Hero Academy level 8 - Results & Reporting

Gotta catch them all! ™

26x updated HA08 summons

I got 2x Gretel and 1x Merlin ( Yay! )

I would not say boo to Captain of Diamonds, Cheshire Cat, or even Lancelot

Falcon and Wilbur ( together they fight crime )

But the only missing 4* hero from Academy that would significantly improve my roster is Falcon ( see notes )

Rigard and Wu Kong ( together they commit crimes )

Thankfully it is not as bad as a friend who could not get base Rigard, or base Wu Kong, for over a year


Click for notes

Wilbur Wonder Bots

([Guide, Auto play team ] Wilbur Wonder Bots or Wilbur + Boril / Falcon + 3x Healer = Team that even the AI cannot screw up or Current favorite auto play team ( especially for VF.6-3N & VF.1-3N ))

Saro’s Atomic mono red 4* team

([Repost] Twin Scarletts, Boldtusk, Falcon and Wilbur walk into a Diamond raid bar OR 3x Pseudo 5* heroes and 2x Pseudo 4.5* heroes OR Saros' Atomic mono red 4* team)


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I’m on a roll. Last 4:

Captain of Diamonds
Guardian Jackal
Guardian Falcon

All I’m missing is Hansel & Gretel.

  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao nothing special this time see u in a couple days

When did this happen. I missed this update. Is it a retraining or producing a new hero. I’m aiming for Hansel and Gretal and Cheshire Cat. Could be a long slog to get there but I don’t need to spend gems on the Carnival thing coming up now.

Another Boomer?? And when I started this grind I didn’t have any and I didn’t want any (I’m not a collector, just want useful heroes). Now 5 event 4*s out of 23 pulls.

Pull # Hero Amount of troop xp loss during the G.Falcon hunt (HA6)
1 Guardian Jackal (new) 200
2 Gormek 400
3 Gormek 600
4 Boldtusk 800
5 Kelile 1000
6 Chao 1200
7 Grimm 1400
8 Boomer (new) 1600
9 Kelile 1800
10 Colen 2000
11 Boldtusk 2200
12 Kelile 2400
13 Melendor 2600
14 Scarlett 2800
15 Hu Tao 3000
16 Boomer (dupe) 3200
17 Boril 3400
18 Hu Tao 3600
19 Chao 3800
20 Gretel (dupe) 4000
21 Boril 4200
22 Boldtusk 4400
23 Boomer (dupe) 4600


Reason this, and HA05, topic created


(Hero Academy level 5 - Results & Reporting)


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Nothing noteworthy.

|Pull #|Hero|Amount of ham spent during the hunt|
| — | — | — | — |
|2|Cheshire Cat (dupe)|400k|
|5|Sabina #2|1,000k|
|6|Merlin (new)|1,200k|
|9|Sir Lancelot (dupe)|1,800k|
|10|Jackal (wanted dupe)|2,000k|
|12|BT #2|2,400k|
|13|Cheshire Cat #2|2,600k|
|14|Peters (new)|2,800k|
|15|Chao #2|3,000k|
|16|Peters #2|3,200k|
|17|Sir Lancelot #2|3,400k|

Missing event heroes: Boomer and Gretel

  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril… nothing special this time see u in a couple days

May stop at training #20.

|Pull #|Hero|Amount of ham spent during the hunt|
| — | — | — | — |
|2|Cheshire Cat (dupe)|400k|
|5|Sabina #2|1,000k|
|6|Merlin (new)|1,200k|
|9|Sir Lancelot (dupe)|1,800k|
|10|Jackal (wanted dupe)|2,000k|
|12|BT #2|2,400k|
|13|Cheshire Cat #2|2,600k|
|14|Peters (new)|2,800k|
|15|Chao #2|3,000k|
|16|Peters #2|3,200k|
|17|Sir Lancelot #2|3,400k|

Missing event heroes: Boomer and Gretel


Twentyseven days later (and 10 consecutive S1 heroes…)

Pull # Hero Note
9 Merlin
12 Gretel
15 Gretel
26 PETERS :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Still missing: Jackal, Falcon, Hansel, Boomer. Finger crossed.


Congrats on your Peters & good luck with your next pulls @UroSecondo! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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Didn’t have Gretel and pulled her this morning. She was the only one missing from my roster.


I’ve come to the same conclusion, will now stop at pull #25, which will be the next one. I need my food and troops. Also having an iron storage is so good. And Challenge Festival is right behind the door so who knows if Falcon shows up.

  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor

Nothing new today see u in a couple


I’ve stopped HA8 to run HA10 instead.

|Pull #|Hero|Amount of ham spent during the hunt|
| — | — | — | — |
|2|Cheshire Cat (dupe)|400k|
|5|Sabina #2|1,000k|
|6|Merlin (new)|1,200k|
|9|Sir Lancelot (dupe)|1,800k|
|10|Jackal (wanted dupe)|2,000k|
|12|BT #2|2,400k|
|13|Cheshire Cat #2|2,600k|
|14|Peters (new)|2,800k|
|15|Chao #2|3,000k|
|16|Peters #2|3,200k|
|17|Sir Lancelot #2|3,400k|

Missing event heroes: Boomer and Gretel


Just like SamMe, I quit HA8 aswell. Wasted so much resources trying to chase for Falcon as I got Jackal on the very first pull, so you could say the 24 pulls after that were just for nothing. Here’s the last 2 results, both are new S1 4*s I didn’t get from this before. I’ll continue with HA6 so I can store iron and finish my mana troops to 29. To me level 29 mana troops are mandatory.

Pull # Hero Amount of troop xp loss during the G.Falcon hunt (HA6)
1 Guardian Jackal (new) 200
2 Gormek 400
3 Gormek 600
4 Boldtusk 800
5 Kelile 1000
6 Chao 1200
7 Grimm 1400
8 Boomer (new) 1600
9 Kelile 1800
10 Colen 2000
11 Boldtusk 2200
12 Kelile 2400
13 Melendor 2600
14 Scarlett 2800
15 Hu Tao 3000
16 Boomer (dupe) 3200
17 Boril 3400
18 Hu Tao 3600
19 Chao 3800
20 Gretel (dupe) 4000
21 Boril 4200
22 Boldtusk 4400
23 Boomer (dupe) 4600
24 Kasshrek 4800
25 Wu Kong 5000

Good luck to all hunters!


20 characters Merciless RNG, new Whales

The Challenge Festival is returning this week, so I hope you’ve some lucky summons! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

I can see myself getting tired of running HA10 and running HA8 again. :see_no_evil:


HA8, while I thought was going to be retraining, actually being a training where recruits, food, and some ascension mats convert into a hero with the chance of the older Challenge Event heroes has been relatively successful to the point that it’s slightly better than the week long HA10’s roulette of “S1/S1/S1/duplicate/duplicate/duplicate.”

That aside, Been cataloging my results and am shocked that they really gave me some great new additions!



Date Hero Element New?
12/16 Merlin :skull: new!
12/18 Kiril :snowflake:
12/20 Caedmon :herb:
12/23 Kiril :snowflake:
12/26 Li Xiu :sunny:
12/28 Boldtusk :fire:
12/31 Sir Lancelot :fire: new!
01/02 Guardian Falcon :fire:
01/04 Gormek :fire:
01/07 Sabina :skull:
01/09 Hansel :herb:
01/12 Merlin :skull:
01/16 Scarlett :fire:
01/17 Grimm :snowflake:
01/20 Peters :herb:
01/22 Kashhrek :herb:
01/25 Wu Kong :sunny:
01/27 Kashhrek :herb:
01/30 Kashhrek :herb:
02/01 Hansel :herb:
02/03 Gretel :sunny: new!
02/05 Boomer :skull: new!
02/08 Skittleskull :herb:
02/10 Gormek :fire:
02/12 pending…
  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor
  11. Guardian jackal (dupe) might keep :thinking:

Wish list: Hansel Peter’s guardian falcon