It’s been a while since I’ve been able to win wars, it’s always a real beating, of the last 20 I’ve won 3 and two of them were because the opponent didn’t make their attacks, the pairing is being too unfair, always, defense teams above 6000k and my best team With the strongest heroes it comes to that, but the other teams are much lower and there is no way to break down a defense of 6000k, not even with 4 attacks in a row. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to find fair opponents? It’s frustrating to lose almost 90% of wars because they put me against extremely strong opponents.
join alliance
i guess there wont be many single players and likely these exeception would be whales, so they dont need alliance
I’d start by considering your defense. Does corner melendor do much (compared to corner lemonwood)? Should flanks be switched so dispel happens earlier and mindless happens later? Does mindless interact well with mana cutting heroes? Do you have dark options to deter strong dark attacks?
After that the question is offense. It would help to see what teams you are using and why. There’s also board play but that’s a bit tougher.
This statement may summarize the issue. Why do you feel there’s no way to win within four fights? That’s not my expectation.
A common misconception about matchmaking. You only see defenses but more goes into matchmaking.
afaik, matchmaking is all about alliance war score AND the top heroes each player in each teams owns… this info may be outdated tho.
but yep, you should join an ally, far more fun to play and much less randomness in the distribution.
My strongest heroes and I don’t have any legendary troops. I only attack with mono, 3-2 isn’t even close to taking down opponents with almost 3000k health.
This could be the start of your issue. It’s a very hit and miss tactic and kind of requires 30 heroes of the strong colour against the tank or dominant colour of the opponent.
Also, I find rainbow defences more difficult to crack. 2 yellows on defence will attract a purple heavy team. 3-1-1 with 3 purples would likely beat your defence and having 15 18 purple heroes is not a too difficult ask.
Just one gamer’s opinion
Game Well
Do you use legendary troops?
The difference between a 4 and 5* troop (of equal level) is shown as just 10 points (“power”), but, in many cases, the legendary troop will give significantly higher potency.
Is this still the case?
I think they recently had some minor adjustment on that when matching the Legos with their proper class hero. But not that much noticeable difference in terms of TP.
Took a couple screen shots to visualize - main focus Lego troop on matching class G Hippo when she is equipped with it and when i equip her with Epic.
I see your roster. I still wonder what your thoughts on your defense team are. I think you have plenty of firepower to take down teams, even if you’re playing mono.
It feels like you’re looking for a magic answer, but we’re not getting much to go off of to know how to help, which makes me think something is missing.
There are actually a lot of single players, I’m one.
Many players like that and have been in a solo alliance for a few years.
Others create an alliance just for wars and spend the remainder mercing and visiting.
To the op - I would join an alliance where you will find a mixture of opposing teams and will win more.
When you have a deeper roster go back to solo if that’s what you want.
Although the above statement is not true for many players, alliance members can be a bit stupid and alliance rules can be a pita.
Here you explain yourself, what you did wrong: you don’t have attack teams strong enough to fight defencees equal to yours. If you go to war with a 6k strongest team, don’t complaint the opponent has also this power of his strongest team (which usually is defense).
Now it will be difficult to change it. But there is a way: you have to decrease the strength of your strongest heroes (un-LB them, strip them of emblems or sth like this) and give these resources to your weaker heroes, so your 30 top heroes have all similar strength. If your top hero is above 1,2K power, and 30th is below 400 (what? 3* heroes can have >700 power and it takes a week to train them even if you don’t have feeders in reserve) it is something wrong with roster development.
But I don’t think anyone would like to go this way. Weakening heroes is not something anyone wants to do.
It is also strange that you have so few ascended 4* and most of them not LBd.