So about to start leveling up a new team but don’t have any ice legendaries but have kiril boril captain of diamonds and Triton to level up as well. My 5* I have are as follows
Purple; Kageburado, kenuchin, sartana,quintus, and obakan
Fire; Marjana, elena, kahgahn, and queen of diamonds
Yellow; musashi, and leonidas
Green; horghall and lianna
So who should make the team and who should wait
You can’t go wrong with Kiril. Healer and dragon banner. That and only being 4* he’s the quickest to be done therefore more useful in all aspects.
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It sounds like you have some leveled heroes already. Who? I think about teams by looking for complementary specials, so in a vacuum can’t make sensible recommendations.
Well I have two fully maxed 4*teams Grimm tibertus caedmon bloodtusk and li xiu, melandor rigard Sonya Chao and Coen. And finally my 5*team which is almost maxed isarnia evelyn khiona joon azlar
The ones I’m mentioning asking about I haven’t touched yet
Thanks. In light of your roster, i’d suggest:
- Purple: Kunchen—you need a good healer/cleanser
- yellow: Misashi > Leonides IMO
- Blue: Kiril, great healer/buff. Excellent counter to Santa and other debuff heroes
- Green: Lianna, easy call. Simple and deadly. Perfect match with Evelyn
- Red: QoH. This is the closest call, with Marjana a close second, but I think QoH offers more flexibility and interesting play.