Hero advice required

I have just been lucky enough to pick up a fine glove which enables me to max one of my 4 star heroes!

I currently have GRIMM (blue) KELLIE (red) and Melandor (green) all 4 star maxed heroes, wearing talents (between 7-11). The rest of my main line up is POSEIDON (yellow) and SESHAT (purple), both 5 star heroes but only maxed to the 4th level.

My dilemma, is which hero i should max next - Those in the queue I could start to max straight away are WILBUR (red) KIRIL (blue) GORMEK (red) SCARLET (red) COLEN (red) SONIA (blue) or do I wait for CYRIAN (purple) RIGARD (purple) or PROTEUS (purple) where I just need to find a Trap Tool to max one of my purple heroes.

Grateful for any advice.


I would say Wilbur and Proteus should be your immediate priorities. Those two are the best 4 star heroes in the game. They will help you to finish every map level, challenge or seasonal events and rare quests that the game has to offer. Wilbur is also great for titans. :slight_smile:


I agree Proteus and Wilbur are a must have, but so is Rigard and how many healers do you have?

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It looks like you have a glut of good purple heroes to ascend. If you donā€™t mind waiting another three weeks, there will be a rare quest with trap tools and a tabard. And of course you could find another one sooner. My suggestion would be to wait for the fourth trap tool and then take Proteus up. Once you get your next set of gloves, Wilbur would follow. Iā€™d probably go with Kiril after that, because I think youā€™ll find more gloves before you get enough trap tools for Rigard, and that will give you a second healer to work with.


Thanks for your input Pirate King, I will prioritise these two!

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Marie, thanks for responding, I am pleased there is a consensus of opinion as would likely have done something else. I need to reach out to the community more often! In terms of healers, I have MELANDOR maxed with talents (7), RIGARD and KIRIL already mentioned. Sometimes I go with two healers but because the second one is not maxed it doesnt already work. Are there any superior healers I should look out for?

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WILBUR end of the story. Then Prot

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I think Iā€™d push sonya up front for some fast fire powerā€¦ not saying the other choices arenā€™t essentialā€¦ but doubt youā€™ll run wilbur and Grimm together.

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Benn, I can wait 3 weeks and as you say may pick up some fine gloves in the meantime. I must admit I had not understood the importance of PROTEUS or WILBUR either, so must take more advice. I see people talk about tanks on here and other hero mixes and am always a little unsure what they mean, but you guys have a lot of wisdom and are happy to share! Up to now I have been prioritising those heroes that do the most damage but I guess tere is more to it than that! Cheers buddy!

Math4lyfe, thanks for your input. Just so I understand, why wouldnt you run GRIMM and WILBUR together?

Dont waste on scarlet! She has the resistnce of a 3 star! ā€œCYRIANā€ is also bad!
Focus on wilbur and wait for rigard and proteus

Both drop defenseā€¦ so that part of the special will be over written.

I do think wilbur is a better choiceā€¦ I just think you need some hitters before you start replacing heroes that do the same thing. (Albeitā€¦ wilbur does waaayyy more that just drop defenseā€¦ and will be a pivotal player for your titan teams)

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Itā€™s okay to run them together. Itā€™s a little weird that they both do defense down, so one will overwrite the other. But theyā€™re different colors, so they donā€™t often fire together. Even with two Grimm firing at the same time the effect is serious enough that the results are there. Sometimes the heaviness of the heroes is more important than synergy. Before getting 5* heroes [or many 4*] I often ran against red tanks Kiril Grimm Boril Wilbur Boldtusk. The synergy is terrible, with multiple defense down, multiple attack up, and a riposte combined with spirit link [and multiple defense up], and only one fragile hitter. But it was still a very effective attack squad because the heroes are all stars.

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In my honest opinion it should be 100% Wilbur and Proteus.

Best use for map, quest, event challange (Epic and Legendary), Titan for survive (I actually use Wilbur on every Titan color, even Blue Titan), and also raid/war but best is bring synergy team, you can read here How to use Wilbur.

Best use for boss fight to stop mana, so map, quest, event challange (Epic and Legendary), raid, war, and decent for Titan, so everywhere.


Thanks Math4lyfe, just looked and see what you mean about WILBUR and GRIMM. Also looked at SONIA, she is fast mana with more firepower in attack than GRIMM, she is also a paladin which I donā€™t have so can upgrade with talents once fully upgraded. A couple of you have also mentioned WILBUR in relation to titans, I have looked but dont understand why he is good in the titan line up. We are a relatively small alliance and fight mainly 3/4/5 star titans so it would help the team if I could improve in this area. But I would like to understand why?

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jinbatsu, thanks for your ā€˜honestā€™ opinion. I guess the fact that there are a few differences in opinion, is what makes the game so fascinating! Thanks for the WILBUR linkā€¦

The shared damage is a huge plusā€¦ pair that with defense buff and defense dropā€¦ youā€™ll learn to love him AND heā€™s a 4*. So maxing him wonā€™t take as long or cost as much as a 5*. Many of the players on my team use him against 14s.

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