Hero Balance Discussion: Guardian Hippo

This thread is for discussing whether Guardian Hippo is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Guardian Hippo. For that, please see: ℹ Guardian Hippo – 5* Ice / Blue from Guardians of Teltoc

If you’d like to see more threads like this — or ignore threads like this, please see instructions in: :bell: Watching or Ignoring Hero Balance/Buff/Nerf Threads

:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think G.Hippo is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I think G.Hippo is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think G.Hippo is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Giardian Hippo is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?
  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Guardian Hippo? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Guardian Hippo thread.

It does not need a nerf but much less a buff. Do people know what they vote for? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Lol we knew this was coming after the Challenge Event. :rofl:

Hippo is only as strong as her alive allies. She can do absolutely nothing by herself.
But on offense and against PvE she is absolutely wonderful support card. Events and Towers are easier to manage. If you got Becky and one of those buff resetters like Nine head, Hippo makes a great partner.
If they need to nerf, they need to make nerf Hathor and Grandma Ninja’s mana buffs/ along with their speed). Most teams on defense with Hippo use either or both of them to get their mana gen up and try to overwhelm the offense team.


Only thing that needs to be change is his bypass. It is so anoying.


Reflect doesn’t work either, hate that.

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My G. Kong C is so useless against him​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. Justice for Kong :grin:

You should use the regular Kong against him. It solves the problem.


Totally forgot old Kong! Thanks a lot! :star_struck:


26 voters: I bet 20 are Hippo owners

How to solve Hippo OP situation: reduce 225% all to 125% all or max 150% all and you have it fixed.
Changing Mana Speed from Fast to Average will make it lose the main purpose of this hero, so I would not even consider it.


Just straight up lowering the damage wouldn’t fix Hippo, it would destroy the card and make it useless.

I forgot about that. I just enjoy watching enemies struggles with his reflect :smiling_face:. Thanks :slight_smile:

i hope and if comes to that that he is nerfed
that will be solved as with sorrow, he will damage fixed damage for example 300 to all(not percentage then fixed number of damage) any other nerf will not go with his specials name BRUTAL SUPPORT, he is made to be brutal support and cf1 to desirable again for pulls

Is that what you do? Trying to target the next a little better than average heroes and take him down? Just what we recently saw with Jove and many more in the past. Is that the new way of this game? Can’t fight a hero so lets raise our voice and complain in a desperate try SG to make a nerf…

The answer to the question if G Hippo needs a rebalance - you have it in your poll. He is a little better than the common heroes. A great support and an amazing event hero. Decent on offense, good at defense. As some people already pointed out - she is as strong as her allies remain alive. Alone she is absolutely no treat. She is a unique hero but also has a lot of counters that everyone - from f2p to p2p can find in their rosters.

She is NOT a one man army, unlike the Jove case which i still don’t support either, so instead of complaining, find an easy and very common solutions to her - dispel. So many dispellers in the game. You can find such heroes in the classics 4*s Sabina and Melendor - perfect counters, as well many other heroes that are not “freely obtained”.

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Yes hippo can be a monster but she can be dispelled or buff blocked. There are ways to counter her so no nerf.

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Offensively, although great mechanic, Hippo damage is too low. Should be 300% because it’s conditional. Or 250% but increased duration of her buffs to 5 turns

To me, Hippo is only a problem in Mjoin-Aramis-Phorycs teams. You can’t break through and kill that

I’ll keep repeating this request to rebalancing GURDIAN HIPPO THREAD
This is so disgusting to see he is hitting continuously after every hero special and not even getting any damage from repost, counterattack, he is totally bypassing everything and that is kind of very stupid!!!
It’s ok to bypass some amount of damage but it’s completely not okay bypassing everything!!

Just imagine unnecessarily the cascade happened and G hippo is charged before the defense team with heros like jove,CETO,milade, or any hard hitters who single handlely have capacity to destroy teams and after each special hippo is hitting them again
Jove+ hippo, CETO+hippo, milade+hippo

Come on guys atleast think about it, And another group of people will talk about bringing dispeller against this team, Come on we are not beginner to not use dispeller or something like that against hippo and team but if he goes off before other heros its no point bringing dispeller or NOT EVEN ANY TAUNT, DODGE or COUNTERATTACK is safe coz he bypass everything and hit ur team no matter what you covering the team!!!
I’m done with this ■■■■ when sh don’t understand the simple point


i don’t find g hippo to be that tough.

if i lose a match vs a team that has g hippo, i was on the slope to a loss before g hippo ever fired, she just help speed up the process and i appreciate her for that.

she plays wing so even at fast mana it takes her awhile to charge so if at that point i’m struggling, then i’d rather her help to get it over with than just sit and watch my last couple heroes slowly get killed off…


I agree. Howdy Rigs!

There are certain wings you just have to watch and be aware of. Hippo is one. Jove is another. They go off, they can wreck you. Mana control and targeting them is a must.