⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Fulvia

This thread is for discussing whether Fulvia is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Fulvia. For that, please see: 🦉 Fulvia – 5* Fire / Red from Owl Tower

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:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Fulvia is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Fulvia is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Fulvia is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Fulvia is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Fulvia ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Fulvia thread.


In my opinion, it would be beneficial if they raised the mana reduction slightly, 15 or 20 percent would be perfect . Currently, she would be better off without it since it has no impact right now in its current form . Alternatively, giving her a 30 percent immediate mana reduction or silencing Enemy for three turns would be an effective solution. Her other attributes are excellent.


If she indeed works as intended, then this means the ailment can be cleansed before it even activates once. Received this owl and eager to max it, but this is a serious setback.

Should indeed be buffed, as it could be an awesome hero.

Either a direct mana cut of 20% (or 30% to compensate the 3x 10%) or a mana cut after the caster’s own turn would make more sense.


I was so happy when l got her. Really was. But then l read some comments on her and tested her on map stages with mobs that have specials. And l was really disappointed. I will compare her to Mere. They are both average. But Mere hits with some decent dmg, she cuts mana for 20% and that’s not easy to recover from, gives mana generation ailment and she has passive. And she is doing that to all. Fulvia hits three. If your opponent is not much weaker than you and without goblins that hit is really meager. Her mana drop is like it doesn’t exist, at least if you use her for attack. Family bonus? Not impressed. And, what is in my opinion the weirdest thing, owls have no passives. Satori has 3, old HOTMs have one, but owls have none?


They are simply Not good at the current State.

The dmg is only good when you drop to gold League und fight 4* Heroes.

In the top League against the newest heroes with the best Stats, they Hit Like a wett noodle and with the ongoing Power creep their Hit is completley ignoreable within 6 months.

The Mana Cut itself is useless as it is.

This birds need a full and massive rework


Tbh I was happy to her but as is she’s behind several red legendaries for rings, my preference would be put mana cut after your turn like Luna, if nothing is done it’s wasted money to make bench have some nice artwork lol


It makes no sense for her to have the mana cut as an ailment. Heroes can launch their supers before it activates, then the mana cut kicks in when there is no mana to cut. I was going to level her but we’ll see if any improvements come to this mechanic. Her mana cut should be a buff so that it occurs after your turn, not the enemies turn. This would make her a worthwhile hero to 2LB. In her current state, she’ll probably be a bench warmer for me and no longer pull at this portal.


I need to play with her… But my questions are…

If you have ailment protection and Telluria tries to mana down her, does the family bonus kick in or not?

Same with cleric talent… If cleric blocks a sorcerer mana down… Does the family bonus kick in?

I get that she may have been too powerful in her original state pre release, but she seems like a hoot mess right now… The pun was accidental… But when it happened… I leaned in.

Side note… When we saw the pre release version, didn’t it feel like she was the class of the portal… The one must have? The actual release version of her really seems like she is… Maybe not the worst, but she’s competing to be the worst.

I agree the mana cut after the charged hero has a chance to cleanse is not great… Kinda seems like her assignment should be two fold… Maybe like Hansel and Gretel.

If Mana is full reduce by 10%. If mana is not full, then reduce by 10% at end of turn. Does that seem more like a solution to what was intended?


The mechanic is broken imho.
You would expect manacut to happen when you attack, e.g. a fully charged enemy would loose 10% percent mana and the next special attack.
Current mechanic enables the charged special and then cuts a zero charged mana.

If intended, it is not very usefull, but I see it as an error to be honest, it has to be a mistake….


I tested her a bit… Even with ailment protection up, a sorcerer talent can trigger the family bonus, so that’s at least one question answered.


I have to agree the point where what’s the point of a mana cut when enemies can still fire off their special and there’s left with no mana to cut. So basically Fulvia is just doing damage to 3 and decreases their healing received. Plus, he only has family bonus and no passives at all.

Suggest to also add passive abilities for these Owls.


Fulvia’s mana cut is effectively a mana generation ailment, at best.

She could have a static -10% mana cut in addition and would make this effect much more potent, or keep it in the beta form where it hit 5-enemies.


i think they will make her fast to do not think what to do , as she was best in beta and now is worst hero in portal afer nerf from beta that we was asking for nerf


She desperately needs to be buffed and brought back to where she was in beta. Needs to hit all and fix her mana cut


Suffers from being OP in beta and cut without much consideration as to what the effects of those cuts would do. Prime canidate for a buff.


I saw the next owl in the queue… I wasn’t especially impressed. If they want the portal to be profitable… They will have to make some significant changes.


How does fulvia work defensively? I saw one floating in the top 15 global.

I presume he his heroes that aren’t charged, You play tiles, charge your hero and then the mana is taken away before your next turn. Does this make her s better defensive hero?

Also… Here’s her card from the top 15 guy.

I went against this team and she hit hard but there was no mana reduction my heros charged up next turn and I wipe them all out


I think the purple owl Commodus needs more balance than Fulvia. I haven’t even leveled him up yet

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I haven’t faced one on raid defense yet, but in their tower event there definitely was a mana cut from Fulvia that would stop my specials, that’s why I was also wondering if it worked better on defense due to order of turns. I’m still leveling mine and don’t hate the card, but it is a bit disappointing that it doesn’t seem to be working well