Ideas on team composition

Busy with this game for 6 months now . Having a good pool of heroes but still cannot decide what team could be the best. Any ideas or suggestions?

My heroes are
Ruby, Morel, Viscaro, Helena, Finley, White Rabbit, Iris, Drake Fong, Zhang fei, Prof Lidenbrock,
Dr Moreau, Kageburado, Marie Therese, Nadezhda, Zagrog, Kravecrush, freya, Khagan, Marjana
and Horghall

4 stars i have gullinbursti d’andre Anton and Kiril maxed

any suggestions would be more than welcomed

Great roster for the time you’ve been playing. Are they all maxed, emblems, LB, etc. Based on that the recommendations will change a little.

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None of them are maxed have emblems or LB
My 4 4 star heroes yes
But almost all of my legendaries are currently at limit 70 but lacking the ascension mats atm

Keep working your 3* and 4* heroes. They are a base that you will use for the rest of the game. You’ll be able to finish most tourneys/events/challenges/etc without 5*. 5* tourneys you won’t finish well but the others you’ll have a chance to get the mats needed to finish your great 5* roster.
Almost every hero has a thread here in the forum. Search for them by name and you will get some quick research in on what players like/dislike about them.
Hope you get into a good alliance that help you work the rest of the details along the way. Enjoy the game. Glad you found the forum.

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No matter which way you look at it, Morel and Ruby are the first blue and red 5* you should do. Dr Moreau or Freya are both a good option at purple (freya especially if you use purple tanks in war), while green you should probably hold off on. Prof Lindenbrock is the best yellow you have, but since you do have a few decent 4* yellow healers it becomes debatable whether you should prioritise her. Your best def line up will continually evolve as you get more heroes, including other 4* ones, but with those above as the core of your team you will be in a good spot.


Great info! Thanks. Already used morel and ruby on flanks and had viscaro as tank but now gonna prioritize freya. Anyway thumbs up for answer.