Looking for some help on what to power next… biggest question is for Yellow but other colors also… and yes… I have only really spent emblems on Scarlett. I have 8 Damascus Blades, 7 Tome of Tactics, and plenty of 3* ascension items (4* listed with each color). My alliance is currently fighting 7* titans and usually I am the top or at least one of the top 3 scores (thanks Athena and Wu Kong). Only care about defense team for war (not raids) so I guess something helpful for the titan or attacking in war would be the best.
Yellow: 12 Darts… Yellow has been a constant problem for me… First I could never get any yellow 4* to the point where I had Leonidas sitting at 2.60 and then 3.70 with Onatel also at 2.60 to ~3.40 and now with the exact opposite “problem,” plenty of yellow 5*. Current plan is to finish up Guardian Falcon (wanted to max at least a 2nd 4* before maxing a 5*). After that I was going to max Onatel but now I got Inari, Ranvir, and Vivica. Wu Kong survives on titans currently but I know eventually he won’t. If he will survive up to 9* titans I am not too worried about replacing him just yet.
Green: 8 Tonics… Not working on anything right now and so debating on maxing Melendor just to help a bit with war/raids but otherwise I figured one of the Margarets, even if only to 2.60 or 3.70 if nothing better shows up by then.

Purple: 7 Tabards… Currently working on getting Ursena to 3.70. After that I was going to max her but I got lucky and pulled Seshat. I am wondering now if I should stick with Ursena or switch to Seshat and go to 3.70 next. Once they are both 3.70 figure out which one to max… not sure which is better.
Red: 10 Rings… So yes Scarlett was my first 4* and is the only hero above emblem level 1. Her +18 brings her up to 895 attack and she works well for me so replacing her will be a sad day. As for feeding, currently getting Marjana to 3.70. Best bet is I thinking maxing her next… otherwise Anzog to 3.70?
Blue: 1 Telescope… Athena was my first 5* (from Atlantis) and so had to be the first I maxed. Now that she is she will be getting some emblems but I am just not sure which path to go. She is obviously why I have only 1 Telescope but it was well worth it. Otherwise not really sure what is worth it here… Could max Grimm for war or could power one of the Agwe to 3.60 just because. Or could just feed blue to one of the heros above. (Please ignore the impostor Gadeirus)
So thats it… thanks for any help!