Needs a buff big time. Of course the garbage one is the one I pull. The hit is fine, if it’s a kill shot hit the fiends won’t be able to spawn. The fiends are the problem. They need to absorb minimum 18% hp each, and need some kind of strong secondary effect to make them actually worthy instead of the low damage, wastes of space that they are at the moment.
This hero is just meant for offense, he does have a small niche to neutralize heroes like waterpipe. He’s an alternative minion killer in some ways
He’s so bad he doesn’t even do that job well. The fiends will just get healed away by the Aramis that every man and their dog has nowadays. Taking a regular minion killer is preferable in every way.
My guess with their line of thinking is that it’s primarily meant to whittle down minion defence teams. there are many minion summoners who can summon high health minions lately. It doesn’t matter how low health the fiends have, they’re going to push the huge padded minion away. He is like Viscaro but more vicious when it comes to fiend spawning
Honestly if his second charge has healing reduction, or if they give him boosted health reduction, he will be evenly matched against arco despite the weaker fiends
Yeah the second charge definitely needs to do more on top, as currently sacrificing a whole charge speed just for an extra 50% damage is basically a nerf in itself to Lasalle. Saw a suggestion earlier about gearing the 2nd special to be a 250% hit all with healing reduction and another effect. The fiends just need to be able to stick around long enough to actually serve their purpose and not just get instantly healed away, or have a debuff attached to them that makes them much more threatening. At the moment he is extremely niche and doesn’t even fill that niche well.
He even change his team just to see what this guy are doing
This it’s just pathetic, 214 HP on fiends, even Milena with her low healing takeout 2 fiends.
That is my suggestion actually haha. I am so invested in this hero today it’s crazy
Might as well try to make the best use out of him
exactly, his fiends hp is too low even at 3
it was my feedback in the beta but most disagreed with me saying he is very powerful and they spread very fast
really…I’m not in beta, and I look at this at first glance and knew 12% is too little.
Yeah two fiends would be 24%. Maybe that’s why they want to nerf her healing to 20%
agreed if they want him to be a fiend hero with his seahorse. Make the fiend better remove the snipper attack damage altogether give him some beefy fiend or a friend that does poison or water damage over time or like Elizabeth mana down fiend and she ■■■■ all at average speed while he hit only 1. The fiend multiply is pretty unique not going to lie but that fiend is trash. Like you said any new fast hero owns this character. sad
if we’re going to balance the game to beta players who say this hero is too strong. It’s a good idea to get away from this game as soon as possible. because this game will become even more unstable. and then chaos
What bothers me the most about this game besides it being the most pay-to-win game ever is how they released a hero that is stupid op like hurricane hippo Jove and then they released a hero that pretty much does nothing. They will probably rebalance this hero again and make them stupid op and break the game again. Compare him to the old Gargoyole Hohenworf. He is fast all the time and hit 450% and his fiend makes you do mindless attacks at a fast speed. Not to mention he has stone skin. This new hero fiend only tickles the enemies and how many turns do you have to wait for it to spread to other enemies? By that time the fight is over since this game is tiles-dependent.
his fiends are based on your hero’s hp
Can you please tell me the damage done by the fiends?
Something like 20 per fiend
thx… lots of fiends that can’t deal damage as a result. To me, it means nothing but visual pollution that will turn into a complete fiends dump.
Why would someone use this red sniper with the fiend that is a liabilities for you to lose on defend and it pretty bad in event and quest vs pve also. The fiend is so weak it actually take longer for you to clear the map. Why use this trash fiend design snipper that suck really bad when you have these snipper on your roster.
There is snipper that is alway fast that does so much more. I know i am beating on a dead horse but I like idea of the fiend but this character is not viable in this meta.
Problem with this hero is obvious - can possibly work only with Mighty Pets, if you dont have any Mighty Pets, you are done.
Agreed that he have absolutelly no use by himself, should be fixed.
Perhaps he becomes a Monster Island Mob specialist with any Mighty Pet 3*, 4* or 5*?
Really scratching for a silver lining…