Hero Academy level 8 - Results & Reporting

FWIW, I think a dupe Jackal is useful for Mythic Titan and Towers. I was happy to get a second Jackal. Depending on your roster, you could use two Jackals on dark titans too. :wink:


Happy to have gotten jackalā€¦


  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor
  11. Guardian jackal (dupe)
  12. Sonya nothing new today see u in a couple

First check-in here.

  1. Guardian Jackal

New pulls: 1/1 (100%)
Non-S1 pulls: 1/1 (100%)
Ham total: 200k
Still hunting: Hansel, Guardian Falcon, Boomer, Peters, Sabina

REALLY happy to see Guardian Jackal first thing. He, Hansel and GFalcon are the three I, like so many others, really want to see. Iā€™ve managed to pull Merlin, Lance, Gretel and Cheshire from various events. Sabina is the only S1 4* still eluding me so Iā€™ll accept her happily enough.


List is now only non s1 heroes.
4. Boomer
5. Hansel
11. Lancelot
12. Capt of diamonds (dupe)
14. Merlin (#3)
17. Cheshire Cat
22. Lancelot (dupe)
26. Lancelot (seriously?)

Just missing the teltoc twins and I want them baddddd. In reality Iā€™m still within parameters since odds are 1/32. Only nice thing is old event portal is here I have a few coin pulls md a few gems. I said it before but Iā€™m still mad cause I had saved 300coins a while ago but used them in Starfall and then bam comes announcement of old portal with old event heroes. I mean sure I will hopefully get jackal and falcon but doing 30pulls might have got me panther or another event 5* but itā€™s over be happy I can hae decent odds to get em. Of course last ones are least likely 2/32 to get either not bad. Esp since today is ha10 collection nd and itā€™s first week of year two and year one was awfulā€¦1/52.


Congrats on your Jackal @hobgunnerz! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:


Congrats on your Gretel @Obsidian! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball: I do hope that your second year of running HA10 is much more successful! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor
  11. Guardian jackal (dupe)
  12. Sonya
  13. Li xiu nothing new today see you in a couple

Second results are about what I expected.

  1. Guardian Jackal
  2. Kashhrek

New pulls: 1/2 (50%)
Non S1 pulls: 1/2 (50%)
Ham total: 400k
Still hunting: Hansel, Guardian Falcon, Boomer, Peters, Sabina


List is now only non s1 heroes.
4. Boomer
5. Hansel
11. Lancelot
12. Capt of diamonds (dupe)
14. Merlin (#3)
17. Cheshire Cat
22. Lancelot (dupe)
26. Lancelot (seriously?)

I came in with only Peterā€™s from the original Portal. Before ha8 I pulled Merlin and Cap of Diamonds from new portal. I needed 7 to finish the set and with 28 pulls I pulled all I needed except jackal and falcon. I know the list says 27 but today I collected another Boldrusk so right now itā€™s 28.
I finished all 3 difficulty and not one bonus chest. Played through rare and epic again still no more chest. So I had coins for 3 pulls and gems for 5. Obviously I wanted gazelle, rabbit, etc but also jackal and falcon which were more realistic plus maybe the tree and hotm.
Coins put our 2 Lancelot and Gretel of course Iā€™m seeing the yellow and red but nope. Onto 5 coins and out pops jackal! Iā€™m thrilled but still at least want falcon since ha8 is holding them back. I get dupe Hansel and Shrubbear figuring maybe itā€™s no falcon and Iā€™d wait for ha8. Next pull the beautiful red birdman popped out and I was happy. Only one gem pull left and I hoped for a 5* or hotm or tree but it was Shrubbear which is number 3.

Anyhow I now have all old 3&4* except bat but ha5 isnā€™t worth chasing him. I still have about 18 running in ha8 and Iā€™ll let it run out cause a dupe of jackal or falcon. Would be nice. Plus they never came out of ha8 nor did Peterā€™s and while I do have them Iā€™d like to see them again.

Now if only I could get ha10 to even come close to this output. 1/53 is insane. So those still hunting I wish you luck. Iā€™ll still read the forum group I really hope you all get what you need.


6th Gormek
7th Hansel
8th Melendor

Falconā€™s chase still active. As my results from HA10 are bad as hell, will stop HA8 just with Falcon in my squad.

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  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor
  11. Guardian jackal (dupe)
  12. Sonya
  13. Li xiu
  14. Melendor nothing new today see you in a couple

You forgot




I was almost going to research ha 8 this Wednesday after my ha10 pull. My only need was Jackal. But I did a 6 pulls from the event thru coins and some gems. And landed him on the 8th pull. Now i dont have any need to ha 8 as i have all the other heros and ate a few that I dont care about like Boomer Merlin and Lancelot.



Last week:

Last week, both Jackal and Falcon showed up ā€¦ again. These guys like to show up for me. I wish I could give them away to those waiting.


That table format doesnā€™t work for me. Thanks for reminding me I needed to clean up that post with a functional list format.


  1. Guardian Jackal
  2. Kashhrek
  3. Guardian Falcon

Both the Guardians in the first week! Awesomesauce.

Plus, I got Hansel from a series of pulls for the event. (Also two dupe Cheshire Cats, as well as three Bauchans, three Sallys, four Guardian Bats, and no Shrubbear. Oh, and Kong.)

New pulls: 2/3 (66%)
Non S1 pulls: 2/3 (66%)
Ham total: 600k
Still hunting: Boomer, Peters, Sabina

Iā€™ll be shutting the assembly line down for a bit to perform the final upgrade on the Academy. After that Iā€™ll see if I can run HA8 alongside the 3-4 HA10 swaps I want to do.

Peace be unto you, and upon your houses. See you in a couple weeks.


Are you on iOS?


(Formatting Forum Posts (How to use Markdown/BB Code) - #7 by Gryphonknight)


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Boomer I can understand but Lancelot is great for challenge events and Merlin is useful like Hansel and Gretel except he uses all their mana. Congratulations on finishing collection I just got jackal and falcon to finish mine too and I love that Portal with no s1 heroes in sight!

  1. Guardian jackal
  2. Merlin
  3. Boldtusk
  4. Grimm
  5. sir lancelot
  6. Gretel
  7. Wu Kong
  8. Chao
  9. Kiril
  10. Melendor
  11. Guardian jackal (dupe)
  12. Sonya
  13. Li xiu
  14. Melendor
  15. Chao

Still waiting on Hansel guardian falcon (dont have boomer or capt of diamonds either but would take em too)


Have they added Wilbur too ? Did I miss something ? I want him so bad