Is King Arthur useful 3/70?

Spent way over budget to get this guy, but only have 1 cape atm.

Hoping to get at least 3 more capes to take him to 3/70, don’t have his stats for that lvl but will he be more useful than a maxed 4*?

Have maxed kiril, grimm 4/30, Triton 3/60 now. Below is my blue roster, do I start KA, Sonya, or second kiril/grimm/Triton? Thanks, figure it’s between KA and Sonya.


Sonya is your “all purpose dispeller” and she’s good.

King Arthur serves his purpose at 3.70 by providing his elemental armor debuff, but he isnt great until he gets to 4.80

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KA is sought after mostly for the -def to blue dmg. Not just his overall stats. Teamed with your other blues and either Wu Kong or Tarlak your hits on red titans have potential to be massive


Yes very much worth it. Arthur is the only blue debuff in the game at the moment. Great for red titans and blue stacks. :blush:


I agree with @AirHawk – KA at 3/70 is a better choice than bringing up, say, Triton or Valeria. That -ice debuff is a unique and valuable skill, and his Special Shield helps keep the weaker 3/70 KA alive.

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Arthur is better maxed, obviously, but that color debuff puts him into the rare category of a 5* at 3/70 being better than a typical 4* at 4/70.


Ok thanks, I will start KA. Makes me feel a little better when I consider the number of pulls I used to get him.

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Definitely don’t feel bad about pulling King A. You want all color specific def debuff heroes. Even at 3/70 he’s really good against red titans.

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I use him on 3/70 against red titan with Grimm, Ala, Wu and Kirill. KA replace fully ascended Sonya and now red titan is my best. So KA is ver usefull on 3/70.


I have spent 600 over the last 3 avalon events to try for him. After I didnt get him after my initial push, i used my scopes on Misandra. Then i did “just one more pull” and got him. I have 16 capes but now have to wait for 4 more scopes. Sigh.

But yes i intend to use him 3/70 with grimm and alaise and misandra (and Wu)

Giving scopes to Misandra ahead of KA might be a good move anyway. He’s a singular hero -def blue, so you’ll get good use of him against red titans at 3/70. He does that at full power as soon as his special hits 8/8.

Misandra is primarily a sniper, with an interesting multi-hit/mana boost twist. The game has a bunch of good snipers. Most of them are waaaaay better at 4/80 than they were at 3/70. They hit harder and are durable enough to last long enough to be useful; I suspect she is like that.


I don’t have Misandra, but my experience raiding against her is that while she can be devastating, the random factor in her special makes her a bit less dangerous than Magni or Alasie on average. Which doesn’t mean I wouldn’t try to level her right off as an alternative for wars if I actually get her.

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That’s correct statistically. Misandra’s expected damage is less than the other blue snipers (Magni, Alasie, Arthur), but she can hit for more. Her mana special is iffy, but the others are certain. Take your pick.

Hmm…and the extra hits are random, not targeted. Of course on defense, all hits are random, not targeted, so that’s less of a downside on a defense team, I guess.

Defense hits aren’t entirely random. There is some logic to which targets the AI picks, though it appears to be “fuzzy” and may target suboptimally. Misandra’s secondary attacks are worse because they are strictly random.

Uhm, I have trouble imagining it was better than random, from watching it on raids. I mean aiming an equal hit-3 hero at a corner so it only damages 2 instead of 3 is beyond sub-optimal; it is counter-productive, and I’ve seen it. (With a splash damage hitter, there are times where you want to hit a corner hardest and sacrifice splash damage on one hero, but not with an equal hitter like Gravemaker)

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My favorite is when the AI uses Lianna to hit one of my heroes with over 1000 damage… but they were down to 9 health anyways :rofl:

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What is that logic kerridoc ?

Btw - my auto correct makes your name terrific!

Who is AI??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Judging by the performance ingame, AI stands for artificial idiot.