Attack formation

Hello! What is your go to formation in wars? Mono, 4/1, some other, or depends on opposing team?

  • Mono
  • 3/2
  • 4/1
  • 3/1/1
  • Other formation
  • I use various formations

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Feel free to elaborate on your choice, thanks!
Happy gaming…

I usually go with 3-1-1 (the 3 are attack heroes, the 1&1 healers), but I am starting to feel the need to experiment with other formations as well according to the defense.


Shamelessly, I mostly go rainbow, and that is in part to the synergies that I have with my heroes, and it means that I have the “bad board” issue far less frequently than others believe it occurs.

Depending on the situation though, I will sometimes go 3/2, 3/1/1, or 4/1 if I need to, but generally avoid mono unless it’s PoV because that’s just too much reliance on boards for my liking…


I typically go with 2 against their tank and 2 against the hero I’m most worried about (that’s YOU Mother North!) and one other color.


Consistently rainbow … I’m just set in my ways I guess … it gives me alternate options from the opening board and forward.


3-1-1 mostly for me but it largely depends on the enemy team. Never mono though

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:


Yeah 3-1-1

1 are healers with 3 strong with good synergy.

Troops help in this situation as you limit your self to levelling 3 troops, so you get the bonus from them aswell …
This my opinion


My default is 2-2-1. If the defense is too strong to reliably win, I shift to mono.


3-1-1: 3 attackers, 1 healer, 1 support/utility hero (Hannah, cSeshat, Faline etc)

Usually also try to do one rainbow hit using all 3 musketeers (Aramis, Athos, D’Artagnan)

When I had a much smaller roster, I made extensive use of 4-1, but those days are behind me now. Mono is for chumps :wink: :crazy_face:

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The perfect balance. Slightly strong normal attacks with some form of mana generation with 3 colours


I’ll be more specific, 3/2 and a right healers for both colours and then try to choose the right heroes :muscle::muscle:

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3/2 with one healer(cleansers or immune to status ailment) , one dispeller. All my 6 war teams are 3/2 set up.

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Usually 3-2, 2 against tank, 3 against most dangerous hero.
Of course there are exceptions, sometimes I go mono, sometimes 2-2-1, sometimes 3-2, but in colors neutral against tank. It all depends on enemy - I don’t have “preset” war teams, I select heroes for each attack individualy.

I prefer mono. This is simply a result of the resources available to me. For example the synergies that result exclusively for purple heroes. Seshat / Arfanis Element Link, Sergei def down against purple.

Wars except rush. 3-2. Heroes of the same colour should need the same ammount of tiles to charge.
Rush. 3-1-1. The trio combo attacks and the other 2 are “safety” heroes (taunt, mana control, ail block).