Help with which 5* blue to ascend

Ok so Frostmarch has given me another Farsight Telescope to fully ascend another 5* Blue.
I am ok on my raid defence team.
So it’s to add depth to my roster for war teams and raid offence

But who would you recommend I give the telescopes to:
Thorne, duplicate Richard or duplicate Magni.

My current Blue roster has:
Richard costume +7
Maxed with emblems - Grimm, Kiril, Sonya, Captain of Diamonds, Boril, Triton.
I also have Agwe at 1/1 and Mireweave at 1/1
All and any help much appreciated

you can always save them and wait for another hero. You really don’t need two Richards.


In all honesty my gut instinct would be to wait.
But that is also tied into the question: which (if any) special summoning portals are you considering to utilize?

Pirates has arguably the best Ice hero right now in Finley, Valhalla has a powerhouse in Fenrir, Easter has Master Lepus.

Edit: Due to the rarity of 4* ascension mats, I always shy toward cautious as far as how I spend them because the game is a marathon not a sprint.


I’ve ascended Thorne and he is okaish :wink: for variety I would go with him. But having Richard and Magni I would wait for either Isarnia (costumed or not) or costumed version of thorne :slight_smile:
Unless you have some resources to make some pulls…but then it will be different story :slight_smile:

I would definitely be very happy to have a Finley.

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Name anyone who would complain when getting Finley :slight_smile:

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Even I wouldn’t complain about getting Finley and my reputation precedes me.


Wait. Given the paucity of mats if you’re having to ask who to ascend among those choices then you’re better off waiting for one that you won’t have to ask about. Good luck!


I would hold them like others have stated. You seemed to have enough depth to be able to wait. I have 12 darts and refuse to give them to Azlar or Jean. It’s all about preference. Hopefully a Thorne costume will make him good, who knows when it’ll drop though.

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Even before I read the other responses so far, I was also going to suggest to hold on to the scopes and wait. Personally I don’t like the idea of maxing duplicates of 5*, those mats are too rare. Thorne is ok but not that exciting… so in your shoes I would wait. Of the classic heroes, Isarnia would be top of the list, I would give her the scopes without hesitation. Or you may get a good event/HotM one.

And you have Mireweave, congrats on that pull… I like the look of her (both as a good hero, and the artwork), so a good candidate to give your blue feeders to in the meantime, I would say.

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Azlar is absolutely worth the mats. I take him with Grazul and (insert random but appropriate for the situation red hero) with 2 of whatever other color into raids all of the time. Especially with all of these green tanks suddenly emerging everywhere, having the 1 hero who does the most damage for a red is pretty cool.

Although, if you have Gravemaker, I suppose there is no need for Azlar. They are more or less the same thing, just one is a lot slower (and free).

I’d give it until after Easter like @voidstrike mentioned… see if you get lucky there. If not, I’d do a second magni.


Try for Finley this week to get sth scopeworthy…

Vanilla dupe? No, thx.


Also I say “try” for Finley but please stay within your personal budget. No digital sprite in a mobile game is worth going over budget for your entertainment.

The odds are more likely that you won’t get him, my speculation is based on the highly unlikely possibility that you do.


Aw. No love for the OG’s?? With Grimm emblemed, two magni’s would be pretty sweet. Buff the whole offense… :woman_shrugging:


99 times out of 100, you’ll get Finley by pull 2300

So… just 2300 pulls and you are good lol.

The other option would be to wait for Isarnia to come out of your camp. In my opinion, she is one of the 3 or 4 best season 1 5* hero. If I ever get her costume, I would be extremely happy.

If you bring Isarnia, Magni and Richard in a 3 blue stack into a raid, you will have an effective def up/def down mismatch experience to work with.

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Yes, Kiril Boril Grimm combo was one of my first tournament defenses when 3 were enough to go and they went pretty cool without nature.

Microwave while deciding.


I’d say emblemed Grimm is better than isarnia… but maybe with her costume it’ll make them more equal.

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Show me an emblemmed Grimm who competes with my Isarnia, I would be very surprised.

I pair Isarnia with Drake in a 3:2 stack all the time. Pure carnage, so beautiful.


If she’s heavily emblemed, I concede. But she’d be pretty far down my list of heroes to
emblem after guin, hel/pro and maybe even Kiril.

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