Joon (2/60) (I would only be able to get him to 3/70 for now)
Chao (3/60)
(My current maxed Yellows are: Li Xiu)
[I also have Justice (4/20) (I realized how much food she is using so put her on hold for now to do more 4*)
Boldtusk (only 2/26 but I am working on him now [only got him yesterday])
If you can, let me know who to prioritize in your opinion for the Gloves. Doesn’t have to be in colour order, just overall.
I was thinking to do Caedmon and then Boldtusk. It seems for my Alliance, we get put against mostly people with Blue Tank.
Boldtusk second because well… it’s BT and I see everyone using him all the time so he is really good, I assume?
After that, I am not sure who to do from the others that ar ready?
Fine Gloves are scarce for me it seems, I have 0 right now but if Farholme (1) is out tonight, then I will get a pair. Who of those would you use that first pair of gloves on?
Ok thanks everyone. I did Farholme and used those gloves on Guardian Falcon.
And I agree with Hansel I love him, he is amazing in titans and event bosses. His mana reduction is just top notch for me. Can make a HUGE difference.
Falcon - with those reds already done, he’ll power up your existing bench.
Having spent those mats, Justice really should be finished… Until you’ve finished her, don’t touch Joon (ie: unless you’re in a position to max him, don’t do him - and when you’re in that position, max out Justice first).