buff [for titans] til you get Boldtusk
  5. Shadereave - could also use for titans, less you pull Boldtusk before him (not as much of a fan vs BT)
  6. Rokkamush - maybe he won’t miss and be useful?

If you pull Boldtusk, Guardian Falcon, or Wilbur (or even Gormek), move em to the front of the line


  1. Kiril - amazing healer + buffer; this guy will be your BFF everywhere for years
  2. Grimm - strongest of the three defense droppers (without costume); great attack stat, and defense down is a powerful tool, so you’ll use offensively just about everywhere
  3. Sonya - dispel is handy, and important, and fast mana snipers are too
  4. Frank + costume - great for VF, has a stronger defense down than Grimm, and can also be used to counter minions [in costume]
  5. Boril - not a fan of counterattack, but idk, maybe you’ll find a place for it

If you pull Sapphire, move to the front of the line + Jott is great for fire titans


  1. Tettukh - mana control is probably the most important skill of the game, so I’d get as many up and running [with it] as you can
  2. Melendor - dispel + heal + high attack stat for tile damage, what’s not to love?
  3. Orla - although slow, she’s a slayer, so in long, drawn out battles, she’ll become pseudo-fast + she’s got a secondary mana control ability
  4. Caedmon - dispel again
  5. Little John - great attack stat, so great tile damage, and awesome during VF + strong mana gen debuff
  6. Skittleskull - similar to LJ, but attack down, which is useful for survivability
  7. Kashhrek - to eventually tank for you [defensively] if ya find ya need one

If you pull Hansel, Almur, Peters, Marcel, Buddy or Anton, move to the front of the line + Brynhild is also good for tanking


  1. Wu Kong - for titans, yeah
  2. Griffin - solid attack stat, fast mana + sniper that ignores counterattack and reflect :+1:
  3. Chao - fast hitter + single mana cut could be useful
  4. Li Xiu - not as great of mana control, but it’s something + she makes a solid tank
  5. Hu Tao - great during VF; blind is powerful

If you pull Guardian Jackal, Gullinbursti, Mist, D’Andre, Woolerton and/or Gretel, move to the front of the line


  1. Rigard - your only cleanse option atm, and healers are useful everywhere
  2. Sabina - another healer + dispel + high attack stat, so bring vs yellow Titans

If you pull Proteus, Tiburtus (+ costume), Sergei, Ametrine or Merlin, move to the front of the line

Lemme know if you have any questions; hope this helps :blush:

PS - Don’t forget your 3*! I’d recommend eventually leveling and maxing nearly one of each you obtain! Only a handful of 3* that aren’t all that useful, but otherwise, they’ll help round out your roster for war.


Important notes, first and foremost, especially for new players:

  • LOCK your heroes. that way, you don’t accidentally feed them off to others, especially if you’ve already levelled them up. It sucks to find out that the one you’re levelling up gets accidentally fed to a duplicate hero.
  • your main focus should be completing stages, then worlds, as much as your current hero roster will allow. after you complete a world, you’re rewarded those increasingly rare, unfarmable ascension mats.
  • DO NOT worry at all about your cup/trophy count that should NEVER matter unless your goal is to compete globally. Even then, global placing when it comes to trophy count is simply for bragging rights. THAT’S IT. Trophies should never matter for someone who’s new to the game anyway. Sure, the rewards increase for completing the regular wanted chart as you reach higher tiers, but they aren’t promising in the first place. There is a VERY small chance for you to get unfarmable ascension mats, but it is, again, VERY small.
  • focus MORE on your 4-star and 3-star heroes INSTEAD OF your 5-star ones. They will build the backbone of both your offence and defence. believe it or not, some 4-star heroes are better and sturdier than fully levelled and ascended 5-star heroes. Even more so if those 4-star heroes are emblemed.
  • another reason to focus building more 4-star and 3-star heroes: they consume less resources (food/ham, iron, feeder heroes, emblems) than 5-star heroes. The unfarmable ascension mats for them are also more readily available than 5-star ones.
  • on tournaments, 4-star and 3-star heroes are more often compared to 5-star tournaments. What’s best is that placing at least on the top 10% of tournaments gives you a chance to obtain the most coveted items in the game right now: aethers for limit breaking.


The ones I suggest building right away:

Grimm- damages AND puts defence down on THREE opponents. He also has high attack. I’ve been playing for more than 3 years now and I STILL use him, despite my extensive roster.
Sonya- EXCELLENT and one of the most useful dispellers in the game. Fast mana speed and nice defence stat. She has nice survivability because of her defence and she can deal nice damage because of her fast mana gain.
Kiril- also EXCELLENT support hero because he increases both your team’s attack and defence at the same time AND he recovers HP.
Valen- good 3-star because of his fast mana and damage. he’s like a mini Grimm, but with faster speed. Downside compared to him: he only hits one.
Boril- PURELY defensive hero. Has one of, if not THE HIGHEST, defences in the game and definitely for 4-star heroes. Fire him and he and his nearby allies will return the damage they receive PLUS some more damage BACK TO THEIR ATTACKER. Watch them kill themselves.
Costume Frank- very situational. He is excellent if your enemy has minion makers. other than that, his damage is rather poor, not to mention he has slow mana gain.

Scarlet- VERY NICE attack, but absolute rubbish defence stat. she’s a classic example of a glass cannon. Her attack is one of, if not THE HIGHEST, of the 4-star heroes. At max emblems, her attack rivals even that of 5-stars. But her biggest downside, again, is her abysmal defence. She dies rather easily without a healer or defence buffer (like Kiril who can do BOTH). She ALSO lowers attack of 3 heroes.
Colen- high attack, high damage, burns all, BUT SLOW mana. I’d still say he’s worthy of being levelled and ascended because of how limited your red 4-star roster is. He’s also a staple and very good choice for very fast (VF) tourneys and wars. that’s where he truly shines.
Nashgar- great 3-star starter hero. FAST mana, damages, good attack, and burns, but only a single target.

Rokkamush and Sumle- I’m absolutely NOT a fan of misses. Heroes that do attack all BUT has a chance to miss can be a liability. If you miss an enemy hero and they live, they can turn the tables and do damage on you instead and you’re the one who ends up losing. I’ll pass on these two.
Mack- a counterattacker like Boril that gives attack boost as well. Increased attack means better return damage to the attacker. An ideal counterattacker is one that has low defence, high HP, and high attack. But in Mack’s case, he has high defence, so not the most optimal, but also not bad because of his attack buff. I’d prioritise Scarlet and Colen over Mack.

Caedmon- basically a green version of Sonya. Does EXACTLY everything she does and has exactly the same merits.
Melendor- GREAT healer to all and he also dispels all dispellable buffs your enemy’s heroes have. His costume is even better because it provides defence up to your team.
Kashrek- sturdy tank and provides EXCELLENT defence against red damage (94% resistance against reds) after you fire his special. He does heal very nicely (45% HP compared to Melendor’s 42%), BUT ONLY FOR himself and the allies to his immediate left and right. If you get his costume, even better because his heal stacks on top of an already full HP (the heal is called overheal).
Tettukh- he’s underrated. Does damage, poisons enemy, and the first 3 damages from enemies’ special skills that he takes is reduced by -20%. His BEST and most redeeming feature is that he ‘silences’ your enemy. A ‘silenced’ enemy wouldn’t be able to fire their special skills as long as they’re silenced. It’s one of the best variations of mana control.
Little John- VERY annoying hero if he’s in your enemy’s defence and he goes off. He lowers your ENTIRE team’s mana generation by -64% for 3 turns. That’s A LOT, to the point that they almost won’t fire their specials. He also has high attack and does good damage (again, to all). He’s good in flank position and excellent flank in VF wars and tourneys. He can be an asset in your team if fired and timed correctly during regular speed attacks. Downside: he’s SLOW mana.

Skittleskull- isn’t bad, at least not for me. I’ve played with her (yes, she’s a she) before. She has good damage, but not as good as LJ. Also high attack. If LJ cripples your mana generation, she gives attack down (-34%) to your opponent’s heroes for SIX turns. that’s quite a lot of turns, BUT she’s also SLOW mana. I’d prioritise the ones up top before her.
Orla- belongs in the Slayer family. ALL these heroes take a REALLY long time to be good if you only have one of them in the same team. They have SLOW mana speed, but if you have 2 or even 3 Slayers, then they gain power quicker. All status ailments that deal damage get decreased by 50% (if a status ailment dealt 20 damage every turn, Slayers get only 10 damage). They have automatic increase in mana generation and also recover a certain amount of HP on their own every turn without a healer, but those are dependent on how many stacks they have. The more Slayers you have, the more frequent those stacks happen. It’s important to know that a single Slayer can generate those stacks on their own, but not as quickly as when you have 2 or 3 of them.

Wu Kong- INDISPENSABLE hero when it comes to attacking and bringing down titans (until you get Tarlak or Miki). He will make your damage output skyrocket. BIG downside: he gives your team a high chance to miss. This applies to BOTH normal tile damage and special skills. That being said, that risk is worth it. it’s basically a gamble and his special skill’s name is aptly coined from that scenario.
Griffin- nice attack, fast mana speed, nice damage, AND he ALWAYS bypasses counterattacks and reflects. that means counterattackers like Boril, Mack, and Cyprian CANNOT AND WON’T be able to toss back the damage he inflicts on them. he’s also the ONLY hero (so far) that can bypass Ursena’s holy reflect. Downside: low defence.
Li Xiu- VERY ANNOYING flank. If she’s on the defending team and she goes off, you can make sure you’ll have a hard time. She cuts EVERYONE’S mana by -20% and she does damage, though not high enough. Her ability to decrease mana is her most annoying feature. She has average/normal mana speed. She’s an asset to your team if you fire her before any of your opponent’s heroes fire their specials.
Chao- damages and cuts mana like Li Xiu, but only for 1 target. He deals a bit more damage and is fast mana, though.

Hu Tao- slow mana, but his blind (-40% accuracy that makes the enemy miss both slash attacks and special skills) is something to take into consideration.

Rigard- one of the BEST healers in the game. He recovers health for your team AND cleanses them of all status ailments (burns, attack/defence downs, blinds, decreased mana generation, etc). His costume is better because it gives all his allies +48% attack. The only difference is that the costume doesn’t provide immediate healing but healing over time instead.
Sabina- heals as much as regular Rigard, but dispels your enemy’s buffs instead of cleansing your team’s ailments.

(I think this is your weakest colour right now because you don’t have an offensive purple hero: they’re both support plus one counterattacker.)
Cyprian- basically a purple Boril, but a better counterattacker in my opinion. He has a higher attack and HP than him, but a lower defence. Again, a more ideal counterattacker is one that has those stats. The more damage they receive from having a low defence, the more damage they can counter back (this time from both having a low defence AND a higher attack). The higher the HP, the more damage they can soak up.

Hopefully these help. let me know if I may help any further or if you have any other questions! best of luck and don’t get bankrupt!


Couldn’t see a preview of your rare heroes, Nashgar in the corner is not maxed! A month of play isn’t that long, perhaps, you should max enough rare heroes (3*) to support your game at that level and to help you build up the mats you would need for your epic heroes!,


Suggested lineup for attacking:
Grimm, Caedmon, Rigard, Griffin, Scarlet.

Suggested lineup for defending:
Sonya, Li Xiu, Rigard, Caedmon, Scarlett (in this order)
Sonya, Chao, Cyprian, Melendor, Scarlett (in this order)
Caedmon, Li Xiu, Boril, Rigard/Sabina, Scarlett (also in this order)

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Titans are most reliable source of AM materials in the game, so focusing on heroes that do well there is an investment that will pay off earlier or later. On that note, if you want exactly one of each color, I’d do:
Wu Kong, Kiril (Grimm, Frank eventually), Melendor (LJ, Skittleskull for tile damage), Shadereave (alternatively Scarlett) and finally Rigard (or Sabina). Of those, most are also very useful in raid offensive, events, quests. Outside of those Caedmon, Sonya and Tettukh are offensive powerhouses as well.

As for defense, I’d reccomend doing a defense team that would be useful in other areas of the game as well, for versatility. For example Rigard can be used as a tank, as a flank/corner and is useful on offense as well as pve content, plus is future proof thanks to his costume. That’s unlike, say, Cyprian, who on defense would only fit as a tank (a position that is easily rendered obsolete) and is rather cumbersome to be used on offense and useless on titans. Also, depending on your alliance’s strategy and your willingness to participate in tournaments, you may want tanks that are not the best you have in your roster. For example, your best tank is probably Kashhrek but, if your alliance uses same color tanks in wars and they choose, say, yellow, then a Li Xiu would fit in way better than Kashhrek. So, for each specific color, your tank of choice could be:

Kashhrek (Skittle is a mediocre alternative)
Li Xiu/Hu Tao (Chao as a very mediocre version)

Pair those with a combination of Li Xiu/Chao/Melendor/Caedmon/Rigard/Sabrina/Sonya/Kiril/Grimm/Scarlett in other positions and you’re good to go.

That’s what I’d do.


Firstly, welcome to the forum. It’s great you’re already on your way, posting your query on the forum. Kudos to you.

You’ve already got some amazing advice, so nothing to add there. However, I totally agree with @Oliz

GL in your E&P journey.


Wow, I was not expecting such an awesome response from everyone. This is all excellent material and j have read through it twice and will definitely keep this bookmarked. Thank you all!

Luckily I pulled Ametrine this morning so that should help boost my Dark lineup.

I’m addition to Ametrine today, I also just picked up Boldtusk! Good day!

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I didn’t get Boldtusk until after about 18 months of playing. I was so happy when I finally did!

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