For example, your current tank being green would ideally have a blue next to it. They will come after your tank with red tiles. Red is weak against blue. Your blue flank is charged with less damage and by the tiles the enemy WANTS to hit your tank with.
So switch Athena and Azlar. See what that does.
You need a 5* healer maxed. I’d probably go with Grazul. You have strong 3/70 heroes that will really boost you once they’re maxed too. Kiril and BT could both help in the interim.
If it were me, with what you say you have, I’d do from left to right: Joon, Rigard, Anzogh, Lianna, M.Lepus. I had another in mind but you don’t want to split emblems on your defense team. Azongh on tank is better than Grazul as far as serving that role goes you don’t have much. Anzogh can at least be emblemed and beefed up. Rigard over your other purples since you’d have emblem conflicts with Sartana, Victor with Anzogh tank. If your roster changes, you can adjust as needed.
Athena, Victor, Justice, Rigard, Marjana would be suggestion with what you have currently maxed. Your current defense has too many weak defensively heroes in it and is too slow to compensate. Justice is your best available tank. Purple flanks could mitigate color stacking against her.