well we don’t get to take heroes out for a spin, but if you ever do take a wizard with very high aoe damage into a raid against a team with a ton of buffers, you would be surprised by the results. Counterintuitively, I think of all the heroes that I have given emblems too, Isarnia is the one where I have seen the biggest return on investment. She is no longer squishy and doesn’t get knocked out by Lianna.
Meanwhile, her damage and debuff combo is a game changer in raids, the moment she goes off, I figure I am almost certain to win.
On the other hand, I have fed a ton of emblems to Grazul and I am not sure if there is any difference at all. Her mana shield almost never activates on offense.
Back to wizards:
Guin is awesome, I don’t have her, but you would only emblem her if she is your tank. But nowadays, if you have a Guin, it means you’re likely to also have Kunchen or Ursena and might not be using a Guin tank. So you would want to use your emblems elsewhere.
Hel is also awesome, I would emblem her too. She is one of those heroes I would most like to have. I would also be stoked to have Zeline- she would be my top wizard emblem getter.
I have kiril and proteus, I only ever use kiril for red titans on a blue stack and he doesn’t need emblems for that. proteus, I am on the fence about giving him emblems next- it would he nice if he were less squishy!! I find he dies in 2 or fewer hits on yellow titans without emblems, which is certainly annoying.
Back to the original thread topic, getting Finley or Fenrir is pretty unlikely without deliberately spending against the heroes. It is sort of boring to get a second Magni vs getting a new hero. I also find it less effective to have 2 snipers of the same color in a stack if neither can debuff. Isarnia is great. If you are like me and don’t get Finley or Fenrir, Isarnia is worth using.