Feedback Poll - Treevil
Is Treevil worth Summoning For?
What do you think of Treevil compared to other 3* Heroes?
How many copies of Treevil is it worth keeping & levelling?
Note this will be roster dependent & not the same for all players.
How does Treevil’s Special Skill match Treevil’s Base Stats?
Note this means his Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat
What do you think Treevil’s Primary Purpose is?
This thread is for discussing whether Treevil is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.
This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Treevil. For that, please see: Hero Balance Discussion: Treevil
If you’d like to see more threads like this — or ignore threads like this, please see instructions in: Watching or Ignoring Hero Balance/Buff/Nerf Threads
If you think Treevil is well-b…
My thought on these 2 poll result
Well, when Treevil is released, people read its skill and say it is overpower. But after that for a few days, many people get it, emblem and limit break it, and turn into an evil and vote for that “It is well-balanced”