Hero Academy 10 and Training Camp 20 Tracker

I know a lot you try to keep track of what heroes you have received from TC20 and probably have your own methods but I developed a spreadsheet that hopefully makes it much quicker and easier to note down (literally pick the hero from a drop-down). It will also give stats based on element and rarity for each training camp and for all TCs combined.

To make it work you’ll need to save a copy… if there are any bugs or suggestions please let me know.

(screenshot is my first TC which had a fairly strong start!)

Update 16th September 2020:


With your permission I took it and edited it a bit (I made a translation into Spanish) It was difficult for me to see it as it was originally.

Sorry for my lousy English

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And this spanish edition can be shared? :wink:

I am not the author, so I do not have permission to distribute.

That is decided by “ryan23”

If he authorizes it with pleasure I share it

It’s fine to distribute @HeRaCLeS.

It’s not difficult if anyone from other languages are wondering. It just needs two things:

  1. The date of the first hero you received typed into cell A4.
  2. Select the hero for each day in column B.

Here I leave the file in Spanish

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Great job with the sheet. I’ll probably end up using it.

Some suggestions I’d have if you didn’t mind:

  • I’d have is to change the column title from color to element, because you’re listing out elements (holy, dark, etc) rather than the color names (yellow, purple, etc). It’s a little jarring.

  • And since you already have the color formatting in place to note the color, you can just type in the full element name within the heroes roster list so that people can identify both element and color easily.

  • You can have the date auto poulate using =TODAY() because the chances are that anyone who uses this will use it immediately after they receive it in the training camp, within minutes or at least within the day. Less work for users and if they want to correct manually, they still can. Setting it to +2 days is assuming everyone pulls every 2 days. A lot of players actually wait 2-10 pulls sometimes before seeing what they get

EDIT 1: Nvm, not today() because I forget that it’ll change daily. If anything, a macro that would then copy all latest date entries and copy as text only

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve made some amendments based on what you have suggested. I actually deliberately did what I did before for somewhat selfish reasons because my phone’s screen is quite narrow so all the stats didn’t show! But it makes sense to have it written properly - I’ve updated the link in the first post.

I haven’t done anything with date received as it seemed a bit too complex. To be fair heroes do arrive every two days its just some users choose not to collect them :slight_smile:


yeah i was playing around with the date and with google sheets, there’s not much you can do with the macro. I did end up making a modified version for my own use based off of yours. I’d PM you but I don’t think I can using the forums.

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Thank you very much, I will be using it now that I’ve started my TC20 :smiley:

I’ve spotted a very small bug that may only apply to v1.1 as I changed how the conditional formatting worked. If you’ve downloaded it already you can either redownload or do the following change on the “HeroList” tab there is a space after “Bane” that shouldn’t be there (you’ll only notice it when you get Bane!).

Nice and simple. I like it. One error I noticed, Boldtusk listed as 3*, should be 4*

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Good spot thanks, I’ve amended v1.1 in original post. Was wondering why I never spotted that myself, found out that I’ve never received him from my nearly 200 summons!

@HeRaCLeS, your English is pretty good :+1:. Really!

@ryan23 You didn’t make the changes in “all tcs”

@Edith Thank you :upside_down_face:

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You’re welcome HeRaCLeS :blush:

Ah yes sorry, should be OK now :+1:t3:

Just got linked to this. Very helpful. Thank you @ryan23

No problem!

I’ve been working on an update to include HA10 if anyone is interested (unsure if people are based on the feedback of HA so far!!)

I haven’t done any TC20 stuff for ages, but I have a excess of food for the first time in forever, so I have put about 6 in there, so lets bring on the rubbish!

Hoping for a Magni - all my 5* blues are SLOW mana (Raf, Isarnia, Miki and Snow White).