Is it worth it? Ascending Gadeirus

Finally got the last piece of Sturdy Shield to be able to ascend this hero!

How useful is Gadeirus in battles?

He is a grade B hero and is ok as a 4* Green tank if you have emblems.
But as your Green roster improves you will soon outgrow him
Good luck


What else do you have?

@JGE is spot on (gadeirus was my first atlantis, first maxed 4* green and 3rd 4* ever)

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I have Zocc, Little John, Kashhrek if you are asking about other Nature heroes

I still use gaderius in events where green isn’t reflected I given him +15 ill prob strip and put to +7 once a get a 5* druid.
But still vaule in him his attack buff is great and his heal helps I put jackal next to him in pirates helps alot :slight_smile:

Unlike some others here, I think he is hot junk. I have had him maxed for maybe a year, used him a handful of times, and permanently benched him. Slow and weak

I agree with this. When I first ascended him, I only had Jack O’Hare and Skittleskull as 4* Greens, so he came along fairly often for color stacking. But fairly soon, Melendor, Caedmon, Little John and Hansel all showed up - most of whom overshadow Gadeirus now.

Most important question to answer, to decide if Gadeirus should be ascended :wink:

For me his only usefulness is for blue titan, if you don’t have other 5* greens that boost your atk and willing to increase your titan score, he is worth it. I don’t really use him out of titan now but you can still use him for event/raid tournament etc.

I personally don’t have him leveled yet but would only level him in the future for the 4* rush attack tournaments. I think he might do well tanking a 4* rush attack no red tournament. Also nice to have him on defense team in rush attack tournaments if you have Proteus and Triton for the family bonus.

I’ve stripped him off emblems personally, ever since I got Caedmon’s costume and then Melendor’s costume recently. Those 4*s are just better druids.

I used him on blue titans briefly to buff Little John and Lianna, however I’ve benched him now and bring bear banners instead which get the job done just as well (they may not buff as much attack, but they buff all instead of just nearby).

So honestly, I don’t think he’s bad but I’ve sorely outgrown him now. He is just not desirable with the current druids or 4*s (cRigard is essentially a better version of him).

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I agree with the above. I have him maxed, and use him occasionally (no red 4* tournament, classquest, later warteam), but he is a bit underwhelming. Slow is not very desirable, doesn’t hit hard, and attackbuff and heal only nearby. With only 6 shields and 1 glove, you will probably regret maxing him, as you probably have better options. So: show your roster. Eventually you’ll have plenty 3* materials, and then it won’t matter much and he’ll be a nice niche addition.

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He’s useful enough in maps and events.

Slow mana isn’t ideal, but you’ll find uses for him up to a certain point in the game - there does come a point where you find yourself using him less and less to be sure, but that doesn’t prevent him being a useful stepping stone whilst options are limited.

Whether he’s worth ascending kinda depends what else you have available… And how you like to play.


He’s useful to put between two high attack (ie also squishy) greens, giving them boosted attack and a heal.

But if you have Buddy, then you’ll probably want to put him in that spot instead so you can get minions going and drop enemy attack, both helping survivability - and with defence drop too, he’ll boost your damage output also.

Gadeirus heal is much more significant for sure, but Buddy does an awful lot more overall.

So if you got Buddy, probably pass on Gadeirus…
But if you have two high attack greens maxed and don’t have Buddy, you’ll definitely notice that Gad is there.


If you’re FTP and playing with primarily uncostumed season 1 heroes, you’re not going to outgrow him fast and he’ll be worth it.
If you’re spending a fair amount you’ll progress much faster so you may not get as much use out of him.

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Maybe… But Buddy would do it better under any ruleset for tournaments (if you have him).

Yes, I agree. Buddy has the same defense as Gaderius (before family bonus) but has like 300 more hp. Also the minion and defense down from Buddy are arguably better than HoT and attack up from Gaderius. Unfortunately, I don’t have Buddy yet (maybe this December!).

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Yup! I used him on blue titans and was not quite impressed. I think I’ll wait for some other 4* or 5* Druid.

Minion is far less heal than Gadeirus (like… 1/4 of the numbers and by the time Gad fires you’re not going to be wasting healing) but in every other way Buddy is more impactful.

Buddy’s a great hero, right up among the best 4* options.
Gadeirus is useful for a time but can be outgrown.

It’s not really a fair comparison I guess.

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I do agree that. But I got no Buudy yet😪

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I’d personally take the minion from Buddy. Gaderius is easily dispellled by 4* displlers like Sonya, Caedmon, Melendor, Sabina, etc

Buddy is also more useful in bloody battle.

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Yup his heal is easily dispelled