Hero Academy level 5 - Results & Reporting

A few people have shared their results in other threads. I’ve created this thread for us to use for visibility.

Here’s my results from HA5 so far:

I am running HA5 for a chance to get Bauchan, and Pixie. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Since @egeovannyam kindly created a separate thread for HA8, please use this thread for HA5 only.



Started with HA5 instead of HA8 because it’s faster and cheaper, and I only have G. Bat as far as event threes. My first training was Nashgar. G. Kong thought he tasted like chicken!


To keep it in place

As now have all the old event 3s I pulled all remaining trainings back out and likely won’t run it again.

Of those received I kept the event ones despite already having maxed pixie & bat along with Ulmer who I don’t have in roster just now. Rest got eaten regardless of if had a copy currently or not. They would not be in current levelling plans and if decide want in future I’m sure I’ll get again.


Second was Hawkmoon. Kong likes this HA change, at least!

Hi, Sam :heart:

I’d love to get Pixie, too :blush:

My first result is here →

Good luck with getting Pixie :blush:

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Hello Jura! :heart:

Thank you, and good luck getting Pixie too! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Thank you :kissing_heart:

By the way, another Nashgar just now :laughing:

Nashgar 2


No sign of Bauchan so far. :sweat_smile:


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I hope you finally get your Bauchan.

And everyone should have a Pixie. Or 2. The Grimforest mana controllers are the best available in 3* and 4* . (It may be fighting words, but, Hansel is better than Proteus!)

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So far I have 1x Belith… 1 Prisca… 1 Gunnar…

And 4th time’s the charm…

Now I only miss Vodnik among the five 3*s added to HA, so I’m gonna stop HA5, run HA1 to power level my new haul, then jump to HA8 :slight_smile:

@SamMe i gasped when I got him, hope you gasp for joy soon too’ and everyone else, wishing good RNG!


@SamMe, I got her :heart_eyes: :yellow_heart:

It took me only 6 trainings :blush:

My results were 2x Nashgar and these →


Congrats on your Pixie, @Jura! :partying_face::tada::tada::tada:

Will you continue to run HA5?

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Thank you very much :blush:

No, but I started training 4* Heroes in HA level 8. I’d like to get Hansel and Cheshire Cat, but maybe I’ll manage to summon them today. That would be perfect :sunglasses:

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I finally got my Bauchan… from the Challenge Festival! :heart_eyes:

I’m still running HA5, hoping for Pixie. I’d also welcome a dupe Bauchan or two. He’s 3.50 but his special skill is unmaxed at 5/8 atm, so I’ve to fix it. :see_no_evil:

Here’s my latest results.

  1. My first retired challenge event 3* from HA5! I’ve two maxed Bats though, so I ate it.

  1. Oberon #2 already :rofl:


Nice outcome :star_struck: Sometimes I use him in the tourney :sunglasses:

Good luck. I hope you’ll get her soon :kissing_heart:

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Thank you @Jura! :kissing_heart:

Good luck with both your Challenge Festival summons, and HA8. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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Grats guy. Can we get the 3* yellow attack buffer from Knights in there? Beltulf, Beltholt or something?

Hope you can catch pixie and bauchan soon @SamMe

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That would be super nice, but the only non-S1 3* in HA5 are from the retired challenge events:

  • Vodnik
  • Shrubbear
  • Pixie
  • Guardian Bat
  • Bauchan

The new challenge festival 3* are not trainable in HA5.

Thanks @anon60742279!


In case I hadn’t: congrats on your Bauchan, @sleepyhead! :partying_face::tada::tada::tada:

Thank you for sharing the screenshot too. It’s probably just me - I think Bauchan looks cute in it! Tiny, smaller sized = cute! :rofl: