⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Phorcys

This thread is for discussing whether Phorcys is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Phorcys. For that, please see: 📕 Phorcys – 5* Dark / Purple from Untold Tales

If you’d like to see more threads like this — or ignore threads like this, please see instructions in: 🔔 Watching or Ignoring Hero Balance/Buff/Nerf Threads

:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Phorcys is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Phorcys is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Phorcys is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet

0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Phorcys is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Phorcys ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a #ideas-feature-requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Phorcys thread.

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top 5 right now - 4 times phorcys
6 times on top 10

seems indeed totally balanced & easy 2 handle for a lot of players :sweat_smile:
wonder how many that rate him balanced do use him for their main raid offense team

expect to see him very often from now on if you raid & play wars at a certain level

I wanted the guy and did 150+ pulls getting only holy crap hero from that portal.
But, I must say I did not expect him to be so strong on defense too

He is not that much of a problem just my opinion but I have a deep roster that can handle a lot of different hero combinations

And for the record I don’t have him

so do i freepap - but if you see a lot of high cup defs with a certain hero - released only a few days before - its almost every time an indication this hero might play an important role for some time from now on
and with his skillset plus alpha taunt plus fast speed to me he is a prime choice for war defs right now
do have some heroes to counter this - others might not

he would be ok balanced to me if it wasnt for this stupid alpha taunt bs

but when i see “hes balanced” votes from people that “try” to rate hero quality because of artwork it feels kinda funny :sweat_smile:

Yea but we can’t say nerf every good hero that come out I hate the pre taunt but I just wait it out then strike no matter what it’s going to be another hero released and top players are going to have them on there defense honestly I beat him in raids easy I play him the same way I play Ludwig but this is just my opinion and I understand other may feel a different way and they are entitled to that

Same way I play Ludwig pre taunt

Why does he need to get nerfed? Is it because you don’t have him? Is it because you pulled and received nothing? Is it because he’s too powerful? Is it because when you face him, he destroys your team? We can’t Nerf every hero that proves impossible for your team to defeat. You remember that he’s part of a team and the team’s synergy is the problem.

You can disregard everything I said, but answer me this. If you actually had the hero, would you have been asking for a Nerf? Would you say, “I have this hero and placing him in my defense team has proved it to be very difficult for me to lose any raid matches and I demand for my hero to be nerfed so other players can defeat me.” Would you say that?


I have him and he dies very fast compared to Ludwig since he doesn’t get any def boost with his taunt. His mana boost is also almost negligible compared to the boost that Ludwig gives. So why call for a nerf again? Because you don’t have this hero?


Amazing logic man, keep it up

This thread was asked exactly by this logic.

So complainant desperately wanted this hero but tough luck and didn’t get him:

Points out the disadvantage of the new mana speed:

Then calls for a nerf:

Sounds very credible to me


you know im right bro a nerf would be very well deserved because it is too strong skill

reminds me of the people who got scared when c g gazelle was in danger of being nerfed - a lot of so so arguments were brought up a why nerf wasnt needed despite knowing with that big heal its way too strong on offense

but tbh i do not care really - but to all voting balanced i hope you gonna enjoy your future multiple hits on war attack vs those fast taunt defs :blush:

  1. Can’t support your claims with real justification that this hero is OP, other than with your “Trust Me Bro” statement :white_check_mark:

  2. No extensive experience in using or facing Phorcys :white_check_mark:

  3. No other valid argument points raised against the hero :white_check_mark:

  4. Desperately wants the hero but your summoning luck sucks :white_check_mark:

  5. Credibility :x:

Oh yeah we’ll trust you 100% - trust me bro :+1::+1::+1:


Don’t you think this who have voted with balanced it’s in another level from you and they really think that this hero it’s balanced? Except his taunt what else he doing? The minion thah give 5% of mana every turn? Do you know thah you must work to build this minions? Do you know how many dispelers and minion counters have in this game? And even they are not only 5* but also and a lot of 4*, do you know this? And about gazelle, do you have her, do you have tested her without this heal, do you know how many times you will lose the battle because of her?

you know im right but no need to openly admit it :blush:

but lets leave it at that
and hahahshaha it doesnt get more nerdy than posts i do better summons :joy:
that gotta be the most internet thing i read today

enough postings for this weird place

Yeah if you had any amount of self respect, you should stop posting here and quit pushing this agenda. We got receipts of what you really want. Shame on you.

We got receipts bro, remember that.

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hahahaha you got receipts ok you won :joy:

I already admitted I wanted the hero and was not lucky enough to get him. I expected him to do great on offense and don’t have appealing dark projects going on (except Lu Bu and c Freya and c Bera).
Surprisingly enough, I found out he is really tough/(borderline) OP facing him on defense too.
If I see him or Aramis on raid defense, I press reroll. That says enough