I know he’s an amazing hero, but what I mean is…is he worth chasing if I already have a good 5* roster and I’ve had no luck pulling him? I think the odds to get him are like 1.3% so the same odds as pulling a 5*. Is anyone else also having no luck with this hero??
Over my hundred of costume portal summons he’s still the only 4* costume I can’t get, and I don’t know if I should spend money trying to chase him if I don’t really need any 5* costumes from that portal. I did another 60-70 pulls this week and landed 2 new 5* but still no Rigard. I swear I’ve gotten at least 5-10 copies of all other 4* but not him!
Is he a must have in a 4* roster or can I make do with C. Sabina and C. Melendor?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but need advice on this.
I have three maxed at +18 or +19 (one emblemed and LBd to costume path, two at 18 emblemed to non-costumed path). With the emergence of fiend heroes instant heal is preferred and the standard version of Rigard is again the more used. BUT why the costume is important is one the stat boost and second the mana boost, a lvl5 troop is enough for a 9 tile charge.
He is one of the base players of many effective 3-2 war attack teams. Remember that although you can have a nice 5* roster, most players do not have a sufficient number of 5 star healers and cleansers that are charging at 9 tiles or less, with speed being always more and more crucial. So still imho costume rigard is a must.
That’s my c.rigard roster. One time emblemed as c. Rigard and one time emblemed as rigard with costume bonus. IMO one of my most important heroes, especially for war.
I only pulled him twice but leveled 10 Rigards (with costume) cause he’s that good. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
My other 5* healers are alexandrine, grazul 2x, costume vivica 2x, (telli), Prof Lind, (hanitra) Xnolphold and some more, but c rigard is still one of the go to once’s for me in war
C.Sab and C.Mel fill a different role from C.Rigard. They are dispellers, he is a cleanser. What you gain from the costume for him is the attack buff (along with the regular costume bonuses).
I have 3 maxed C.Rigard (one as CB) and all three get used in wars. One I use regularly in raids. But my only 5* dark healer is Aeron.
Thanks guys. I know how good of a hero he is, but I’m unsure only because he’s the only hero I need in the costume summon and the odds to pull him are low. If I needed a bunch of other costumes too it would be a no brainier…
Answer is simple… & you have already answered it = depends on your roster !
On a practical play mode, I have chosen to use regular Rigard most times & have used the Costume Rigard mainly in 4* Buff-booster defence & offence play.
One of costume Rigard’s great strengths is that he charges with 9 tiles with a L11 mana troop.
Though, once I built my 5* healer numbers, today I use Rigard regular as the 2nd healer & many times he is not played at all.
I have 3 costume Rigards & use only if I need cleanse… the regular Rigard !
Else priority is to use Andre, Gullinbursti along with 5* healers.
I also don’t have C. Rigard - the only 4* costume that I am still missing. I also did a 10 pull for him this Costume chamber, but I did not get it.
I do think that he is a very good hero, however, my opinion is that no hero is in the end worth chasing. Of course, if you miss most of the very good heroes in the game, you will lag behind, but I don’t think it’s the case for you. As far as I remember from some of your other posts, you have some of the best heroes in the game. Your roster seemed better than mine and I am doing fine without the costume.
As someone else said before, the mana bonus is the best advantage that he brings. But I would rather advise you to hurry up with getting a mana troop at level 17 and giving him the mana node to get him to charge in 9 tiles.
I think that it’s also more interesting to see how you can use the heroes you have for best results rather than having all the heroes.
I will probably do a 10 pull for him also in the C. Chamber, but it will be for him and 5* costumes, not only for him. And meanwhile I will be focused on getting my newly acquired dark mana troop to level 17.
It’s enough to get one costume. It can be applied to no matter how many regular versions. But you have to level it for each regular hero you want to use it on
Seems like we’re in a similar situation. Appreciate your input, that all makes sense! I’ve also survived this long without even having a regular Rigard (probably one of the very few people who have never levelled up a Rigard). Long story short, like many others I’m struggling with roster space so I fed him away and told myself I would work on him when I pulled his costume - at the time I didn’t think it’d be so difficult lol. I guess next time I pull him again I’ll level him up. I’ve already got a level 23 mana troop (one copy) so no issues with charging him in 9 tiles.
On my alt account, I actually pulled Quartz which has a very similar ability to him so at least I don’t need him there
RnG makes the whole thing such a joke… I have pulled costume Rigard many times = have still 10 in inventory and fed a few away to speed level his first costume final stages.
Haha RNG is interesting and unpredictable for sure! I’ve been told you only really need one copy of the costume, unless you will use more than one in a team at the same time? I actually didn’t know this, since I’ve never levelled up a copy before.
Nothing is worth chasing in this game, to be honest. Of course if you want to, go for it, it’s your money, do with your money what you want.
I do got C Rigard, but in general I prefer his regular version and his costume only for yellow titans/ buff booster tourneys, I have 2 at +19 emblemed with their regular version and they are both used every war. I maxed 2 more, but I never used or emblemed 3rd and 4th one so kind of wasted mats here, but oh well. I mostly rely on 4* healers anyway, don’t have many 5* heroes that can heal.
I still miss 7 other 4* S1 costumes as I pretty much only pull from keys and didn’t have greatest of luck,
I guess. 5 of them are fairly decent too, but it’s fine, I’ll get them one day (or maybe never ).
Is he good? Yes.
Is he great? Probably.
Is he worth chasing? Probably not.
Of course it depends on what healers you already have, how much money you are willing to sacrifice for chasing a single hero when you could get much more in some other portals or from some other deals.