Is King Arthur useful 3/70?

So true :rofl: :wink:

We’re way off topic, but there seems to be a logic that selects a target based on low HP and high mana. If the target is in the corner, it will shoot a hit-3 special there regardless.


Well I’m happy I stumbled across this KA was my first 5 and then got Isarnia in costume summon but those are my 2 5s rn and was struggling weather or not to get him to 3 but already at 3-37 stats are power: 602 attack:550 defense:569
HP:1038 so at 3-70 image he’d already make a decent tank…I know he won’t be at his full potential until 4-80 but by then he’s a brute and his special is still pretty unique even after season 3 just my 2 cents :smile:

Thanks for bringing up this old post, I never use KA. I think in March 2019 was when Frida was featured, ended up maxing her and absolutely glad to instead of KA because she is so much more useful including for wars.

I’d max a second Frida over KA. Funny how time changes your perspective on heroes and this cursed game.

Lol yeah I don’t have her though…ka is still a beast .

But just got Sonya maxed and with him now TP is just under 3400 and I had a 3900 try to raid me last night and my team held…gonna be rolling platinum soon…just gotta get the rest of my other 4s maxed to be efficient

Just an update KA at 3-70 with now Sonya at 4-70(5nodes) Boldtusk 4-70(7nodes) Chao 4-70(5nodes) and Cyprian 4-70 TP 3517 is actually working pretty good in raid defense and war defense, I also have Wu Kong maxed with 4 nodes I use him more offensive then defense as my hitters are sniper’s but yeah ka at 3-70 with a good backup team is working well especially against red titans or red stacked teams