Hero ascension Advice

Guess I’ll put 5*s on backburner for now, as yeah Proteus or Scarlett would be a good next 4 to get to 4 have 2 tool’s 3 orbs and 2 Shields, and the one blade, so focus on my ascended 4s to max them until I get to sh20 and can start pulling 4s in one of my TCS and maybe get Grimm :roll_eyes: we’ll see I get that this game doesn’t happen overnight unless u got the $ to dump in into it which I don’t just gotten some decent pulls in costume and saved gems/Atlantis Valhalla …lol that’s the thing I keep trying to remember it’s not pokemon :laughing: think Li Xiu would be good as a next holy as she hits everyone and has the mana reduction as well?

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Exactly. You don’t have to catch em all… just want to maximize the ones you do catch. :blush:


Well as I don’t have enough mats for anyone else I went ahead and did Arthur got him to 3-50 and 8/8 special…has actually worked well in raids and war with Sonya combo that Excalibur hit is a Cannon… happy I did it and next hero if I get the blades before trap tools will be gormek as I have almost 300 barbarian emblems…I did research and seems he’s an exception for 5* hero’s that actually do well at 3 especially for the blue stack buff…now I just need a tome and capes and can get him to 4 (after getting him to 70 but will focus on my other hero’s now) but Proteus will probably be next as he’s vital for event’s and great for defense team

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Ok lol now I have hard choice again after great costume pulls so I have rigard (non costume) at 3-60 but just pulled domitia and tiburtus as well as Sonya’s costume…rn I don’t have anyone to dispell status ailments maxed (maxed hero’s li Xiu Kong Boldtusk gormek Scarlett Mel Proteus chao Cyprian Sonya) so I have 3 tools but know morlovia is coming so wondering if I should do Sonya’s costume to dispell status ailments and keep Mel or do rigard and put tiburtus on backburner … although his costume is devastating…ant advice would be great