Is Isarnia still worth it?

I have 7 scopes and other mats ready to ascend my first evet 5* to max. But the big question:
Is my only current candidate, Isarnia, worth it?

Right now my Grimm + 9 is doing the defence down quite well actually and her most obvious position would be replacing him.

My other 5* heroes are Kingston 3/70 waiting for tonics, Sartana 3/20(current project), Jabberwock 1/1 (will start once finished with Sartana) and Kadilen 1/1.

Current defence, which hangs around mid platinum: Caedmon +5, Grimm +9, Li Xiu +7, Sabina +7, Scarlett +9

Other maxed: Proteus +7

there are not much 5 star aoe def debuffers… santa kunchen and isarnia all we have. and prolly viv with costume will join. all slow but all good to have.

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I would say no. She is ok but with limited mats I would wait for better hero.

Probably depends on your spending habits.

As a non-spender, I’d say that she’s very usable for her decent attack stat and devastating Def down.

She’s certainly better than Thorne and unless you want a tank, I prefer her to Richard.

But if you splash the cash, you may have a realistic expectation of getting an event or hotm blue. Frida, Arthur, Alasie etc are all more popular, as is Magni from Tc20 or elemental summons.

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She’s a great titan hero. Her high attack stat and defense down makes her worth it :ok_hand:t2: