I am a long term player but not good on strategy. I have avoided wars for a long time because I found success by using my weaker teams against weaker opponents and my stronger teams to mop up stronger teams. My alliance implemented a strategy that stopped me from doing that so I opted out of wars, mainly because at the time I was just cannon fodder for stronger opponents. I have learned a lot from this forum and I would like some opinions on using mono teams in wars. For example, I have 5 of my strongest reds (all maxed out) and thought I could target an opponent with a green tank. The line up would be (from left to right) Grazul, Russell, Azlar with 12 emblems, Gormek with 20 emblems and costume, and Scarlett. Would that team be a viable option in a war? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
If you run mono thats fine but I would suggest a 3/2 setup with a heal of each color. The other 3 heroes should be able to kill a hero or 2 or 3. Mono is way too dependant on 1 tile color and is not used at high levels. If you are looking to improve, make teams of 3/2 and you will notice a major improvement,
Makes sense, so I will muck around with that and see what I come up with. Thanks for your input.
Hey im in the game like 2 years i was c2p , after nerfing Krampus ive stop spending and now im ftp , I don’t have strong and big roster Im enjoying combining what i have
so please check myvideos
Good side of mono is that if you get good board you win quickly.
Bad side is that if you get bad board, you die quickly not making ignificant damage to enemy.
Also bad is that unless you have 30 fully ascended heroes in every color you cannot attack enemies with strong color against their tank.
I prefer going 3-2, with 2 strong against the tank and 3 against the second most dangerous enemy hero.
May be or may be not. Depends how the attacked team is built.
c-Gormek makes sense only if enemy defence is based on minion summoner (Bera, Freya, Hulda …), otherwise normal Gormek with his def down is better.
If enemy team is based on status buffs/riposte, this team can be a suicide mission as no hero can deal with enemy buffs.
There are many such “ifs”, the attack team is best built when you see the team you attack and can select counters to the defence main strengths.
That’s a very good idea, but you need to have 12 (or 24 when speaking about W3K) fully ascended healers covering all colors. Not everyone has them.
I play many styles but most of the time I do 3-2 with healers on each color or support hero in one color and healer on other. I have done mono BUT “if you do not have the mana troops” it is just a suicide. It also depends on the synergy of the heroes and what are you attacking. Sadly we cannot say this is a good team and you should use it all the time because it is very situational depending on what are you facing.
The best rule to follow is: for a team composition that will work most of the time use a cleanser, defense down, attack up, dispeller and heavy hitter, if you can combine that in a single team with the right troops, this team will give you the most success on war and raids
That is correct, or support heroes too, such us taunters, dodgers, etc. The problem is that many players have different styles of play so @Mandorallan1 will not get a straight answer, he/she will get many good ideas and he/she has to pick the one that fit better for his/her roster
In addition to the Colonels arguments, Red is a difficult color for mono players.
There are very few red dispellers or cleaners and very few viable mana controllers.
Any team with a riposte hero or with a strong DoT hero will be very dangerous for your team. Azlar and Scarlett are hard hitters but kind of a glass cannon. I do not know your troops, but I assume your Azlar needs at least 11 tiles to fire, most defenses have him killed before his mana is full, especially with Grazul as your only healer. Grazul is very good for ailment protection, the 15% heal is pathetic.
In war go 3/2 e.g. Grazul, Domitia, Gormek, Rigard, Azlar.
I do not know if you have the two purples…
Happy gaming
I agree 3/2 is far better than mono, so is 3/1/1 and even 2/2/1 (something I sometimes use with counterattack). So feel free to play around and try different things, but skip the mono and the rainbow attack teams
Even within these frameworks one can do different things: For example the 3/2 can be setup the way many people recommend with a healer in each colour. But there are other options: For example 3 hitters in one colour and healer/mana control in the other. That works well if you have a good damage stack where the 3 can take out a side, say a hit-3 EDD, a hit-3 DD and a big damage hit-3, all of the same/similar speed. If you get that colour, you kill 3 (and most likely win the match), if not you use the other 2 heroes to keep you alive until you get your main colour.
Lots of options, just play around and find something that fits your style
My advice is simply to build your team to counter the team you are facing. Whether you go mono or not, you need a team which can deal with things which may happen. If they have a Gru (minion summoner) then you need a hero who deals with minions. If they have a Buffy (Riposte, Def up, Att up, Taunt etc) then you should consider a dispeller. If they have a DoT dealer or DeBuffy (Att Down, Def Down, Mana blocker etc) then you might want a cleanser. And on and on.
I agree with mono being too much of a gamble for me. I personally prefer 3-1-1 for war but have been known to go 2-2-1. 2-1-1-1 and 3-2 sometimes but 3-1-1 is the loadout I’m most likely to use. I have built my roster with that in mind so have a healer in every colour, a cleanser in most colours and a dispeller in most colours.
Whatever you do I hope it works out for you
Game Well